New Setup Recommendation!!


Oct 30, 2003
I don't now what I really want though. I do have a Intel P4 2.4A right now though. Its just that it doesn't run all that good in BF:V though and I am guessing its due to the cheap ram that I have. My system specs are in the sig though I believe.

I was thinking about getting myself this :

I just changed the motherboard to Asus P4P800. I am not that good with computers though, but I do know some things. I don't really oc though since I am still reading up on about those things. I don't want to fry anything yet since I am low on $$, hehe. I have also looked at other mobo's and just some ram though. I think its a bit expensive in that place, but then again I don't know.

This is where you guys come in so you can help me out. I need some help here so I can just upgrade things.


I know I can always do that, but what about the site that I put up. But I thought I might as well get a new mobo and a processor and new ram while I am at it instead of wasting that money on another 512 stick. Is that a good deal or just a rip off in that site?? I got some money so I figured I should just upgrade instead of getting extra ram.

yea, PC Boost is bullshit.
Before I knew anything about ram I was told by customer service that their generic ram would be compatible with my mobo. Bought it and it didn't work properly with 2gb and when called about problem they denied talking to me. After bitching about it the lady said she would rma without restocking fee. RMA and they charged me a restocking and i had to pay for shipping back. I paid them $30 to ship to me originally and when I RMA'd the item i shipped back at $4. So I found out they charged me restocking and overcharged on shipping. Called to bitch about it, even spoke ot management and they gave me the runaround acting like I never spoke to anyone.
In contrast, Newegg was absolutely reasonable with RMA's and all purchases. If they messed up they will take responsibility and sometimes even when it's your fault they will give you the benefit of doubt. That's why they're number 1 in my book.
i'd go with newegg too...i've rma dozens (exaggerating, more like a few) of things that were working fine :rolleyes: i was an idiot still new at comp building and didn't know what i did wrong so i sent back anything i couldn't get working... only figure out that it worked fine i just didn't set it up right:D but they let me rma anyways...great people

and about your system i would say a complete haul over because
you said you got the money, buy a good overclocking one right now because you say you are reading up on it and sooner or later you will start better to have good O/C parts now and do the O/C later than have crappy O/C now and do the O/C later only to get frustrated that you can't get much out of it
just learn as you go trial and error is the best way to learn.
Hint: never go above 1.75 volts in your northwood unless you got extreme cooling or you'll get SNDS
Newegg is great. Ordered my motherboard last monday and received it on tuesday. That is fast/great service.
ASUS 865PE Chipset Motherboard for Intel Socket 478 CPU, Model "P4P800 Deluxe" -RETAIL -- $122

GIGABYTE i875P Chipset Motherboard for Intel Socket 478 CPU, Model "GA-8IK1100" -RETAIL -- $127

Albatron 865PE Chipset Motherboard for Intel Socket 478 CPU, Model "PX865PE PRO II" -RETAIL -- $142

ABIT i875P Chipset Motherboard for Intel Socket 478 CPU, Model "IC7-G MAXII ADVANCE" -RETAIL -- $152

All of them got pretty good reviews on Newegg of course. They are pretty good and they are loved by everyone from the US of course, hehe.

Well those are the mobo's that I thought were good and read about them somewhere else as well. I would just pick one of those of course.

Intel Pentium 4/ 3.0C GHz 800MHz FSB, 512KB L2 Cache, Hyper Threading Technology - Retail -- $228 or just get the OEM for $216 -- not sure about the difference though.

But then what kind of heat sink do I put on that 3.0C though?? I have never built a system before. I got this one made from CyberPower PC. They gave me a 2.4A with the heat sink on it and everything else. So I am not really sure about that. That is the only thing that's troubling me, hehe.

The memory will be Corsair of course. Its time to go all out, but your recommendation is still needed :)


as in my sig... thats what I use & love!!! Had it since April.

Had to replace the NB cooler recently b/c the fan died. But for $4 I got a better cooler that fits on it perfectly. (Tiger 845 NB cooler from newegg. $3.99)

The only complaint about it is.... they have NO LAN on it!

Its one thing to exclude the gigaLAN, but to put no LAN on it is riduculous.
The Gigabyte 8IK1100 is a worthy choice.I would recommend it over an Abit IC7.
Be sure to get version 2.0 .It has the Core Cell automatic OC up to 20% when the CPU is fully used.

Originally posted by sicde@th
ASUS 865PE Chipset Motherboard for Intel Socket 478 CPU, Model "P4P800 Deluxe" -RETAIL -- $122

GIGABYTE i875P Chipset Motherboard for Intel Socket 478 CPU, Model "GA-8IK1100" -RETAIL -- $127

Albatron 865PE Chipset Motherboard for Intel Socket 478 CPU, Model "PX865PE PRO II" -RETAIL -- $142

ABIT i875P Chipset Motherboard for Intel Socket 478 CPU, Model "IC7-G MAXII ADVANCE" -RETAIL -- $152

All of them got pretty good reviews on Newegg of course. They are pretty good and they are loved by everyone from the US of course, hehe.

Well those are the mobo's that I thought were good and read about them somewhere else as well. I would just pick one of those of course.

Intel Pentium 4/ 3.0C GHz 800MHz FSB, 512KB L2 Cache, Hyper Threading Technology - Retail -- $228 or just get the OEM for $216 -- not sure about the difference though.

But then what kind of heat sink do I put on that 3.0C though?? I have never built a system before. I got this one made from CyberPower PC. They gave me a 2.4A with the heat sink on it and everything else. So I am not really sure about that. That is the only thing that's troubling me, hehe.

The memory will be Corsair of course. Its time to go all out, but your recommendation is still needed :)


Well its going to be IC7 or the Giga mobo, they are around the same prices almost. I am just wondering what can you use the Lan for exactly?? I believe I have on this mobo, but I never really used it. So I am just going to choose between those motherboards. I know that the Abit's are pretty good with OC'ing and everything.

Do they both support dual channel memory??

Thanks for the feedback by the way :)

LAN - NIC = Network Interface Card. (Local Area Network)

Do you use 56k? or a USB cable modem?

B/c almost everyone I know uses a cable modem and needs a LAN jack to connect to it or their router. (or server, etc.)
That is good then. I got cable and they gave me a NIC card that came with it and I am using that :D

I will probably order this sometime this week for sure.
