New Samsung 4k for everyone.

I can actually get game mode to say UHD enabled on HDMI1 with my JU6700. When you actually look at the image though, UHD isn't enabled.

I can do it too as long as you edit the device type of the HDMI1 port from PC to "-----", but there is a definite loss of PQ. I don't think it's worth it.
Wife went through with the upgrade as well - picking up the 40" 6700 tonight. Ordered her a GTX 960 as she wants the real estate. I think I'm set on keeping the 48", but it will be nice to see what the 40" looks like.

I gave up trying to comparatively test lag with 2 monitors set it duplicate mode. There were many problems and the data I was getting was completely unreliable.

1. First the windows likes to set one of the monitors vsync off when you duplicate monitors. That monitor will then appear "faster" then the other one even though it may not be. That is most likely what you are seeing in your youtube videos.

2. When set to common lower resolution that both monitors natively supported (1080p) I was able to get both to run with vsync on but there were other strange problems. Specifically with the refresh rate multi tool I would see say column 1 and column 4 but the columns 2,3 would be completely dark. The image would be the same on both monitors. That should not be possible.

So it looks like windows aero is not predictable when updating 2 monitors. You would have to write your own full screen 3d application that drives both screens at 60hz native resolution and do testing that way.
Other than the size (which I'm still deciding on) I'm pretty happy with the display. It looks good. I guess I'm not a competitive gamer so those things don't matter to me, but for every day gaming (even FPS) it's fine.

No, you're just a normal human being who doesn't dwell on trivialties and sees the bigger picture. Literally. :D


These are televisions. Not monitors. Comparing them to some ASUS ROG or other similarly rinky dink small micro-screen is ridiculous. If that's you, you're in the wrong thread, as again, these are televisions...Philips thread is that-away, good luck getting one shipped out.

For the rest of us, the other advantages to the Samsung are far stronger for our particular situation (especially the curved 48"), so as to make small differences in lag ms irrelevant. That's why we're here. :cool:

The damaged units do blow though, sorry for you guys who are getting them after going 12 rounds with Tyson...hopefully not a trend.
Sorry to harp on this, but can anyone confirm glossy vs semi glossy on the 7100 vs 6500. Really wanted to upgrade to a glossy screen, need to know before I buy. Thanks in advance!
My Samsung 48JU7500 was shipped and will be here next week.

I have went ahead and bought parts to build a pc for gaming. So far I cant find one place that has the titan x in stock, only ebay for much higher prices...

So I am going to use a gtx 970 to tide me over until I can source a titan x for the normal $1k price.

Anyone try gaming with a gtx 970 or comparable in 4k? My main goal right now is to play at native 4k with 16af, no AA, and maybe console settings for games, so medium settings for most games until I get the titan x.

Games I will be playing ar BF3 and 4, need for speed most wanted 2012, nfs rivals, ultra sf4, MK X

Any insight would be great, thank you!
My Samsung 48JU7500 was shipped and will be here next week.

I have went ahead and bought parts to build a pc for gaming. So far I cant find one place that has the titan x in stock, only ebay for much higher prices...

So I am going to use a gtx 970 to tide me over until I can source a titan x for the normal $1k price.

Anyone try gaming with a gtx 970 or comparable in 4k? My main goal right now is to play at native 4k with 16af, no AA, and maybe console settings for games, so medium settings for most games until I get the titan x.

Games I will be playing ar BF3 and 4, need for speed most wanted 2012, nfs rivals, ultra sf4, MK X

Any insight would be great, thank you!

I would go with a used 290x IMO. Better for 4k gaming, cheaper, and its just a stop gap right? Should only have to fork out $250 or less.
Sorry to harp on this, but can anyone confirm glossy vs semi glossy on the 7100 vs 6500. Really wanted to upgrade to a glossy screen, need to know before I buy. Thanks in advance!

6500 is a semi-gloss, 7100 is a full gloss. This has been shown in various reviews.
I would go with a used 290x IMO. Better for 4k gaming, cheaper, and its just a stop gap right? Should only have to fork out $250 or less.

290X doesn't have HDMI 2.0 for 4:4:4, which this monitor requires and where it shines i.e. colors.
If he's fine with 4:2:0 with washed colors and fussy text, then he's good to go. But it looks like the 300 series is almost here.
I would go with a used 290x IMO. Better for 4k gaming, cheaper, and its just a stop gap right? Should only have to fork out $250 or less.

He is probably getting the GTX 970 for HDMI 2.0 to drive his TV at 4:4:4 Chroma.
No, you're just a normal human being who doesn't dwell on trivialties and sees the bigger picture. Literally. :D


These are televisions. Not monitors. Comparing them to some ASUS ROG or other similarly rinky dink small micro-screen is ridiculous. If that's you, you're in the wrong thread, as again, these are televisions...Philips thread is that-away, good luck getting one shipped out.

For the rest of us, the other advantages to the Samsung are far stronger for our particular situation (especially the curved 48"), so as to make small differences in lag ms irrelevant. That's why we're here. :cool:

The damaged units do blow though, sorry for you guys who are getting them after going 12 rounds with Tyson...hopefully not a trend.

Yeah...this thread has seemingly become mired with spec shoppers, but I'm not going to waste any more "breath" trying to convince or justify why this or that is the right choice or a waste of money. Because it's different for every person. If someone wants to spend extra $ for a few ms less lag or for this spec or that spec, I'm OK with it. It's their money, and I hope everyone is happy with what they end up with in the end.

I agree that if you're looking for the lowest latency possible, you shouldn't be looking at these. I think that many people are excited at the prospect of having 4:4:4/60 on a huge, beautiful 4K display with the least amount of lag that they can get, and it's fair for them to ask for that information as it helps everyone. But unless someone is such a seasoned pro gamer who can spout an accurate input lag figure based purely on feel alone, I think they'd do well to simply TRY one of these and decide for themselves if the lag is acceptable. For the vast majority of us it is, so I hate to see people write these off based on specs alone. But if they do, oh well. There are enough displays available that everyone should be able to find something that suits them.

Sorry to harp on this, but can anyone confirm glossy vs semi glossy on the 7100 vs 6500. Really wanted to upgrade to a glossy screen, need to know before I buy. Thanks in advance!

The coating on the 6700 is pretty darn glossy. It's not full gloss, but it definitely seems way more on the gloss side than the matte side. Just FYI. I know it doesn't answer your question, but it might be better than what you're imagining.

My Samsung 48JU7500 was shipped and will be here next week.

I have went ahead and bought parts to build a pc for gaming. So far I cant find one place that has the titan x in stock, only ebay for much higher prices...

So I am going to use a gtx 970 to tide me over until I can source a titan x for the normal $1k price.

Anyway try gaming with a gtx 970 or comparable in 4k? My main goal right now is to play at native 4k with 16af, no AA, and maybe console settings for games, so medium settings for most games until I get the titan x.

Games I will be playing ar BF3 and 4, need for spee most wanted 2012, nfs rivals, ultra sf4, MK X

Any insight would be great, thank you!

I'm currently still only using one of my 980s and I've been extremely pleased with how games run (considering all I had read about OMG NOT EVEN QUAD SLI IS ENUF FOR 4K). The 970 isn't too far behind in benchmarks, so I would think it would provide a very acceptable experience until you can get a Titan X.
Yeah...this thread has seemingly become mired with spec shoppers, but I'm not going to waste any more "breath" trying to convince or justify why this or that is the right choice or a waste of money. Because it's different for every person. If someone wants to spend extra $ for a few ms less lag or for this spec or that spec, I'm OK with it. It's their money, and I hope everyone is happy with what they end up with in the end.

I agree that if you're looking for the lowest latency possible, you shouldn't be looking at these. I think that many people are excited at the prospect of having 4:4:4/60 on a huge, beautiful 4K display with the least amount of lag that they can get, and it's fair for them to ask for that information as it helps everyone. But unless someone is such a seasoned pro gamer who can spout an accurate input lag figure based purely on feel alone, I think they'd do well to simply TRY one of these and decide for themselves if the lag is acceptable. For the vast majority of us it is, so I hate to see people write these off based on specs alone. But if they do, oh well. There are enough displays available that everyone should be able to find something that suits them.

The coating on the 6700 is pretty darn glossy. It's not full gloss, but it definitely seems way more on the gloss side than the matte side. Just FYI. I know it doesn't answer your question, but it might be better than what you're imagining.

I'm currently still only using one of my 980s and I've been extremely pleased with how games run (considering all I had read about OMG NOT EVEN QUAD SLI IS ENUF FOR 4K). The 970 isn't too far behind in benchmarks, so I would think it would provide a very acceptable experience until you can get a Titan X.

What kind of games are you playing ? No aa I assume? High or medium settings?
I don't know, game mode looks like shit to me. Either it's the Titans I have or what, but as soon as I turn off "PC" mode to enable it, the PQ gets noticeably poor. The display still says UHD, but it just looks plain bad. The text is blurry, etc.
What kind of games are you playing ? No aa I assume? High or medium settings?

BF3 (don't have 4 yet), Alien: Isolation, NFS MW, etc. If you can play those well I would think you'd be fine on those fighting games. Note to people...I'm not saying that a single 970 is the optimal setup for these beasts, just that it should be an adequate stop gap until one can get 980s/Titan X/390X/etc.

I always run High/Ultra settings unless it makes sense not to (i.e. there is no perceivable benefit from one setting that causes a huge performance hit). Usually 4x AA unless performance doesn't suffer much from going higher; I just don't see a huge benefit from max AA at 4K in most titles.
I don't know, game mode looks like shit to me. Either it's the Titans I have or what, but as soon as I turn off "PC" mode to enable it, the PQ gets noticeably poor. The display still says UHD, but it just looks plain bad. The text is blurry, etc.

In game mode you need to turn the sharpness to zero, zero in game mode is 50 in pc mode. Also you need to disable any edge enhancments and dynamic contrast etc. It should not look like crap...
In game mode you need to turn the sharpness to zero, zero in game mode is 50 in pc mode. Also you need to disable any edge enhancments and dynamic contrast etc. It should not look like crap...

OK, I turn down the sharpness and the dynamic contrast is off, but I can't seem to find the edge enhancement settings.
OK, I turn down the sharpness and the dynamic contrast is off, but I can't seem to find the edge enhancement settings.

It made a huge difference when I followed the above advice.
OK, I turn down the sharpness and the dynamic contrast is off, but I can't seem to find the edge enhancement settings.

Edge enhancement and all other enhancements are under the advance pitcure settings and the other picture settings tab.

Just go in and turn everything off and make sure you have the hdmi black correct, I think if your using an nvidia card you will need to set the card to limited and the tv to limited.
Yep. Too bad the only other one that I have is that crappy 6ft. one (probably a leftover pack-in cable from one of the many monitors I've purchased over the years). I'm too tired to fool with it any more tonight...but from what I've seen, if it would work it'd be pretty damn impressive.

I'm going with the "shorter is better" mantra and ordered 3 different 6' HDMI cables from Amazon (all claim to support the newest standard). I don't want to take any chances. That should be sufficient to let me know if it's the cable or not.


So I just got home, took the generic HDMI cable that wouldn't work correctly on my 40JU6700, and it's working fine with my 48JU6700.

While the 15' Mediabridge cable that works perfectly with the 40JU6700 wouldn't work on the 48JU6700.

I noticed that the 48 did another update when I turned it on today, so who knows if that had anything to do with it, but I doubt it.

SO GLAD it wasn't the display. Now I finally have both of these beasties working properly.
Edge enhancement and all other enhancements are under the advance pitcure settings and the other picture settings tab.

Just go in and turn everything off and make sure you have the hdmi black correct, I think if your using an nvidia card you will need to set the card to limited and the tv to limited.

Hmm. I can't find the "Other picture" settings and I have no desktop settings like you speak of on my Nvidia card's control panel.
Is the Samsung JU7100 worth the upgrade vs the JU6500?

It depends on the price difference, and how you value that difference of course. But yes, the upgrade to the JU7100 is pretty significant:

Less motion blur
No judder for movies (24p support)
Glossy finish (less ambient light reflected, but at the cost of more defined reflections with sometimes rainbows around them)
Better remote
120Hz motion interpolation

Therefore, get the JU7100, unless the price difference is too big for your budget or you have lights directly facing the TV.
Here is my 4K Video of my latency box test between 2 displays. My new Samsung JU6500 50" and my old LG LN 42" rated at 28ms.

I cannot see any difference whatsoever with the naked eye.

There is a bit of lag in the video between the displays but this is just an optical illusion because the left half of the box is smaller and the right half of the box is larger.

Watch in 4K
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So I just got home, took the generic HDMI cable that wouldn't work correctly on my 40JU6700, and it's working fine with my 48JU6700.

While the 15' Mediabridge cable that works perfectly with the 40JU6700 wouldn't work on the 48JU6700.

I noticed that the 48 did another update when I turned it on today, so who knows if that had anything to do with it, but I doubt it.

SO GLAD it wasn't the display. Now I finally have both of these beasties working properly.

My TV had to receive an update because out of the box it kept losing signal between source switching and game starts/closes. Now the TV runs like water.

Which do you like best now you have them side by side?

So I just got home, took the generic HDMI cable that wouldn't work correctly on my 40JU6700, and it's working fine with my 48JU6700.

While the 15' Mediabridge cable that works perfectly with the 40JU6700 wouldn't work on the 48JU6700.

I noticed that the 48 did another update when I turned it on today, so who knows if that had anything to do with it, but I doubt it.

SO GLAD it wasn't the display. Now I finally have both of these beasties working properly.

OMFG - that is just too sad. Guess I'll be playing cable roulette until I get both the 40 and 48 settled.

Thanks for posting this!
Here is my 4K Video of my latency box test between 2 displays. My new Samsung JU6500 50" and my old LG LN 42" rated at 28ms.

I cannot see any difference whatsoever with the naked eye.

There is a bit of lag in the video between the displays but this is just an optical illusion because the left half of the box is smaller and the right half of the box is larger.

Watch in 4K

Really appreciate the video, thank you. Was your Samsung in 4:4:4 PC mode or 4:2:2 Game Mode?
It was in 4:4:4 @60hz HDMI 1 PC Mode

I'm almost positive that latency is in the mid to low 30's as reported
My TV had to receive an update because out of the box it kept losing signal between source switching and game starts/closes. Now the TV runs like water.

Which do you like best now you have them side by side?

I can't really tell, as my setup is somewhat of a cluster at the moment:

I was just trying to fit things where cables would reach in order to do some testing (hence why the monitor is 90* from the kb/m; talk about an ergonomic nightmare!). Obviously that speaker's gotta go somewhere and the mouse/keyboard need to slide over so that I don't break my neck. My eventual plan is to put the 48" right in the corner, which is about the max distance I can get. But first I'm going to try it where the 40" is in the pic (a little over arm's length).

OMFG - that is just too sad. Guess I'll be playing cable roulette until I get both the 40 and 48 settled.

Thanks for posting this!

You're certainly welcome. Glad to contribute anything that can help get these sorted and running optimally.

What did you decide to do if the three you ordered didn't work? Gonna try some more long ones or just resort to having your PC closer?
I can't really tell, as my setup is somewhat of a cluster at the moment:

I was just trying to fit things where cables would reach in order to do some testing (hence why the monitor is 90* from the kb/m; talk about an ergonomic nightmare!). Obviously that speaker's gotta go somewhere and the mouse/keyboard need to slide over so that I don't break my neck. My eventual plan is to put the 48" right in the corner, which is about the max distance I can get. But first I'm going to try it where the 40" is in the pic (a little over arm's length).

You're certainly welcome. Glad to contribute anything that can help get these sorted and running optimally.

What did you decide to do if the three you ordered didn't work? Gonna try some more long ones or just resort to having your PC closer?

Looks like you need some speaker stands! I just moved my bookshelf monitors to a Sanus stand with Auralex foam pads (they are down angled) so they can rest behind and above monitors and be angled appropriately. I have the Sanus 16" - they're a tad too short for the Samsungs in this thread, but they can reach over a 27" without too much problem. They make 24" models that should work for the 40" and maybe the 48" screens, I'd have to measure (The Auralex pads add two inches or so to the height below speakers)
What does the group think about the 24p advantage of the 7500 versus the 6700, for those of us who plan on watching streaming content on these?

It's a $450 price difference, which seems massive, and you also get a bit more contrast along with 3D capability.

To those who have the 6700 and are playing with it, worth the jump or are you fully satisfied with the 4k streaming you've watched thus fat?
Looks like you need some speaker stands! I just moved my bookshelf monitors to a Sanus stand with Auralex foam pads (they are down angled) so they can rest behind and above monitors and be angled appropriately. I have the Sanus 16" - they're a tad too short for the Samsungs in this thread, but they can reach over a 27" without too much problem. They make 24" models that should work for the 40" and maybe the 48" screens, I'd have to measure (The Auralex pads add two inches or so to the height below speakers)

Hmm, not a bad idea. I've been meaning to get some foam pads for a while now...can't remember which ones I looked at but a lot of people were using them with the KRK Rokits and had great things to say about the improvement in sound. Of course, I think my A5s sound great as is so it would be interesting to see the difference.

Those stands might be nice if I could get the drivers pointed toward my ears so that the sound wasn't shooting over/behind me. Apparently placement is critical with nearfield monitors like these. Just a few degrees can throw the sound way off.
What does the group think about the 24p advantage of the 7500 versus the 6700, for those of us who plan on watching streaming content on these?

It's a $450 price difference, which seems massive, and you also get a bit more contrast along with 3D capability.

To those who have the 6700 and are playing with it, worth the jump or are you fully satisfied with the 4k streaming you've watched thus fat?

I downloaded some 4k videos. I also have an F8500 plasma. From a distance, the F8500 is superior. It may be because PC mode turns off most video processing. In my opinion, 4k video is not much better than 1080p from a distance. The F8500 plasma is superior. For me, it's not worth it to buy this for watching movies.
I watched some Netflix last night and it was beautiful. Only issue I have with it is audio - I want to use my bookshelf monitors with the TV but they only accept USB digital signal and the TV only outputs digital audio via Optical / HDMI. Still working on how to get that resolved - I started a thread on Head-Fi but if anyone has ideas I'd welcome them (need some sort of HDMI-USB Mini adapter)

Anyway, I thought Netflix ran really well. Even if the television doesn't have a 24p mode, if a movie is filmed in 24p you're still only viewing that amount of frames. I guess I could see how the refresh rate not matching the frame-rate on the film could annoy some people but I guess I'm not one of them, I just wasn't sensitive to it. Did get Soap Opera effect with motion smoothing, but I turned that off and it acted quite normal to me. From what I've read upgrading to the 7000 series doesn't seem to be worth the price (for me). If I was going to spend substantially more money I'd want the Quantum Dots, but that won't be below 5 figures for a year or two it seems.

I have the 6700.