New Deus Ex 3 gameplay vid: thoughts?

I'm a little surprised at what I'm reading. And when I say "a little surprised", I mean "knocked out on my ass with surprise". This game might actually be...good?

Yeah the response has been shockingly positive. Now, I've never been a hater, as I was expecting a decent game, but once they've polished it up a little I think this is going to go well past decent.
^^ Those are the kinds of details that are getting to me. ;)

As much as it pains me to say this, that Duke game will be very quickly forgotten when this thing hits if I had to place any bets based on all the feedback I'm running across, including yours, and my two romps through the Duke demo.

The important thing is that duke will have his day..

Is it wrong that I'm getting excited about Thief 4 knowing that these guys (Eidos Montreal) are going to be handling it?
Bragging about downloading unreleased copyrighted material. Brilliant.

PS. You're really cool.

I apologize? I was just really excited about the game, and wanted to promote the game a bit further. This is also why I've already placed an order for it.

The level of indignant sass is understandable, but rather harsh.
So anyway, order the game or make it a first-day buy. I believe it'll be worth it.
I apologize? I was just really excited about the game, and wanted to promote the game a bit further. This is also why I've already placed an order for it.

The level of indignant sass is understandable, but rather harsh.
So anyway, order the game or make it a first-day buy. I believe it'll be worth it.

Evil pirate, your illegal downloads are bringing the whole game industry to its knees!

Oh wait, you bought the game and encouraged others to do so too? Hmm...
Bragging about downloading unreleased copyrighted material. Brilliant.

PS. You're really cool.

Maybe the game makers should go back to releasing playable demos instead of videos, and you could stop worrying about what other people are doing.

I for one will not download it, but am pleased by what I hear from the ones who HAVE. I own the first two, and now plan on making sure I get this one too.
Possible Spoilers (general observations)

I tried the "demo" for 20 minutes at a friends place, and I was sad to be confirmed on how dated the graphics are. Specifically lighting, shaders and characters (shockingly old school right after playing Witcher 2). What ever you do, don´t play that or Metro a few months before playing this game, play Chaser.

The FOV is way too tight for me. The engine did NOT feel good, though it ran at high frame rates. I wasn´t crazy about movement and shooting. This is a big worry for me. I want my FPS engine to feel good. It felt nasty.

There seem to be a lot of interactive objects and a good level of detail, book titles are readable and so on.

I am buying this game regardless as I am hoping the story and game mechanics are good and I happen to be a huge fan of the original. Can´t wait to play it despite these flaws. The music and sound is freaking beautiful.
From what I'm hearing, this leak is probably one of the better things to have happened to this game.
Possible Spoilers (general observations)

I tried the "demo" for 20 minutes at a friends place, and I was sad to be confirmed on how dated the graphics are. Specifically lighting, shaders and characters (shockingly old school right after playing Witcher 2). What ever you do, don´t play that or Metro a few months before playing this game, play Chaser.

The FOV is way too tight for me. The engine did NOT feel good, though it ran at high frame rates. I wasn´t crazy about movement and shooting. This is a big worry for me. I want my FPS engine to feel good. It felt nasty.

There seem to be a lot of interactive objects and a good level of detail, book titles are readable and so on.

I am buying this game regardless as I am hoping the story and game mechanics are good and I happen to be a huge fan of the original. Can´t wait to play it despite these flaws. The music and sound is freaking beautiful.
You do realize you weren't playing a finished game, right?
Anything special about the augmented edition besides inclusion of original Deus Ex?
Anything special about the augmented edition besides inclusion of original Deus Ex?

It's basically a light collectors edition. For me personally I'm usually only interested in things like the soundtrack and art book, so its good for me.

I'm actually considering paying more for the box version (higher list price, taxes) now. But I think it'd cost me $15-$25 more.

There is also a bigger more expensive collectors I believe with figurines and stuff, and comes with the retailer DLC?
It's basically a light collectors edition. For me personally I'm usually only interested in things like the soundtrack and art book, so its good for me.

I'm actually considering paying more for the box version (higher list price, taxes) now. But I think it'd cost me $15-$25 more.

There is also a bigger more expensive collectors I believe with figurines and stuff, and comes with the retailer DLC?

The info is right there on the vanilla edition, and not on the page for the package. I looked on the page for the package. Can't believe I didn't see that.

The FOV is way too tight for me. The engine did NOT feel good, though it ran at high frame rates. I wasn´t crazy about movement and shooting. This is a big worry for me. I want my FPS engine to feel good. It felt nasty.

I am buying this game regardless as I am hoping the story and game mechanics are good and I happen to be a huge fan of the original. Can´t wait to play it despite these flaws. The music and sound is freaking beautiful.

I felt the same way too at first, after playing about two hours into the game I came to like the movement. The shooting is a tad bit wonky, so hopefully that'll get smoothed out!

Also, I must agree, background soundtrack = deeply engrossing.
Also, I must agree, background soundtrack = deeply engrossing.

Which is why I'm thinking about spending extra for the sound track in lossless by getting a boxed version.

Also like the art design in the game as well. Actually visually I like the game over something like Crysis, Crysis while technically impressive is quite bland and boring in terms of what it shows in my opinion. Something like the Witcher 2 though is a better combination of the two however.

The one thing I've heard is that the DX11 mode (specifically tessellation on the character models) may not be working correctly in this build.
I've played a little bit of the beta. Mother of god, this is the game we've all been waiting for.
I felt the same way too at first, after playing about two hours into the game I came to like the movement. The shooting is a tad bit wonky, so hopefully that'll get smoothed out!

Also, I must agree, background soundtrack = deeply engrossing.

Is the shooting weird just because it's weird or do you think it's like the original game where the shooting plain sucks until you pump points into your weapon stats?
Been playing around with the leak a bit. Very good so far, but a couple of issues with the mouse controls that I'm guessing are coming over from it being a console port. I imagine it will be fixed in the final. Either way, this is turning into a must-buy for me based on the leaked beta.
Mouse control is a little weird. I think turning off v-ysnc helped a little...I think. But I'm hoping there will be some config edits we can make in the final.
I don't think I have VSync on...

Anyway, the main problem I have is that the X and Y sensitivities do not feel the same, which I am guessing is a side effect of being a console port and having originally used a thumbstick. I expect it will be fixed in the final version.

One other thing I"d like to see is more use of the melee capabilities. I haven't played very much but so far it seems like the only way to do melee is with the 'stealth' takedown/kill. It seems like it would be fun to use the sword (for example) elsewhere.
Nice. After reading all the comments about the gameplay of the leak I am not worried anymore and pulled the trigger on the augmented edition. can't argue with 39€ either.
I can't play it. This constant stutter annoys me.

I had the stutter on my first time playing it and then it magically went away after rebooting (closing and reopening the game without rebooting had no effect). Not very helpful, but I thought I'd share.
I played the beta leak as well. Some quirks here and there but as I kept playing, I just wanted to play it some more and then some more. I then went ahead and pre-ordered the augmented edition from amazon. There is no way this game will fail. Can't wait for Aug. (no pun intended). GOTY contender in my book.
Man, if randoms on a forum are complaining about the mouse controls, it must be really fucked up.

I still have people tell me that AC:B on the PC has perfectly good mouse control.
Man, if randoms on a forum are complaining about the mouse controls, it must be really fucked up.

I still have people tell me that AC:B on the PC has perfectly good mouse control.

A lot of games these days have issues with mouse control it seems. Haven't played the leak, but in most games people complain about mouse accel I don't notice it.
It does as far as I'm concerned. A small adjustment in the menu, my DPI was problems whatsoever.

Meh, just doesn't feel like the mouse and visual movement are connected. They feel out of sync.
I had the stutter on my first time playing it and then it magically went away after rebooting (closing and reopening the game without rebooting had no effect). Not very helpful, but I thought I'd share.

Tried that, no luck. Updating to latest official nvidia drivers.
I don't think I have VSync on...

Anyway, the main problem I have is that the X and Y sensitivities do not feel the same, which I am guessing is a side effect of being a console port and having originally used a thumbstick. I expect it will be fixed in the final version.

One other thing I"d like to see is more use of the melee capabilities. I haven't played very much but so far it seems like the only way to do melee is with the 'stealth' takedown/kill. It seems like it would be fun to use the sword (for example) elsewhere.
protip: if you press forward and strafe at the same time you run twice as fast.
^^ And I keep seeing this kind of feedback.


Me too. I don't pirate things, but god damn it it is hard not to get this beta. One of my friends that is a huge Deus Ex fan downloaded it and keeps telling me good things. I'm at once excited and at the same time want to slap him for telling me about it.
There seems to be less stuttering for me after the initial section and after you get out of the lobby and onto your first infiltration.
I gotta say I'm bummed about the low-res cutscenes. Maybe they'll be nice in the final.
What's the story with the DX11 brightness bug? I tried this "shift and double click" trick but it only works 1/10 of the time, I feel like I'm going crazy trying to "time" my click...

e: I'm going to preorder and keep my playtime limited to the first mission outside the intro mission. Or not even that, assuming the brightness bug can't be helped.
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Me too. I don't pirate things, but god damn it it is hard not to get this beta. One of my friends that is a huge Deus Ex fan downloaded it and keeps telling me good things. I'm at once excited and at the same time want to slap him for telling me about it.

I hear you. I'm awfully tempted to do it myself but in a sense, I don't want to ruin it for myself. I don't want to see an unfinished product, which is what any beta is.

I want to come at this thing hot, fresh, locked, loaded, optimal from the word go. I've waited this long, I can wait a couple of more months.

I'm content with this: Everyone knew going into it that when you put the name Deus Ex out there you're all but begging to have the hardest of nitpicking and hate come out your way at the drop of a hat, especially when the last game bearing that name was such a letdown.

To really see this much glowing feedback from a lot of people that probably went into the thing expecting either to be apathetic at best or itching to start the hate crusade at the drop of a really is downright astonishing in the best way possible.

The game can't come out fast enough now. :)
I hated the idea of the First Person to Third Person transitions.

They rock. This is a day one.
My only real complaint so far with the game is some things feel like they were to planned if that makes any sense. Like air vents that just happen to lead right into the room that's locked. There's some other buggy stuff and the graphics are kinda crappy. Hopefully it is just because its unfinished....
I'm really looking forward to this game now though. Should be real good.
I tried to make myself stop playing, but it kept me up until 5 am last night.
People are reaching for things to complain about.. someone whined that things in the environment don't.react. to gunfire. I never would have noticed in my own playthrough

Sorry for the punctuation errors, I'm typing on my phone.