No internet connection for me, but my modem/router is working fine-problem

Aug 14, 2003
Ok, so last night i shutdown my comp with the internet working and this morning before class i turned it back on and it didnt work.... Me and my roommate use a linksys wireless router, he uses the wireless for his laptop and i use a direct conection to the router. His computer and internet is working fine with excellent singal strength and my computer doesnt connect, wtf? Im an guessing its my computer given that my roommate can connect fine and i cant. So im really scared, any help?

a few notes...
-ever since i connected to this router here at school i have been getting this screen that pops up,when i am/was connected there is a log in type screen that comes up titled "broadband connection"-something
-also my motherboard is a ASUS P5ND2 and am using a pentium d 805
-and my home page for firefox is google, i dont know if that could have done anything?

thanks so much :cool: