News script for a website


Limp Gawd
Feb 4, 2009
Hello, I have a website, It is a news site that follows along a magazine and I add other articles as well.

As of right now I have some skills in HTML by just coding through notepad. The problem becomes that I do not want to sit down and hand code each new article into notepad.

I have tried several different ways including some scripts but with no luck. What I really want to be able to do is have the owner of the magazine be able to login in publish content and post the articles on the site.

I was looking into PHP-Nuke or Joomla. Is that what I really want? I do not want to completely change the structure of the site. Just be able to post the articles in a way similar to how it is now. (The date followed by the title followed by a link to the rest of the article.

Thanks :)
I would suggest a Content Management System. PHP-Nuke and Joomla both fall into that category. Wordpress does this as well. IMO, Wordpress is a lot easier for users to add content without knowing HTML than Joomla and I haven't used PHP-Nuke in quite some time.
If your familiar with HTML then you may want to give MODx a try as it's a great alternative to Joomla, Nuke, and other CMS systems in existence.

It's also very easy to template!
Thanks I will give Modx a try. For Joomla do I have to competely start over with the site because I like the basic layout now? I would like to be able to post articles and then put the links to the articles on my site.
I prefer Drupal to Joomla, it's another PHP CMS. When I compared them a year or so ago, I found Drupal to be better in documentation, support, plugins, and ease of customization. I was able to make up a complete HTML/CSS layout and then create a Drupal theme that worked perfectly with it. Takes a bit of knowledge of PHP, but it's easy enough to pick up.