No folder, but the space is taken up...


Mar 24, 2008
Hello guys and gals. I just bought a Lacie 750gb external and decided I would put all my music onto that drive from my old 160gb in my friends computer. Things went a little like this. We selected the several folders from the old drive dragged em over and then watched as it started to copy. About a minute in, a notification pops up saying that there's already a folder called main music, do want to continue and replace. Didn't think much of it so we just hit yes to all.

Continue on with watching it transfer. Everything seems to be going along fine. The main music folder is moving over as it should. Skip ahead an hour. Files have finished transferring. Except there's one problem. The main music folder isn't there... I check the disk properties and sure enough, there's 130gb taken up. The main music folder is about 100gb and the other 30gb are some other folders. Those other folders show up and everything works fine. But the main music folder is nowhere to be seen. I've run a couple diagnostics and NOTHING shows the main music folder, yet the space is being taken up. The main music folder can't be found on the lacie drive, the old drive it was on, or the main drive in this computer.. Any thoughts?
It's not hidden is it?

Just double-check that show hidden files/folder is on ...
Yeah, the hidden folders are being shown as well and nothing else is coming up :\
It's not hidden is it?

Just double-check that show hidden files/folder is on ...

Make sure "Hide protected operating system files" (or whatever it's called outside of Win7) is unchecked too.

If that doesn't work. try running cmd as an administrator and go into the drive with the missing folders and type 'dir /a' without the quotes.
Ahah, I found it. It was hidden under the system files, not just a hidden folder.