New and Improved Animal Crossing Friends List


Feb 14, 2006
The other Animal Crossing thread has gotten a little outdated and difficult to navigate, so we're going to start a new one.

PM me your friend code, town name, and fruit. I'll update everything here in the original post so it will stay nice and neat. The thread itself is for general discussion. I will update the original post regularly (Once a day, at least).

List So Far:

Friend Code: (Still can't get mine; I'm Tom Nook's bitch at the moment)
Town: Carnam
Fruit: Cherry

Roz1281 (In game; Ed)
Friend Code: 2534-8495-7063
Town: Threed
Fruit: Peach (Got to get this info from him).

animaldude89 (In game; Zack)
Friend Code: 0043-7700-7903
Town: Treetop
Fruit: Cherry, Coconut, Apple, Orange

dreamcast87 (In game; Dave)
Friend Code: 0258-4455-1784
Town: TheBronx
Fruit: Apple, Peach, Pear, Coconut
can you add me? mine is. And your code is wrong. It should only have 3 spaces

Name: zack

Town: treetop

Gate will be open now

my towns open almost everyday all day unti 10 at night(eastrn standerd time)

Someone be my friend LOL
I know...I'm an idiot. That was actually my WiFi number.

It won't give me my Friend Code. I'm still Nook's bitchslave :(

Will update after class.

I still haven't had time to play enough to be allowed to get my WiFi code yet. How long is it supposed to take?
something happened to my nintendo usb wifi, when i try to reinstall it with the software, it gives me a program error. i will go look for my AC and put back my code hopefully no one will chop down my trees again :(
K600 said:

I still haven't had time to play enough to be allowed to get my WiFi code yet. How long is it supposed to take?
not very long.

just finish nooks tasks (plant flowers/trees, meet town, post message on board, maybe deliver a few things). It takes about 20 minutes in one sitting. Then just talk to the dog guard on the right.

and i won't chop down any trees : ) though i might plant a few suprises.
You've gotta edit the list, and add people's in-game names. For example, dreamcast87 won't fit in the name entry box.

my game name is Ed
My bad; I just put their [H] names so we'd recognize who was playing in the forum. I'll update it this afternoon.
thanks! The [H] names are a good idea too. And I'm glad you made a new AC thread too.

The game wants me to be Nook's bitch forever.

I finished up the jobs last night and was wandering around, dragging down fruit to sell. I played for about an hour, and then I realize the battery is about to die on me. I go to save and *poof*...

I turn it back on, get yelled at by the mole, and while he's yelling...*poof*. Dies again (Didn't realize the AC-Adapter wasn't plugged in).

Ya. Mole guy was pissed.
lol. I read there's a way to see the mole's house if you reset the game twice and really piss him off, then you can go break one rock in your village and it'll be an entrance to his home.
I'm pretty sure the mole's house thing is just a rumor. There's more rumors about secret stuff in this game then where was about ocarina of time.
that sucks. :(

So does anyone play this game? What times are you all on (eastern time if possible)?
anyone at all?

the nintendo forums are lame they don't let you share friend codes (what is the point of having them if the big N. is going to prohibit it on the official forums!!)