No Link between Violent Video Games and Increased Aggression in Teens, Study Finds


Aug 20, 2006
In one of the most “definitive” studies to date, Oxford University has concluded that while video games can provoke “angry feelings or reactions,” there was “no correlation found between playing video games and aggressive behaviour in teenagers.” Lead researcher and professor Andrew Przybylski accuses previous studies of using cherry-picked results to fabricate a “moral panic” surrounding video games.

...the "idea that violent video games drive real-world aggression is a popular one, but it hasn't tested very well over time". According to the university, this study is set apart from previous work by preregistration, where researchers publish their hypothesis, methods and analysis technique before beginning research. "Part of the problem in technology research is that there are many ways to analyse the same data, which will produce different results," said Przybylski.
Study finds that they are generalizing things and cannot really understand that sometimes, things happen when encouraged by outside influences. If someone spends all day, everyday listening to cussing and swearing, most likely, that person will do exactly that in their own life.
Where were the VGs in Lord of the Flies!?

Just curious, what number was this study? Seems to me this is done every few years.
Teens have been aggressive to each other long before video games were invented. I hate how some people try to use video games as a scapegoat. :rolleyes:

There's always a scapegoat. It can't just be that humans are violent by nature and bad parents and/or bad environments create bad people it has to be [insert current popular trend here]. This idea that something new and popular is destroying our youth even goes as far back as fiction books (probably before that even).
They should have just asked my parents in the 70's/80's , they could have told you the problem was that AD&D was turning me and my friends into devil worshiping murderers who would bring down civilization. 20/20 , Donahue , and every other hack news show was telling you so.
They should have just asked my parents in the 70's/80's , they could have told you the problem was that AD&D was turning me and my friends into devil worshiping murderers who would bring down civilization. 20/20 , Donahue , and every other hack news show was telling you so.
I remember this phase, my parents actually took my AD&D books away from me for months and confined me to my room. Can't have your kids developing an imagination.... Which they actually aided when they locked me in my room. lol I'm pretty certain that's called child abuse these days...
Prob the only possible link to video games would be if there playing excessive video games to where thiers a disconnect from social interaction and added stress from depression from letting everyone elae go around them so the problems stack to where they cant deal with life.

All that.. which could be the same from any addiction.

Basically live by the motto, a little of everything and nothing to excess.

A balanced life would be happiness.

So in the end it's not violent video games.. if anything, it's too much video games if there is any connection.
It must be this!

I hate using this word but, I think generalized medical studies like this are one thing: Stupid! No one is exactly like the other person and everyone responds to stimuli in a different way. I have a chronic medical condition that has pretty much soured me to most "medical professionals" because they do not listen to me, at all.

I know my body better than anyone else because I live in it 24/7. Generalized studies assume everyone is more or less the same, when they are not.
I hate using this word but, I think generalized medical studies like this are one thing: Stupid! No one is exactly like the other person and everyone responds to stimuli in a different way. I have a chronic medical condition that has pretty much soured me to most "medical professionals" because they do not listen to me, at all.

I know my body better than anyone else because I live in it 24/7. Generalized studies assume everyone is more or less the same, when they are not.

Humans are not as unique as we like to think we are. Generalizations don't work for all people, but they work as a "general rule" for most. We are still animals and as animals we do share some common instincts and reactions.
I remember this phase, my parents actually took my AD&D books away from me for months and confined me to my room. Can't have your kids developing an imagination.... Which they actually aided when they locked me in my room. lol I'm pretty certain that's called child abuse these days...

Same with the books , I remember sneaking around with books tucked in the Trapper Keeper. :p

And I bet a lot don't know even Tom Hanks was recruited into the crusade against D&D.

"problem in technology research is that there are many ways to analyse the same data, which will produce different results,"

Buh buh I f'ing love SCIENCE! because is fact!

Next your going to tell me that grants and politics also affect SCIENCE! my faith would be shaken.

Note: Seriously cant wait until normies leave nerd culture and science and move onto their next fad. Is this how black people, bikers, convicts, and hookers feel when normies keep appropriating their culture.
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Maybe not responsible for violence and aggression in teens, but look at the effect on forums.
I graduated with a psych degree 15yrs ago and this was already settled back then. Violent media doesn't make people violent - people who are more prone to act violently are more likely to seek out violent media to consume than those who are not. Whoever was lead on this study A) needed to publish, B) needed the money, C) never bothered to check the available research, or D) some combination of A, B, and C.
I graduated with a psych degree 15yrs ago and this was already settled back then. Violent media doesn't make people violent - people who are more prone to act violently are more likely to seek out violent media to consume than those who are not. Whoever was lead on this study A) needed to publish, B) needed the money, C) never bothered to check the available research, or D) some combination of A, B, and C.

Nice try, psych degree libtard, but that doesn't explain the string of murders that occurred in the 90s where criminals were rocket jumping over people's fences and then using fully automatic, gatling-style super nailguns to kill them.
Same with the books , I remember sneaking around with books tucked in the Trapper Keeper. :p

And I bet a lot don't know even Tom Hanks was recruited into the crusade against D&D.

Dear god no! That's one of the worst movies I have ever seen! The DVD cover is so deceiving!
Another dumb study brought to you by the education establishment.
I hate using this word but, I think generalized medical studies like this are one thing: Stupid! No one is exactly like the other person and everyone responds to stimuli in a different way. I have a chronic medical condition that has pretty much soured me to most "medical professionals" because they do not listen to me, at all.

I know my body better than anyone else because I live in it 24/7. Generalized studies assume everyone is more or less the same, when they are not.

By that same reasoning, drug research would be considered stupid, and clinical trials would be considered stupid. No one will respond exactly the same to each new drug put out. However, that does not mean that there is no value in doing the research because said research gives an idea of what to expect.

Generalized studies meant for studying the majority, of course there will be exceptions to the rule. However, the majority is what you have to build your guidelines and societal norms around. This research has value in that we know that we now know (well, rather confirmed what we have known for years) that gaming does not incite violence in normal people. It also tells us that violent people are triggered to be violent by video games have some underlying condition that needs to be looked for rather than just placing the blame on games.
By that same reasoning, drug research would be considered stupid, and clinical trials would be considered stupid. No one will respond exactly the same to each new drug put out. However, that does not mean that there is no value in doing the research because said research gives an idea of what to expect.

Generalized studies meant for studying the majority, of course there will be exceptions to the rule. However, the majority is what you have to build your guidelines and societal norms around. This research has value in that we know that we now know (well, rather confirmed what we have known for years) that gaming does not incite violence in normal people. It also tells us that violent people are triggered to be violent by video games have some underlying condition that needs to be looked for rather than just placing the blame on games.

Tsumi, this study has been done many times. It is by and large useless outside of strapped's ABC.
Same with the books , I remember sneaking around with books tucked in the Trapper Keeper. :p

And I bet a lot don't know even Tom Hanks was recruited into the crusade against D&D.

What's actually possibly worse... is when my parents would catch me at night with a book light reading choose your own adventure books and I got grounded for that (after they took away my D&D books), which would include an ass whooping. Jesus, you can't even pay kids to read books anymore. I always thought my parents were stupid... Thinking back about this stuff just confirms it. There is a reason why we no longer have a relationship and I think the fundamentals of why that's the case is that they never pulled their heads out of their asses. Kind of sad actually, though I'm a much happier person without them in my life.
What's actually possibly worse... is when my parents would catch me at night with a book light reading choose your own adventure books and I got grounded for that (after they took away my D&D books), which would include an ass whooping. Jesus, you can't even pay kids to read books anymore. I always thought my parents were stupid... Thinking back about this stuff just confirms it. There is a reason why we no longer have a relationship and I think the fundamentals of why that's the case is that they never pulled their heads out of their asses. Kind of sad actually, though I'm a much happier person without them in my life.

I am SHOCKED! SHOCKED, I tell ya!

All those liberal politicians keep telling me that adding a PA state tax on those horrible violent video games will reduce crime! Guess they were wrong. Again.

I really want to forward this to my local representative (PA resident here)
This is the thing. It isn't the games. It is the SSRI type medications that specific individuals take that can cause strange behavior in a tiny minority of people. Some people's brain chemistry does not react the exact same way other's do when they view certain content. For instance some people on SSRI medication will actually get up in the middle of the Super Bowl and go out and buy what the ad tells them to buy. That doesn't mean we should ban ads that are highly suggestive that could trigger people. We just have to be cautious giving out SSRI type medication so willy nilly. This is a big pharma problem not a violent video games problem.
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Pretty sure it was already established that rap music was turning our teens into monsters.
Violent video games like many other inanimate objects are being used as a scapegoat instead of addressing the growing epidemic of mental illness in America.
Nice try, psych degree libtard, but that doesn't explain the string of murders that occurred in the 90s where criminals were rocket jumping over people's fences and then using fully automatic, gatling-style super nailguns to kill them.
Nice try? Do or do not, there is no try. Libtard? Try Independent. As for the rest of your straw man comment. Have a nice day.
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Nice try? Do or do not, there is no try. Libtard? Try Independent. As for the rest of your straw man comment. Have a nice day.

lol, he forgot the /s. He was trying to be funny.
I dont think videogames has a direct link to violence irl, but the content on them (murdering, profanity, sexual content, etc) has desensitized the poblation, mainly in teens who are the most minded vulnerable and also the biggest portion of the population who play videogames.
Billions of dollars are spent every year on advertising meant to influence your thinking into buying a product 30 seconds at a time.

To think being exposed to anything for long periods of time, be it violence, drama, horror, or whatever has no effect on a person is in direct opposition to common sense.