Newb Overclocking Questions?


Limp Gawd
Mar 10, 2004
I'm just started overclocking and have a ram question. My ram, which is only Corsair 512x2 Value Select, shows that it's running at 2.5, 3, 3, 8, 2T. Now if i'm overclocking i want to lower or raise these numbers to make everything more stable? I thought you would want to tighten them, make them lower, but i'm confused after reading some stuff if i actually want to raise them since i'm overclocking the cpu.

Also there are two different types of voltages (or at least numbers i can raise one reads like 66 right now the other is a straight voltage, i believe it's at 2.5V right now) for my AGP card, which from what i'm hearing is something i would need to raise as well when overclocking, what's the diffrence between these two? I realize one is a voltage, what's the 66 number one for? thanks
The timings you want to 'loosen' as you OC generally. To loosen them you actually raise them. My stock timings are 2-2-2-5 but with my OC I had to loosen them to 3-3-3-6.

The 66 you refer to is the mhz at which your AGP slot is working at. There should be an option to lock your PCI/AGP slots. When you OC, you OC everything on your board almost. The PCI/AGP slots don't like to be OC'd. So lock them if you can. Not all mobo's have this option.

The 2.5v is your RAM voltage. How much voltage is being supplied to the DIMM slots. Generally the higher you OC the more voltage the CPU and RAM needs to function properly. Check your manufacturer specs on how much voltage your RAM can take. Some RAM is much more power hungry than others so these values change with different types of RAM. I run mine at 2.8v and usually if you keep it below 3.0v you shouldn't have any worries about frying something.

Hope this helps.
Well that 66mhz of my AGP is something i can adjust (i had raised it to 67 yesterday just to see what would happen, but i can go much higher then that), so i guess that means it is unlocked?

awesome reply, thanks so far!
that number "66" on your AGP/PCI slots is not a number you want to adjust, make sure it stays at 66 mhz, otherwise you risk frying all of your cards in your AGP and PCI slots :D and that would be a very, very bad thing

if your motherboard has the option, you could just set your memory to auto timings, which will give you the best available timings for your overclock