New iPhone(s) on September 9th


Supreme [H]ardness
Mar 22, 2003
Well, it's official: Apple is holding a special event on September 9th.

I won't go in-depth on the earlier rumours, but the common ones suggest both 4.7- and 5.5-inch iPhones with slimmer designs, faster A8 processors, improved cameras (by how much isn't certain) and maybe, just maybe, NFC. Also, talk is that Apple bumped up the launch of its wearable (smartwatch? Fitness tracker? Hard to say) to the same day, so it's going to be a pretty big occasion all around.

Figured that now would as be a good a time as any to start a proper release thread for the devices, since there's going to be a lot of talk about them no matter what. So, do you expect anything beyond what I mentioned? And please, keep it civil -- if you're only coming in here to attack Apple, you should probably pass and go to another thread.
I'm not really expecting any surprises but I'm sure they will "revolutionize" it
I'm not really expecting any surprises but I'm sure they will "revolutionize" it

It'll definitely be interesting to see how Apple markets this thing. It's definitely going to tout the bigger displays, but it obviously can't claim too many firsts. On the surface, this may be just a lot of "finally" things with wearable tech thrown in.

One thing's for sure: the company wants a lot of people to see what's there. Apple is setting up its own temporary building at the Flint Center, and it's inviting outlets that haven't gone to an Apple event for a long time, or ever -- Gizmodo and iMore, for example.
I thought 4" was the perfect size device based on their past release? I'm curious to see how they "sell" the larger screen as revolutionary.

It is looking like a great device but I'm more interested in the Nexus 6 at this point.
I thought 4" was the perfect size device based on their past release? I'm curious to see how they "sell" the larger screen as revolutionary.

It is looking like a great device but I'm more interested in the Nexus 6 at this point.

Our hands have become revolutionized to take hold of larger phones. We are proud to give you the device that will magically take use of that for an affordable $299
(All previous accessories are moot)

- Apple announcements in a nutshell
I'm definitely interested in the iPhone 6, but want to see some real improvements in iOS8 before I decide to upgrade.
"Many have tried, yet none have succeeded (because they weren't Apple). Now you can have the optimal experience on 'large' screen phones (which is the same as the previous experience). Our research teams (aka marketing) have worked tirelessly to solve the problem, and as you know we never introduce any feature until we can perfect it (i.e. waited a couple years)."
Glad to see this thread is heading exactly where the other one was. Can we at least attempt to not troll an Apple thread for once?
Glad to see this thread is heading exactly where the other one was. Can we at least attempt to not troll an Apple thread for once?

It's the internet, expect no less and you won't ever be disappointed.

Personally I hope it's a good release, I was disappointed with their developer conference.
To quote Emerson: "A foolish consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds."

I have no problems with Apple contradicting its past self if it means making a better product!
I thought 4" was the perfect size device based on their past release? I'm curious to see how they "sell" the larger screen as revolutionary.

It is looking like a great device but I'm more interested in the Nexus 6 at this point.

Steve Jobs said 3.5" was the perfect size. "No one is going to buy a large phone." "A four inch phone looks like a skateboard."
Who the hell cares what one person said, care about the product itself, not some overly egotistical ass.
It wasn't just one person it was the very direction of the company. And that something has done years of damage. Second it matters because that one person convinced millions to take a product which was holding them back in the name of whatever. Now you expect those people to just view the product for what it is? How come they weren't viewing it for what it was then?

personally I don't care if apple releases a larger phone the problem with the iphone was never how big it was, it was the fact it was only 1 size and 1 model. When it should have been at least 3 separate sizes since at least ip4 when they had plenty of volume to do it. The point still is and always has been if you buy into the apple ecosystem you are completely forced into accepting what limited anemic product selection they offer. And that has never been good for the consumer. It is funny how the exact thing that is killing MS is supposed to be apples strength.....
I'm guessing the 5S lineup will become the "unapologetically plastic" iPhone 6C in the next cycle.

Apple has explicitly said that they're not one of the companies that pile loads of features on top of each other so I'm expecting to see the usual upgrades and a couple of "new" and "revolutionary" features like NPC.
It wasn't just one person it was the very direction of the company. And that something has done years of damage. Second it matters because that one person convinced millions to take a product which was holding them back in the name of whatever. Now you expect those people to just view the product for what it is? How come they weren't viewing it for what it was then?

personally I don't care if apple releases a larger phone the problem with the iphone was never how big it was, it was the fact it was only 1 size and 1 model. When it should have been at least 3 separate sizes since at least ip4 when they had plenty of volume to do it. The point still is and always has been if you buy into the apple ecosystem you are completely forced into accepting what limited anemic product selection they offer. And that has never been good for the consumer. It is funny how the exact thing that is killing MS is supposed to be apples strength.....

If people buy a phone, that's typically because they like what it has to offer. Limited size choices may have hurt Apple's potential audience, but it wasn't necessarily hurting those who bought in -- they knew what they were getting.

And Microsoft's problem isn't Apple-style vertical integration. It's a combination of factors. First, and most importantly, is that it didn't take the iPhone threat seriously. Like BlackBerry, Nokia and Palm, Microsoft was blind to the sea change the iPhone introduced; by the time it understood that its existing platform was woefully outdated, it had given both Apple and Google a massive head start. Windows Phone was too little too late, and it's only now that it really feels like a platform people can use without giving up significant functionality. However, you're not going to get people to switch simply by giving them a comparable experience... it needs to be better.

The other issue I see: Nokia's willingness to be a slave to carriers (arguably, this is a broad problem with Android, too). It didn't seem to understand that releasing a couple of high-end Windows Phones per year in the US as carrier exclusives was never going to threaten Apple or Samsung, which sell their best phones on virtually every network. Hopefully, Microsoft can exert more pressure and get worthy Lumias on multiple carriers. Heck, HTC is doing a better job with the One for Windows!
New iPhone 6 photo leak shows fully assembled housing… and it’s still ugly

The iPhone has officially jumped the shark.

But let me be honest here. I am an Android guy, specifically a Nexus phone guy, but every year I am really open to possibly going back to an iPhone, and mainly the tiny little screen kept me away. But to be honest, it's NOT the look or style of the phone itself keeping me away from the iPhone 6, and the 4.7" screen is ok, i wish was 5" but I would be cool with 4.7", but that too is NOT keeping away. It's mainly iOS keeping me away, even iOS8 as improved as it is, still doesn't allow customizations, no Widgets on the home screen, it still looks like someone left the app drawer open with a screen full of app icons, which IMO looks extremely outdated
Apple has been merciless with firing senior level employees over flops like Richard Williamson over maps, Scott Forstall for iOS, John Browett for retail, etc. Wonder whose head is going to roll this time or if Cook will show ;) ;) favoritism for Ive.
If the iPhone 6 does look like these pics above, then we can say that Apple is copying HTC, as the back panel on the iPhone 6 sure looks a lot like the HTC One line, both versions the M7 and M8 in Glacial Silver with white bands.
If the iPhone 6 does look like these pics above, then we can say that Apple is copying HTC, as the back panel on the iPhone 6 sure looks a lot like the HTC One line, both versions the M7 and M8 in Glacial Silver with white bands.

Still an incomplete device, I think. Even Feld & Volk's device, which kinda-sorta boots, isn't necessarily finished. I still say we need to wait until there's an actual hands-on before jumping to conclusions. I mean, look at the run-up to the GS5: people were expecting a 1440p screen and all kinds of other wonders based on sketchy leaks, and were disappointed with the final product (no matter how good it was). Those features eventually came in the limited-run "prime" models, but the damage was done.
If the iPhone 6 does look like these pics above, then we can say that Apple is copying HTC, as the back panel on the iPhone 6 sure looks a lot like the HTC One line, both versions the M7 and M8 in Glacial Silver with white bands.

Apple gets a lot of their style cues from other companies.
Apple gets a lot of their style cues from other companies.

Seems that people are completely forgetting the 2012 iPod touch. This is basically a larger version of that design (and also recent iPads) with antenna breaks. Apple is only 'borrowing' from the One in that it has decided on subtler antenna breaks instead of replacing whole sections with plastic (or leaning on its earlier "the frame is the antenna" strategy).
I guess at the end of the day, you can only do much with a small thin rectangular shape and make a smartphone out of it.

Most put a case on a phone anyways, so all the 'Sexy" design stuff goes right the window as soon as the big rubber goes around it :)
I guess at the end of the day, you can only do much with a small thin rectangular shape and make a smartphone out of it.

Most put a case on a phone anyways, so all the 'Sexy" design stuff goes right the window as soon as the big rubber goes around it :)

Pretty much! This is why I use a pouch instead of a full-on case. I get to hold the device I paid for, not a protector.
If people buy a phone, that's typically because they like what it has to offer. Limited size choices may have hurt Apple's potential audience, but it wasn't necessarily hurting those who bought in -- they knew what they were getting.

And Microsoft's problem isn't Apple-style vertical integration. It's a combination of factors. First, and most importantly, is that it didn't take the iPhone threat seriously. Like BlackBerry, Nokia and Palm, Microsoft was blind to the sea change the iPhone introduced; by the time it understood that its existing platform was woefully outdated, it had given both Apple and Google a massive head start. Windows Phone was too little too late, and it's only now that it really feels like a platform people can use without giving up significant functionality. However, you're not going to get people to switch simply by giving them a comparable experience... it needs to be better.

The other issue I see: Nokia's willingness to be a slave to carriers (arguably, this is a broad problem with Android, too). It didn't seem to understand that releasing a couple of high-end Windows Phones per year in the US as carrier exclusives was never going to threaten Apple or Samsung, which sell their best phones on virtually every network. Hopefully, Microsoft can exert more pressure and get worthy Lumias on multiple carriers. Heck, HTC is doing a better job with the One for Windows!

Likening what it offers is a bit of a stretch, I am sure the millions of angry people who hate MS but still bought their OS really liked it right? It means some combination of factors resulted in the purchase which could have been as simple as, the sprint sales man pushed them to that and lied to them to get them into it. (this happens every time I walk into a sprint store). It could be their friend told them to get it because they are a fan boy, could be they were locked into the ecosystem with app purchases, could have been a lot of things. In fact the majority of people I am in contact with daily have literally the most coercive reasons for picking an iPhone none of them have to do with liking the product. And the result has also been difficult in the work environment because simple things people are willing to do on larger android devices are pulling teeth on directly because of the small screen which is holding those users back.

All your other comments are the reality of the market and MY point exactly. It is funny how the same exact thing that apple can get away with another company cannot. Do not ever think that many of those companies you listed did not take the apple threat seriously. The problem was they didn't have the power to change the course of direction. Remember even android couldn't get a carrier to really back a device fully till years after launch. IE the droid. MS had the exact same problem look into the Kin fiasco if you want to know how hard it can be. Do you think all the other companies like HTC, LG and so on were not taking the Samsung threat seriously when they allowed carriers to rebrand their phones?
I'm not a fan of the fact that the new flagship phones will be larger. My hope is that they will continue to sell something the size of the 5/5s but with the newer chipset and sapphire glass. This is very doubtful though.

I had a euro iPhone 5 and moved back to the US. When I got back in April I wanted to pickup a new phone because I had reception problems due to my phone not having the proper radio. I sold the iPhone 5 (Still regret this) and got a HTC One M8. I got the M8 because it was more attractive and built better then the S5 was, and it was generally not running as much crap that the S5 had at the store. I used the M8 up until a few weeks ago and sold it. I should have just returned it within the first two weeks I had it, but I really wanted to give a top Android phone a chance. It was just way too big. I thought I'd get used to the size, but I never did. It was also much heavier. The simple fact is that even with my massive hands as a 6'3'' dude I still couldn't use the M8 one handed easily. There were also other weird things about Android and it just wasn't as 'user friendly' as what I had become used to on the iPhone. I picked up a 5s and haven't looked back. (The only thing that I honestly found note worthy about Android was having Google Now on my lock screen.)

Long story short; IMO the iPhone 5/5s is the largest phone I'm personally comfortable with using. I will absolutely refuse to pickup the newer iPhones if they do not keep a smaller one around, just as I will refuse to goto any Android device that is larger as well.

I'll say that the 4/4s were too small, and the 6 will be too big. The 4'' screen iPhone 5/5s design is the perfect sweetspot, and people will bash Apple a few years back when the 5 came out for not making it larger, but IMO they were spot-on back then. Again, I'm a dude with fairly massive hands. I can easily palm a basketball. These newer phones are just getting way to big.
Seems that people are completely forgetting the 2012 iPod touch. This is basically a larger version of that design (and also recent iPads) with antenna breaks. Apple is only 'borrowing' from the One in that it has decided on subtler antenna breaks instead of replacing whole sections with plastic (or leaning on its earlier "the frame is the antenna" strategy).

I don't care if they use style cues from HTC, Samsung or even Huawei. My give a shit factor for the look of a phone is very low.

I just don't get why everyone gets uppity when a company has a similar design as someone else's design.
Hopefully all the rumor threads at done with this thread going now. I can't wait for this phone to be released already... and that's not cause I want one either. If they make a 4.7" screen, I think that's a huge plus, but I hope that isn't the biggest 'upgrade' to the iPhone. I know it'll be one of the main things for the iPhone 6, but it'll be pretty sad if that's the only big new thing they have for it.

I was one of the people that said they would buy an iPhone if they made it 4.7" at least, but after using the LG G2 that is 5.2", I don't know if that'll be enough for me to consider it anymore. If they do make a 5.5" screen, then I'd hope they can keep it 'small' like the G3. Now if the iPhone keeps the 4" screen, then I'm going to seriously laugh. I don't think Apple will do that because I'm sure they know they have to change it up at least in size to make it look different from older generation iPhones. so it can continue to fly off shelves.
I don't care if they use style cues from HTC, Samsung or even Huawei. My give a shit factor for the look of a phone is very low.

I just don't get why everyone gets uppity when a company has a similar design as someone else's design.

I think the worries are overblown at times. Chamfered edges aren't an exclusive Apple thing, for example. However, it can be a bit much when it's pretty clear that a vendor is trying to copy its competitor, like the original Galaxy S or the Xiaomi Mi4. That's laziness at best, and theft at worst.
I guess at the end of the day, you can only do much with a small thin rectangular shape and make a smartphone out of it.

Most put a case on a phone anyways, so all the 'Sexy" design stuff goes right the window as soon as the big rubber goes around it :)

Which is what really irks me. Ooh your phone is now .7mm thinner? Who cares when it still can't survive a drop. Hence the need to make it 5mm thicker by putting a case around it. It's a problem with all smartphone manufacturers but I'm not really sure where the blame lies on who started it. It could be apple but it could be even before that with the old RAZR lineup. That was the first trendy phone I can remember. Before that the Moto Nextel and Nokias had no issues hitting the pavement without doing any damage to the phone. I've broken every smartphone I've had now all of them from different manufacturers.

Not really apple related but someone needs to actually innovate a good phone again. But of course that isn't good business sense when you can get people to spend large $$$ for a new phone and accessories because it's a fragile POS.

I'm not sure how big this release will be. Basically it will be the start of bringing the phone back up to parity with the others. Given the camera placement it still looks like camera is going to be 2nd rate on this phone since there is so little room for the sensor size to actually go up. I'd guess it's going to be mostly about increase in screen size and some new software stuff.
As far as what Apple needs to do, they need to offer a second variant and not one that is similar to their flag ship and really shitty (5C) but something of absolute parity like their rumored phablet.

Of course if they don't do it they will still be sitting pretty with their much larger phone in any case.
Steve Jobs said 3.5" was the perfect size. "No one is going to buy a large phone."

At that point in time, he was right. When the information/market changes the only intelligent thing to do is change your opinion and your product.
Not looking forward to the bigger screens. I'm due for an upgrade next week (so I'll be waiting for the new iphone release) but I don't like the size of my wifes 5S.

Why you people think you need a fucking ipad in your pocket is beyond me. Its a fucking phone, not an encyclopedia.
Not looking forward to the bigger screens. I'm due for an upgrade next week (so I'll be waiting for the new iphone release) but I don't like the size of my wifes 5S.

Why you people think you need a fucking ipad in your pocket is beyond me. Its a fucking phone, not an encyclopedia.

That's because I have hands of a man and not a little girl. I also like to see whats on my screen without squinting.
I guess I have man eyes that can see shit without squinting.

As for my hands, I guess I have good dexterity and hand/eye coordination so I don't need a button the size of a helipad to hit what I'm meaning to hit.
Not looking forward to the bigger screens. I'm due for an upgrade next week (so I'll be waiting for the new iphone release) but I don't like the size of my wifes 5S.

Why you people think you need a fucking ipad in your pocket is beyond me. Its a fucking phone, not an encyclopedia.

It's not a Fucking phone is a Fucking media device, if you want a Fucking phone with a Fucking tiny screen then get a Fucking dumb phone and stop Fucking complaining about people asking for Fucking bigger devices.
lol, wow dude. Really?

Not everyone needs a big phone to do what people need a phablet to do...therefore those of us that don't need a big phone aren't fans of the fact that EVERYONE is going to bigger phones to please those that for some reason think they need one.

Also, I don't want a dumb phone, and I don't NEED a phablet. I want a normal sized smart phone because I don't need a phablet...I'm perfectly capable to see shit on a screen and touch what I need to touch without error.
Then get one of the billion other phones out there that aren't as big as these phones YOU don't want.

I'll keep applauding oems for enlarging these devices while keeping them usable.

Also I was making fun of your choice of words and apparent anger in the fact an OEM is doing something you don't like.
Then get one of the billion other phones out there that aren't as big as these phones YOU don't want.

I'll keep applauding oems for enlarging these devices while keeping them usable.

Also I was making fun of your choice of words and apparent anger in the fact an OEM is doing something you don't like.

My experience with my m8 indicates that these big phones are taking a loss in ease of use to satisfy the huge screen.
My experience with my m8 indicates that these big phones are taking a loss in ease of use to satisfy the huge screen.

My experience with a Note3 says other wise. If people buy devices because they are getting larger then OEM's are going to make devices that are larger. But I'm not going to say you are wrong, we have different use scenarios.

There are many factors that can indicate why people want larger phones, just because a small few keep yelling that they are becoming harder to use doesn't mean they will stop. Maybe people don't care they are harder to use or maybe for most of these people they don't see them all that hard to use with the increase size?

Lets face it, the small-is-best crowd is now the niche crowd. It was the same with the crowd that wanted hardware keyboard.