Next Major Windows 10 Update Available April 30th


[H]F Junkie
Apr 25, 2001
The next major Windows 10 update will be available as a free download on Monday, April the 30th according to Microsoft. You could consider this the Spring Creators Update, but Microsoft has declined to label it as such. However, it does have a few interesting features that might make it attractive to some of you. One of them is the Timeline feature that allows a person to move back and forth between their mobile and office desktop without losing a beat if they are using Edge or Office 365. Also, it will offer a feature called Focus Assist that can mute notifications for you automatically when in focus mode. Now these aren't earth shattering features, but they might be to some. As always you should consider whether you want to jump on this right out of the gate or let everyone else be the canary before you upgrade.

The overall idea here is simple: users now jump between desktop and mobile all day long, but it’s hard to pick up where you left off when you go back and forth between devices, even if you’re just talking about a desktop and a laptop. With Timeline, Windows 10 users get a view of their recent activity from the last 30 days, no matter whether that’s in Edge on Android or Office 365 on another Windows machine.
Been using the final version (and the previous one with the blue screen bug) for 2 weeks with no issues. The biggest change I've noticed is to your notifications when gaming or watching a movie in full-screen mode. The new "improved HDR support" feature basically does nothing but allow you to adjust the desktop brightness with HDR enabled.
Been running 17133 and then 17134 on my sig rig for 3 weeks now, no issues. On my Surface Book 2 after a few days I'm getting an explorer crash loop issue that apparently is related to some type of issue with Windows Search index. Rolled back to 1709 there and will just wait for the device to get the update.
oohh.. a new EDGE feature.. nice. The only time i encounter edge is when Ms has done an update on the clients machine and made EDGE the default to open PDF's...

oohh.. a new EDGE feature.. nice. The only time i encounter edge is when Ms has done an update on the clients machine and made EDGE the default to open PDF's...


Related to this - whatever engine it's using to open them is using a totally different color profile from every other PDF reader out there. In my office we had people complaining that our logos were the wrong color. After double checking everything a dozen times, we couldn't find the issue. Then we checked and every one of them was opening the file in Edge. Adobe Reader, retail Acrobat, Chrome, and even the older Win 10 viewer were all showing things correctly while Edge gives everything a violet tinge.
oohh.. a new EDGE feature.. nice. The only time i encounter edge is when Ms has done an update on the clients machine and made EDGE the default to open PDF's...


I think this issue has improved over the builds. I use Xodo as my default PDF viewer and even the Insider update process didn't change that or any of my other changed app defaults.
Is the windows 10 iso updated to t his? Wonder if i can do a fresh install this weekend than wait till monday.
Will this update be fully patched against Spectre and Meltdown? Will it include microcode patches as well?
oohh.. a new EDGE feature.. nice. The only time i encounter edge is when Ms has done an update on the clients machine and made EDGE the default to open PDF's...


Open in Edge, yeah, but can't fill out the damn forms while the Chrome does it all.
Come on MS, how about just updating windows 7 to work nicely with the latest hardware? Leave out all the tablet and one size fits all crap and dumbing down and Agility shit... I'd buy that, bet a lot of people would.
Read that Edge is even behind Internet Explorer these days! Guess we'll wait for the next release from MS to break things and reset everything. Sadly the latest gadgetry is only supported by W10. Put up with it but still not a big fan.
Well, hopefully this isn't the update that breaks Classic Shell because I haven't been actively looking for a replacement.
PDF forms have been supported in Edge since the 2016 Anniversary Update I believe.
Who cares. The point is Edge shouldn't constantly hijack the browser default after every Featureless Update.

The fact it's been happening for almost 3 years means MS is doing it intentionally. The fact they're doing it intentionally but playing dumb like it's "just a bug" cements my unwillingness to ever use it.
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Who cares. The point is Edge shouldn't constantly hijack the browser default after every Featureless Update.

The fact it's been happening for almost 3 years means MS is doing it intentionally. The fact they're doing it intentionally cements my unwillingness to ever consider using it as my browser.

As I said earlier, I've been running 17133 and 17134 for three weeks now and Edge didn't hijack PDFs on any of the three machines that I upgraded. Indeed I'm kind of amazed how well the actual upgrade went on my sig rig that's packed to the gills these days. No extensions changed, not a single program out of hundreds that didn't reinstall, at least not that I've noticed, there's so much stuff installed on my sig rig, but nothing like Winaero, CPUZ, GPUZ, etc.
Heard that there was no way to turn the Game Bar off in this update. Anyone know if that's true?
Well, hopefully this isn't the update that breaks Classic Shell because I haven't been actively looking for a replacement.

I have been using RC4 for 3 weeks. No issues about Classic Shell.
what's so different about Focus Assist?...sounds the same as the current Quiet Hours feature
what's so different about Focus Assist?...sounds the same as the current Quiet Hours feature

It's more granular. Quiet Hours disabled all notifications where as Focus Assist allows for whitelisted apps, priory mode, or alarms to get through. Nice little touch as I like to set alarms as reminders now I don't have to let all notifications get through when doing things like gaming but only what's of interest. And there's a mode to only allow priority apps to get through while gaming.
It's more granular. Quiet Hours disabled all notifications where as Focus Assist allows for whitelisted apps, priory mode, or alarms to get through. Nice little touch as I like to set alarms as reminders now I don't have to let all notifications get through when doing things like gaming but only what's of interest. And there's a mode to only allow priority apps to get through while gaming.
Sounds awful. When I'm full-screened, I'm full-screened for a reason.
I am already on it and seems to work just fine, at least so far. No game stopping bugs that I am aware of.

Sounds awful. When I'm full-screened, I'm full-screened for a reason.

Why would it sound awful to have an option? What if you decide to put something on the stove and get into a game, I am sure you would like a reminder not to burn the house down, eh?

Start 10 is the cats meow.

Nah, start menu replacements are completely unnecessary but then again, others used one even back in the XP days, so whatever floats your boat.


Who cares. The point is Edge shouldn't constantly hijack the browser default after every Featureless Update.

The fact it's been happening for almost 3 years means MS is doing it intentionally. The fact they're doing it intentionally but playing dumb like it's "just a bug" cements my unwillingness to ever use it.

Your experience is not universal, despite how you like to make things look.
Nah, start menu replacements are completely unnecessary but then again, others used one even back in the XP days, so whatever floats your boat.

Windows 10 addressed the biggest flaw with the new Start system starting in Windows 8 by being resizable and getting tablet and desktop modes. Tile folders added in version 1703 allowed for better organization and quick links support is there now as well. And the new Start allows for a lot more shortcuts to be created and easily accessible.

There of course is the resistance to the tile aesthetic but this more a matter of taste than function. Regardless of how people feel about though, 2 in 1s, tables and touch devices are now a big part of the Windows ecosystem and there are plenty of folks that move between using Windows with a mouse and keyboard and touch these days. So it makes sense to have one Start system that's configurable and adaptable than two where one was never designed for anything but mouse and keyboard use.
Meh i've been trying to install this for a week now with it failing everytime (4) to be exact.


0xc1900101 is pointing to some kinda driver issue I believe still haven't be able to track it down so still on 1709 for the time being.
Respectfully disagree.

That is fine but I have always used button bars since my Amiga days. I also almost always use search to find and run stuff. A full screen start menu is always best, when configured correctly.
I am already on it and seems to work just fine, at least so far. No game stopping bugs that I am aware of.

Why would it sound awful to have an option? What if you decide to put something on the stove and get into a game, I am sure you would like a reminder not to burn the house down, eh?

Nah, start menu replacements are completely unnecessary but then again, others used one even back in the XP days, so whatever floats your boat.

Your experience is not universal, despite how you like to make things look.

I shall rephrase then. If you use a start menu replacement, then Start 10 is the cats meow. If you don't, who gives a fuck :)
I don’t know who had the dumb idea to enable HDR on the desktop by default, but this update made everything look like shit until I figured it out.
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they really need to figure out HDR w/ windows... no reason for it to look terrible.
Great, so in the next few days we can re-set our default programs yet again!

Ummm, if they keep getting reset you might have something messed up on your system. They don't on my home or work system, and I haven't heard about it at work (and I would, we have lots of whiny users that report every single change).
Ummm, if they keep getting reset you might have something messed up on your system. They don't on my home or work system, and I haven't heard about it at work (and I would, we have lots of whiny users that report every single change).

I've read at least a dozen users on this very forum mention it. I know it has happened on both my desktop and laptop as well as family member's desktop/laptops. Both Pro and Home...
they really need to figure out HDR w/ windows... no reason for it to look terrible.
One would think MS would allow a simple flagging per application for HDR, also quick keyboard shortcut to turn on and off (Like Alt H or Windows key and H).
Windows 10 addressed the biggest flaw with the new Start system starting in Windows 8 by being resizable and getting tablet and desktop modes. Tile folders added in version 1703 allowed for better organization and quick links support is there now as well. And the new Start allows for a lot more shortcuts to be created and easily accessible.

There of course is the resistance to the tile aesthetic but this more a matter of taste than function. Regardless of how people feel about though, 2 in 1s, tables and touch devices are now a big part of the Windows ecosystem and there are plenty of folks that move between using Windows with a mouse and keyboard and touch these days. So it makes sense to have one Start system that's configurable and adaptable than two where one was never designed for anything but mouse and keyboard use.

Search is pretty much the most broken, temperamental pile of horse shit I've ever seen and somehow manages to consistently fuck itself up in ways beyond human comprehension.

Like right now my system Windows search apparently can't find something like regedit until I type the entire thing. It's not even a suggestion at any point. Classic shell has it as the first hit in 3 letters...
Like right now my system Windows search apparently can't find something like regedit until I type the entire thing. It's not even a suggestion at any point. Classic shell has it as the first hit in 3 letters...

Agreed Windows Search can be weird at times but the example you point out here was also true in Windows 7. Another thing like this is "winver". That said I don't have many issues searching for installed applications, Settings options or documents getting search correctly as long the search index is setup to index file contents. From time to time it might be necessary to rebuild the search index if things get really wonky.