New Monitor ! new video card ? need advice


Limp Gawd
Jun 2, 2003
well i recently picked up a LG 19inch widescreen to go on my other computer, it appears the older card will not go past 1152x864 and the new monitor recommends 1440x990. the current card is an ATI All in Wonder 128.

i would like another card that has the TV capabilities of my current card but able to venture into the higher resolutions. would it be best to purchase a video card and tv tuner card seperate ?

the other computer is alittle older and mostly used for internet / wordprocessing / basic video editing / photoshop picture printing ect ..

thanks !
any one recommend any particular models ?

if i could keep it under 100 for both that would be great
I would say just get a newer AIW. The x1800 version of the AIW should be on Ebay or referb for under $100 and will reach the res your looking for. Heck, if you happey with the AIW128 now you could even get a new x1300 or x1600 AIW as it would do the higher 2D res and not cost as much as you don't seem to be needing the 3D power of the x1800AIW