Next Assassins's Creed PC patch comes at the cost of DX10.1 support

Jun 3, 2005
Ubisoft Community Developer UbiRazz has posted a notice on the game's official forums, saying that a patch for the PC version is coming. While he concedes that the "majority of issues reported by fans" will be addressed, UbiRazz notes that the fix will come at the cost of the game's support for DirectX 10.1 graphics cards. "Our implementation [of DX10.1] removes a render pass during post-effect which is costly," he explains.
I don't see this as a problem. The benefits of DirectX 10.1 over 10 are small, and almost no cards support DirectX 10.1 anyway.

Bring on the bug fixes!
Meh 95% of the people who have 10.1 compatible cards, their cards don't have enough horsepower to take advantage of it anyway.
It'll come back in a later patch hopefully. By that time, it'll probably be close to the release of the R700s or GT200s and might be a viable option then.