Nforce4 Firewall


Jul 22, 2004
Just got a nforce 4 ultra mobo,should i trade in my Norton Internet Security for the Onboard Firewall?
I'm using it on my Asus A8N-E motherboard, and I think it may be causing problems. With it enabled, I can surf the web fine, but when I download compressed files (exe, rar, zip), they would have errors when decompressing. I can disable the nv firewall, and download the exact thing and they would be fine. I'm still researching this problem. Maybe you can try it out and see if you get errors downloading compressed files.
It's always preferrable to run a hardware firewall over a software one. It will be faster and will eat up less of your system resources. Ideally you'd want a completely seperate machine doing the firewallying and not your PC.

Aside from the possible issues that uncoolfish mentions I'd check it out and make sure you can operate all of your normal Internet traffic. If it checks out fine I'd definitely use it over the software firewall.