new WoW lighting effects


Limp Gawd
Jun 24, 2004
Anyone notice how much nicer the WoW environment looks after the recent patch? Here's a couple of screenshots that show what I mean:

It looks similar to HDR in some respects - without light blooming or any of the excesses we had seen in Far Cry. The light definitely reflects off stone walkways differently. There are also new underwater effects.

Anyone have more information on what was actually done? I didn't see anything in the patch notes.
Just wondering, is your UI scale adjusted? Your buttons look huge ;)
Dunno what you mean by that, but the buttons aren't so big on a 22" monitor. I think only seeing a portion of the jpeg may make them look overly large.

Someone mentioned in another thread about glow effect working with AA now. I always had it turned off, and don't know if the patch turned it on by default. I'm logged off now but will check in a bit.
I play in windowed, 1600x1200 and my buttons are small, maybe it's just my setup :eek:

I have no idea about the graphics though. I turn most of my stuff down just so i can have multiple things open and not own my framerate.
In most games you cannot enable HDR when you have AA on. World of Warcraft follows this trend .... until ... the last patch. For some reason I am able to force AA through my drivers and still have the glow effect on at the same time. Some of you may just be seeing the glow effect for the first time as it was automatically enabled with this latest patch.

I was under the impression that HDR was not possible with AA as HDR softens edges and allows edges to reflect light and act as secondary light sources.

But my eyes dont lie ... they are on at the same time.