No Fallout 4 @ E3

I don't know, it looks like it has potential. If it's pay to win though forget about it.
Oh it's way, way, WAY too soon for Fallout 4. They only just started working on it in April 2013, less than a year ago. They seem to take about 3 or 4 years for each Elder Scrolls and Fallout title, so I wouldn't expect Fallout 4 until late 2016.
Im just glad they did a Elder Scrolls MMO instead of a Fallout MMO. Would be majorly sad to get a crappy MMO game instead of a good single player experience like the past two games. Im very surprised that it hasn't even been announced yet though, been far too long.
I'd probably love FOOL (FallOut OnLine) so much I wouldn't care how crappy it was.