Next big games?

Rome: Total War>all RTS+TBS
And maybe GTA San Andreas (It will go to the PC... ohh yeah)
I'm thinking an Alien FPS based on the D3 engine would be nice. HDR lighting and SS plus some good AI would make it an excellent game. Just so they don't have the aliens running at you like fugging morons. Aliens should work out ways to ambush you. Just like here in Texas.
I'm waiting for Total Commander, made by Gas Powered Games, headed by Chris Taylor, the god of RTS games (Total Annihilation all the way!)
i have a question:

how well does the d3 engine work in outdore eviroments? i can think of many sequels that would do well w/ the d3 engine, but would need out dore levels
Rumor has it that Chris Taylor is going to start work on TA2 now that Gas Powered Games has finished Dungeon Seige 2. If so, I'll be looking forward to that just as much as I've been looking forward to Doom 3. :cool:
half-life 2 isnt that far off, the game is pretty much done, many magazines/halflife websites have played it. bugs are being minimized, i wouldn't be surprised to see it in september.

aside from that game, and doom 3 (few more days :p)

splinter cell 3: chaos theory
next installment of Unreal Tourny
Starcraft 2?... a man can hope.

haven't really seen much on Stalker, but it seems popular.. looks like im hitting up fileplanet for movies.
What do you guys think will be the next RTS game...the latest and greatest..something is almost going gold as we speak...something to the effect of AOEII:AOK, or empire earth, something like that

and also..

anyone remember a game called MAX Commander? they had a MAX what about talk of a max 3????
jynxycat said:
half-life 2 isnt that far off, the game is pretty much done, many magazines/halflife websites have played it. bugs are being minimized, i wouldn't be surprised to see it in september.

Amazon et al are claiming HL2 will be released on Sept 1 2004, and are taking preorders. Is this date confirmed?
For me, its Dawn of war, and HL2 are the next 2 big games....:p

I want some F.E.A.R :cool:

They have a couple videos clips of that game that look extremely awesome.
Dream Games.
Freespace3 from a quality developer.
Wing Commander Revival (new engine allowing the series to be replayed)
SystemShock Remix

In Development.
Guild Wars
World of Warcraft
Republic Commando
the new GTA GAME !!!!! WOOT!!!!!!!

also looking forward to HL2 and doom. the only reason i purchase computer parts
oohh Mech 5 if that ever happens say goodbye to my life...I spent over $100 on mech 4 and all the expansions and the clans and leagues in that game are just fucking awesome!

For me:
Half Life:2 (and all of the mods, DoD:S, CS:S, TF2, DoD:2, CS:2, and I hope they update the killbox map for Half Life deathmatch...if any1 knows what that is you are [H]ard!)
Call of Duty: United Offensive (original was the best war game BY FAR...can't wait)
Dungeon Siege 2 (best played with a small group of friends much better than MMOs)
Quake 4!!! I can't believe nobody said q4 yet!!
Unreal Tournament 2k5 (only if it is as innovative as 2k4 was compared to 2k3)

I know this is a PC forum and I haven't played my PS2 in like a year but Metal Gear Solid 3, GTA:SA (don't play this on PC...its just not as good) and Gran Turismo 4 might actually get me playing that console again.

And to the guy that asked about the Doom 3 engine in outdoor environments...think quake 4...there's gotta be outdoors in yeah.
ok, thanks :). i also just read the gamespot hands on and they mentioned


running across the open ground (id assume in a suit) to get to another building


anywhay, thanks