New CS:S in the works!


Jan 27, 2005
Hey guys... A friend of mine plays Airsoft (for those of you that don't know, like paintball.. but with BB's and replicas of real guns) with the guy (or one of the group) that originally (Minh Le) made CS is apparently working on a new version of CS, or something to that affect. There will probably be alot of nay-sayers and people calling Shens or something. I don't know whether or not the game will be based on Source, because he doesn't work for valve anymore. Here's the linky.


*Conversation from MSN*
1/14/2006 12:58:50 PM minh Brian - 6047812403 - i quit my job at Valve in august
1/14/2006 12:58:54 PM minh Brian - 6047812403 - and now im making another game
1/14/2006 12:58:57 PM Brian - 6047812403 - minh ooo
1/14/2006 12:58:58 PM minh Brian - 6047812403 - working on my own pimpass game

take it for what its worth, and please don't flame ;)
Yeah my friend Brian ^^^ up there, sent me more of the conversation, its not gonna be released under the the CS name. It will be a fullout game though.. with levels and all. Here's some more... I'll post more updates if anybody wants to know.

1/14/2006 1:04:59 PM Brian - 6047812403 - minh and you made the original cs by yourself too right?
1/14/2006 1:05:03 PM minh Brian - 6047812403 - yea
1/14/2006 1:05:06 PM minh Brian - 6047812403 - except the levesl
1/14/2006 1:05:11 PM Brian - 6047812403 - minh o
1/14/2006 1:05:17 PM minh Brian - 6047812403 - but i may be making the levels myself this time
Darakian said:
Pass on a message for me if you would.

Thanks :)

I think thats his main OS... so I think you may be in luck.

As for the awp, I will personally drive teh 1/2 hour it takes to get to his house, and I'll personally lodge my foot in his face :p
Entropy said:
I think thats his main OS... so I think you may be in luck.

As for the awp, I will personally drive teh 1/2 hour it takes to get to his house, and I'll personally lodge my foot in his face :p

pass this on too:

customizable m4, and Mac OS X Intel AND PPC native binarys :p
min reqs for mac:
1gb ram
ati radeon 9200 with 32mb of vram

ok.....maybe the min reqs would hold him back a you can forget that :p