Nice to see ATI soundly on top again.

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[RIP]Zeus said:
i will challenge you to that.
my 6800GT runs doom3 at Ultra settings with 4xAF 2xAA at 1280x1024 with 72FPS
How about the CS:S VST because we all know how great a predictor synthic benchmarks are. ;)
The best! :D LMAO
[RIP]Zeus said:
i will challenge you to that.
my 6800GT runs doom3 at Ultra settings with 4xAF 2xAA at 1280x1024 with 72FPS with the new 66.70 Drivers.
i also never dip below 50 to 55 on heavy fire fights and heavy level's...beat that...hehehehheh
i win
and tom's hardware is a GREAT SITE...AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH

Ok, if you want to bench with biased games, we'll see how your GT handles CS:S at 2048, or some HL2 at 1600 with 2xAA :rolleyes:

Because, as we all know, Doom 3 was just an awesome single player experience. </complete sarcasm>

If you're going to actually challenge me, do it in a game that isn't so blatantly biased, like UT2004 or Far Cry. :p
CrimandEvil said:
How about the CS:S VST because we all know how great a predictor synthic benchmarks are .:D

The best! :D LMAO

hehehe i was being an
all fun in games here...

but you gotta know this. Tom's hardware IS A GREAT SITE!!!!!!!.....omfg ahahahhah roflol...sorry i can't live it down. bored at work here.

oh oh THE BEST FORUMS you will ever be on....hahahahahha

also CS a better game..and as for HL2 fuck that vapoware game..
Circuitbreaker8 said:
Lol, you guys act as though you're racing cars! YOU CANT TELL THE DIFFERENCE! Jeez, if you get over 60 fps...does it REALLY matter?

Seriously... you guys do use your cards for actual gaming, right?
[RIP]Zeus said:
oh oh THE BEST FORUMS you will ever be on....hahahahahha
But those guys are soooo biased towards NV! hahahaha

also CS a better game..and as for HL2 fuck that vapoware game.. What's that? I'm over here looking at Halo 2. :D
It is odd that during the last generation of hardware (9600 to 9800XT vs GFFX) Toms was supposedly bias towards nVidia (saying the GFFX series was better, when it obviously wasn't)... but now (Xx00series vs 6x00series) Toms is bias towards ATi when everyone else is believes its a lesser card..... I am not saying I read toms, but I am starting to get the impression that everyone (including you, the person reading this now) is a fucktard. I am actually starting to believe that it isn't Toms that is bias, but the majority of [H[ forum members. You guys are so weak minded...

If kyle and [h] told yo to jump off a bridge, 90% of you would... because you don't know how to make your own decision.

It makes me sick to see how fast people jump ship (and consequently jump aboard another ship) as soon as new hardware comes out...THAT is the epitome of following the crowd. A heart of stone and a brain made out of wood. You guys are the nerds, that other nerds make fun of for being dumbasses.


p.s. Let me guess, you're all going to vote for bush next election, no questions asked? I guess when you're parents eventually die, you can always ask your friends who you should vote for/what videocard to get/what girls are hot/etc. etc..
OriginalOCer said:
It is odd that during the last generation of hardware (9600 to 9800XT vs GFFX) Toms was supposedly bias towards nVidia (saying the GFFX series was better, when it obviously wasn't)... but now (Xx00series vs 6x00series) Toms is bias towards ATi when everyone else is believes its a lesser card..... I am not saying I read toms, but I am starting to get the impression that everyone (including you, the person reading this now) is a fucktard. I am actually starting to believe that it isn't Toms that is bias, but the majority of [H[ forum members. You guys are so weak minded...

If kyle and [h] told yo to jump off a bridge, 90% of you would... because you don't know how to make your own decision.

It makes me sick to see how fast people jump ship (and consequently jump aboard another ship) as soon as new hardware comes out...THAT is the epitome of following the crowd. A heart of stone and a brain made out of wood. You guys are the nerds, that other nerds make fun of for being dumbasses.


p.s. Let me guess, you're all going to vote for bush next election, no questions asked? I guess when you're parents eventually die, you can always ask your friends who you should vote for/what videocard to get/what girls are hot/etc. etc..

Its not that they are biased or not they just get lazy when they benchmark

wonder why they had Ut 20043 mistake?
OriginalOCer said:
It is odd that during the last generation of hardware (9600 to 9800XT vs GFFX) Toms was supposedly bias towards nVidia ...snip for crap....
Tom's isn't bias, he'll give to rating to who ever gives the most money. :D

p.s. Let me guess, you're all going to vote for bush next election, no questions asked? I guess when you're parents eventually die, you can always ask your friends who you should vote for/what videocard to get/what girls are hot/etc. etc..
What kind of mindless thread crapping is that? WTF does it have to do with anything? :rolleyes:
CrimandEvil said:
Tom's isn't bias, he'll give to rating to who ever gives the most money. :D

What kind of mindless thread crapping is that? WTF does it have to do with anything? :rolleyes:

Of course not, since he is probably the one that is talking to his parents right now and probably can't even vote yet.
[RIP]Zeus said:
i will challenge you to that.
my 6800GT runs doom3 at Ultra settings with 4xAF 2xAA at 1280x1024 with 72FPS with the new 66.70 Drivers.
i also never dip below 50 to 55 on heavy fire fights and heavy level's...beat that...hehehehheh
i win
and tom's hardware is a GREAT SITE...AHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAH

I really don't have a bias at this point, I keep swithcing between which card to buy myself.

But I have to say, for the love of God, how come people with Nvidia cards point to Doom3 as the one single determining factor of how fast the card is overall? Lets put that Ultra up against his vivo in far cry and see who wins. Doom 3 = faster on Nvidia, Far Cry generally = faster on ATI. Why the hell do you even argue it anymore?

Whether all you morons (not a stab at anyone particular, just in general) arguing over which card is faster or not like it, I hate to break it to you, but IN SOME GAMES THE 6800 WINS OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOO AND IN SOME GAMES THE X800 WINS WHAT? GASP!!!!! NOOOOOOO.

Different architectures blend with different engines better than others. Its that simple. And if you refuse to believe it, click this link:


Here's a little something for both sides to read that I wrote:

OriginalOCer said:
I am starting to get the impression that everyone (including you, the person reading this now) is a fucktard.

calling names is forbidden :) - better make sure no mod reads this, as calling a mod a fucktard calls for trouble... or is plain dumb, of course

OriginalOCer said:
If kyle and [h] told yo to jump off a bridge, 90% of you would... because you don't know how to make your own decision.

i have that impression, too, sometimes, but then again: it's just a TINY percentage of the hordes hanging around here... don't make the mistake and judge the whole forum by some worms.

OriginalOCer said:
It makes me sick to see how fast people jump ship (and consequently jump aboard another ship) as soon as new hardware comes out...THAT is the epitome of following the crowd.

you could just as well say it's buying whatever product is best at a given time, or sensible.

OriginalOCer said:


OriginalOCer said:
p.s. Let me guess, you're all going to vote for bush next election, no questions asked?

sweeping assumptions taken one step further. keep going. the [H] killed kennedy as well!
OriginalOCer said:
p.s. Let me guess, you're all going to vote for bush next election, no questions asked? I guess when you're parents eventually die, you can always ask your friends who you should vote for/what videocard to get/what girls are hot/etc. etc..

lol. wow. just wow.
OriginalOCer said:
It is odd that during the last generation of hardware (9600 to 9800XT vs GFFX) Toms was supposedly bias towards nVidia (saying the GFFX series was better, when it obviously wasn't)... but now (Xx00series vs 6x00series) Toms is bias towards ATi when everyone else is believes its a lesser card..... I am not saying I read toms, but I am starting to get the impression that everyone (including you, the person reading this now) is a fucktard. I am actually starting to believe that it isn't Toms that is bias, but the majority of [H[ forum members. You guys are so weak minded...

If kyle and [h] told yo to jump off a bridge, 90% of you would... because you don't know how to make your own decision.

It makes me sick to see how fast people jump ship (and consequently jump aboard another ship) as soon as new hardware comes out...THAT is the epitome of following the crowd. A heart of stone and a brain made out of wood. You guys are the nerds, that other nerds make fun of for being dumbasses.


p.s. Let me guess, you're all going to vote for bush next election, no questions asked? I guess when you're parents eventually die, you can always ask your friends who you should vote for/what videocard to get/what girls are hot/etc. etc..

To not know that Toms is biased is to not have stayed on top of this entire gaming industry for the last several years. Instead of giving objective reviews, they splice how they think you should see it all throughout the articles. I mean sure I still read Toms, but I take whatever I find there and compare it to many other articles before I decide upon anything. They review with an attitude of "Screw what the rest of the world finds, whatever we find is right" regardless of the fact that they can easily miss something just like the rest of us. Arrogance + hardware review site = untrustworthy.

And jumping ship is part of this industry. If I buy all Abit boards but then Abit starts sucking, I jump ship to another manufacturer. Now I personally hold no loyalty to any manufacturer, therefore I guess I'm the worst kind of "ship-jumper." Because I buy what I want based upon my research, regardless of who makes it! OH-FRIGGIN-NO!! :eek:
I'm not sure why everyone who owns an NV card points to Doom 3 before anything else. I mean, really, that game was shit, barely lasted 15 hours. Can't wait to see the ATI fans come out of the woodwork when HL2 is out. And then the NV fans will just complain about how ATI fans are only talking about that one game. Hahaha, the chaos of computer hardware people :)
OriginalOCer said:
p.s. Let me guess, you're all going to vote for bush next election, no questions asked? I guess when you're parents eventually die, you can always ask your friends who you should vote for/what videocard to get/what other boys are hot/etc. etc..

Nice thread crap.

At least I won't flip flop ;)

lets see if anyone can catch the hidden meaning
CrimandEvil said:
He said Ultra not GT.

No, he said "I guaruntee my ultra 400/1100 overclocked bfgtech6800gtoc"

An OC'd GT is still not an Ultra.

MrDigital said:
No, he said "I guaruntee my ultra 400/1100 overclocked bfgtech6800gtoc"

An OC'd GT is still not an Ultra.

Your right, lets all just ignore him. :)
computerpro3 said:
I really don't have a bias at this point, I keep swithcing between which card to buy myself.

But I have to say, for the love of God, how come people with Nvidia cards point to Doom3 as the one single determining factor of how fast the card is overall? Lets put that Ultra up against his vivo in far cry and see who wins. Doom 3 = faster on Nvidia, Far Cry generally = faster on ATI. Why the hell do you even argue it anymore?

Whether all you morons (not a stab at anyone particular, just in general) arguing over which card is faster or not like it, I hate to break it to you, but IN SOME GAMES THE 6800 WINS OMG NOOOOOOOOOOOO AND IN SOME GAMES THE X800 WINS WHAT? GASP!!!!! NOOOOOOO.

Different architectures blend with different engines better than others. Its that simple. And if you refuse to believe it, click this link:


Here's a little something for both sides to read that I wrote:


I assume you did not get the joke there?...i was being an ass..nothing more nothing less. i been buying nVidia cards since Riva128. sorry i can't stand a card maker who builds somthing with so many problem's. thats all i hear outa my friends mouth. (god damn pos 9800) gives him nothing but problems
computerpro3 said:
Nice thread crap.

At least I won't flip flop ;)

Don't start with the politics, and DAMN shorten your sig. I'm pretty sure there's a size regulation...
joecuddles said:
I'm not sure why everyone who owns an NV card points to Doom 3 before anything else. I mean, really, that game was shit, barely lasted 15 hours. Can't wait to see the ATI fans come out of the woodwork when HL2 is out. And then the NV fans will just complain about how ATI fans are only talking about that one game. Hahaha, the chaos of computer hardware people :)

hl2 is shit compared to halo2, Unreal3, Doom3, and quake4.
[RIP]Zeus said:
I assume you did not get the joke there?...i was being an ass..nothing more nothing less. i been buying nVidia cards since Riva128. sorry i can't stand a card maker who builds somthing with so many problem's. thats all i hear outa my friends mouth. (god damn pos 9800) gives him nothing but problems

Does your friend trump all the info coming out of all the respectable hardware review sites on the net? The ones clearly stating ATI makes great video cards and demonstrating that they and nvidia are equal, just a different preference?
OldPueblo said:
Don't start with the politics, and DAMN shorten your sig. I'm pretty sure there's a size regulation...

there is, 10 lines. my sig is 5.

besides i was only half talking about politcs there.
again, i say diehard people for one particular card are created the moment they buy a particular card. why? because they want to justify their purchase. hell i just bought an x800pro for 365. is it the fastest? no. is the cheapest atm? yes. will it play all my games at 1600x1200 smoothly? yes. what ever will i do with the money i saved? buy a game duh.
computerpro3 said:
there is, 10 lines. my sig is 5.

besides i was only half talking about politcs there.

I was "half" joking as well, mines not the shortest either. :p
OldPueblo said:
DAMN shorten your sig. I'm pretty sure there's a size regulation...
Size reg is 10 lines but not sure at what res, his is nine long at 1024x768, mine is eight at the same res.
[RIP]Zeus said:
hl2 is shit compared to halo2, Unreal3, Doom3, and quake4.

Wow, you should sell your time machine to the government, you could make TRILLIONS.

I mean, how else could you have played HL2, Halo2, Unreal3 & Quake4 already??

Grow up chief.

OldPueblo said:
Does your friend trump all the info coming out of all the respectable hardware review sites on the net? The ones clearly stating ATI makes great video cards and demonstrating that they and nvidia are equal, just a different preference?

thats all i have heard outa his mouth about that card.

from day one when he bought it. crashed his machine. his GF3 was kicking ass. but he wanted to try ati. also the rest of my gaming crew has all Nvidia from GF4's to the 6800's.
some did have ati cards but sold them and got GFFX. none of them could stand the driver problems.
CrimandEvil said:
Size reg is 10 lines but not sure at what res, his is nine long at 1024x768, mine is eight at the same res.

Damn I didn't even think about rez, I'm running 1600x1200

anyone know the exact sig limit rule? dont wanna get in trouble....

BTW this thread is hoppin :p
MrDigital said:
Wow, you should sell your time machine to the government, you could make TRILLIANS.

I mean, how else could you have played HL2, Halo2, Unreal3 & Quake4 already??

Grow up chief.


[RIP]Zeus said:
hl2 is shit compared to halo2, Unreal3, Doom3, and quake4.

Halo 2 isn't on PC (at least initially, and based on Halo results there isn't much of a difference in framerates between NV / ATI), Doom 3 is shit, UE3 is still over a year away, and Q4 is as well. We have no way of knowing how well the cards will perform on UE3, considering the video shown running under a 6800Ultra was at around 20 FPS, chances are both XT PE's and Ultras will run it horribly at high settings. Same goes for Q4.

It's just that so many NV fans cling to D3 performance, when in my opinion that game was totally worthless. I'm just waiting to see all the ATI fans cling to it's HL2 performance, it works both ways.
Tom's bashing never goes out of style around here.

I've been reading their reviews for years, and I don't think their biased. (Someone feel free to link an example of a biased review) Sometimes they come up with a conclusion that might be wrong, but that's just incompetence. If you want an in-depth motherboard review, read the [H]. Toms does do some cool things, like their VGA charts.

BTW, when Kyle smashed the phantom at quakecon, Toms linked to the story. As far as [H] frontpage goes, toms doesn't exist.
Jeez give it a rest already and shut the fuck up

Wow so you're video card is better than my video card

Seriously does anybody really give a shit?
computerpro3 said:
Damn I didn't even think about rez, I'm running 1600x1200

anyone know the exact sig limit rule? dont wanna get in trouble....
Yeah I don't know either but as long as it's under 10 line at my res I'm fine with it. :)

BTW this thread is hoppin :p
What were we talking about again? LOL
MrDigital said:
Wow, you should sell your time machine to the government, you could make TRILLIONS.

I mean, how else could you have played HL2, Halo2, Unreal3 & Quake4 already??

Grow up chief.


ROFL. You're my new favourite person :D
MrDigital said:
Wow, you should sell your time machine to the government, you could make TRILLIONS.

I mean, how else could you have played HL2, Halo2, Unreal3 & Quake4 already??

Grow up chief.


Hmm Halo 2 is supposed to out next next month?

Half life 2? next month....

And don't ya think nV will get new drivers out just for HL2, they won't flop like ATi's 4.9 Doom 3 drivers though since nV has no issues with Ogl.

These cards are equal and when it comes down to Ogl games there is only one way to go.
[RIP]Zeus said:
thats all i have heard outa his mouth about that card.

from day one when he bought it. crashed his machine. his GF3 was kicking ass. but he wanted to try ati. also the rest of my gaming crew has all Nvidia from GF4's to the 6800's.
some did have ati cards but sold them and got GFFX. none of them could stand the driver problems.

Note to self: Pay attention to "the entire gaming industry" instead of isolated group of friends for hardware advice, because their experience may be far more limited then "everybody else in the entire world." :p
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