Newegg - AMD 7750 and 7770's now listed

Hmm at 160, I think I rather have a 6870 instead for the performance. But for power and temperature situations like in HTPCs where resolutions are strictly 1080p, the 77XX series seems like a great card for those setups.
Looks like better tdp than 6750/70...I think the 7750 will be my next card, upgrade from a 4830.
dang, i just ordered a 6670 for a work pc for only $10 less. would of rather got the 7750...
so its slower or faster than a GTX460 1GB?

nvm looks a bit slower. boo
Hmm at 160, I think I rather have a 6870 instead for the performance. But for power and temperature situations like in HTPCs where resolutions are strictly 1080p, the 77XX series seems like a great card for those setups.

I'd say for a strictly HTPC machine, a 77xx series card is WAY overkill.

If it's an HTPC that you occasional game on, though, it'd probably be a good fit. Otherwise you'd be better off getting a sub-$100 card with quieter cooling.
Wake me up when AMD releases a sub $200 card that outperforms its previous generation's sub $200 card. So far the 7xxx series has been complete overpriced garbage outside of the 7970 (and that is just overpriced IMO). By garbage I mean its failed to outperform last generation's similarly priced cards. I could care less about power savings and DirectX decimal upgrades that won't appear in games for two years.
If the 7770 comes close to the 6870, maybe there is hope for a good 7870 card...
I'd say for a strictly HTPC machine, a 77xx series card is WAY overkill.

If it's an HTPC that you occasional game on, though, it'd probably be a good fit. Otherwise you'd be better off getting a sub-$100 card with quieter cooling.

I think a passively cooled 7750 is a great choice, price wise you are spending a little more than is strictly necessary, but you are getting a card with an extremely low idle power (saving you $$), and the latest GPU core for video processing effects, and outputs that can do 4k (for futureproofing).
How would the 7750 stack up against a 9800gt? I have a PE version in my HTPC, and it work very well, but space is limited in my SUG02-B.
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If the 7770 comes close to the 6870, maybe there is hope for a good 7870 card...

From reviews, it seems like it can match a 6850...

6-series is the way to go right now before they get phased out. They're pricing the 7700 at 6870 levels, which it constantly falls short of.
Wake me up when AMD releases a sub $200 card that outperforms its previous generation's sub $200 card. ... By garbage I mean its failed to outperform last generation's similarly priced cards. I could care less about power savings and DirectX decimal upgrades that won't appear in games for two years.

This is exactly how I feel. AMD doesn't seem to be going anywhere with pushing performance/dollar. I was planning to sell my 6850 and get a new sub $200 card. Now the new cards come out and they perform WORSE than the old cards at the same price point? I can't believe these cards got a silver award from [H].

Nvidia must be watching this and having a good laugh at AMD offering less performance for more money with new products. If Nvidia can get anything new on the market that pushes on multiple market segments, AMD is going to be screwed without huge price drops.
Are there even going to be any that are passively cooled?

I'm sure AMD is just taking advantage of the lack of competition right now from Nvidia. I imagine they have a lot of maneuvering room on there 79xx, and 77xx cards price-wise. AMD can use the money, and right now, with the current pricing, none of these latest gen cards are particularly bad buys, but none of them are good deals either. There is a lot of R&D involved and they may as well capitalize on prices while they can.

I am waiting for Kepler, and I'll see how the pricing ends up, then I'm jumping in for a purchase. Hopefully an AMD card if they are still competitive.
I have still yet to see a better performance/price offering than the 5850 xtreme I picked up for $140 last year. Very disappointing that the newest generation isn't any faster in the <$200.00 market.
Well I have a Vapor-X 5770 bought for $60 right here at H. I was hoping to see more from these new cards.

The 6870's are pretty good but even they aren't that good of a deal when you can find a 5870 for $125. I know, you don't see many at that price but there was a 5870 that sold for $115 not long ago here at H. It didn't last 10 minutes!

My point is, for the price, with some patience, you can get a 5870.

I did like the power usage stuff...
I'm sure AMD is just taking advantage of the lack of competition right now from Nvidia. I imagine they have a lot of maneuvering room on there 79xx, and 77xx cards price-wise. AMD can use the money, and right now, with the current pricing, none of these latest gen cards are particularly bad buys, but none of them are good deals either. There is a lot of R&D involved and they may as well capitalize on prices while they can.

I am waiting for Kepler, and I'll see how the pricing ends up, then I'm jumping in for a purchase. Hopefully an AMD card if they are still competitive.

I agree with jober1, this is just a bad time to buy video cards. If you wait until March/April you'll have Market forces bringing down these prices by a significant amount. Ivy Bridge and Trinity graphics will be much better for an HTPC while Kelper will likely push performance.
I just want something that fits in my damn PC. I hadn't realized these had gotten so huge until my 3850 came in the mail several years ago. Actually had to downgrade to a 5550 GDDR5 to get back the 2 hard drive slots I lost to that behemoth.

Looks like there's some 7770s that will fit just fine. As long as it fits and has native triple monitor support (thank you Eyefinity), that'll do just fine.

*edit* Been out of the loop for a while, so didn't notice a lot of the 6870s are reasonably sized as well. I know nothing of benchmarks, but I'm guessing the 6870 still wins about every one of them over the 7770.
I just want something that fits in my damn PC. I hadn't realized these had gotten so huge until my 3850 came in the mail several years ago. Actually had to downgrade to a 5550 GDDR5 to get back the 2 hard drive slots I lost to that behemoth.

Looks like there's some 7770s that will fit just fine. As long as it fits and has native triple monitor support (thank you Eyefinity), that'll do just fine.

*edit* Been out of the loop for a while, so didn't notice a lot of the 6870s are reasonably sized as well. I know nothing of benchmarks, but I'm guessing the 6870 still wins about every one of them over the 7770.

Sounds like you have a tiny and poorly laid out case...
Well I have a Vapor-X 5770 bought for $60 right here at H. I was hoping to see more from these new cards.

The 6870's are pretty good but even they aren't that good of a deal when you can find a 5870 for $125. I know, you don't see many at that price but there was a 5870 that sold for $115 not long ago here at H. It didn't last 10 minutes!

My point is, for the price, with some patience, you can get a 5870.

I did like the power usage stuff...

That's fair, compare a two generation old 2nd hand video card to a new video card price...:rolleyes:

Lets not forget when the 5770 was released it too was $179~ i remember because i bought one. Sure 5770/6770 are sometimes $90 after mail in rebate right now, give it some time im sure the 7770 will be too. Once the 5xxx/6xxx stock is completely gone. The 7770 performs about the same as a 6850 (which is a tier higher)

Anyone who sells a 5870 for less then $200 is crazy, bitcoin miners are ALLLLL over those like white on rice. I have one on ebay right now that is DEAD and its probably going to sell for $100 as parts/repair.
I was just saying I had hoped they would be a little faster...I've been looking at 6870s and the new 77xx seems to be much better on power and about the same speed.

I wasn't complaining about price as much as can get close for $60...that is all. As far as that goes, you might get better for free if someone gives you a card.