Network silliness


[H]F Junkie
Aug 31, 2000
I live in an apartment, it comes with wired internet, I think from spectrum, uses an Arris blinky light box that coaxes into the wall and cat5 to my windows box, been running fine.

My computer died, a new cpu and motherboard fixed it right up but plugging the coax into the new z490i has no connection at all.

I know diddly about this field.
The arris lights look fine, like I would know, the only network stuff I see in windows (10) is a single wireless connection with a password. I do not do wireless. So that ain't it.
Mullvad sees no sort of connection.
Says it's unplugged, it's not.

I can wait until Monday to crawl to tech support, but if it is something like a reset button, that I DON'T see,
I would really like to catch opening day of Grand Sumo on my big screen.
Did you install the network drivers ?
Nope, whatever windows 10 would install automatically, and whatever came on the rog strix gaming Z490i board and i7-10700k, which are all I changed.

The Asus COULD have included a driver usb stick instead of a bloody coaster.

The windows is the same install on the same m.2 I was running on the H-270i that died.
Im guessing windows needs drivers for the wired network controller.
Id right click start adn pick Device Manager to see whats missing a driver
Im guessing windows needs drivers for the wired network controller.
Id right click start adn pick Device Manager to see whats missing a driver
Thanks, just the right amount of handholding I need.
In device manager, everything under
Network Adaptors
is green
Intel wifi 6 AX201 160mhz
Mullvad Tunnel
And a bunch of
Wan Miniport (things)

The only exclamation marks are in
Other Devices

Ethernet controller
PCI Device
SM Bus Controller
Unknown Device

Clicking update driver for each did nothing and they sorta look familiar from the previous incarnation when internet worked.
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Are the network port LEDs on both the modem and your new motherboard lighting up when the cable's plugged in?
On the motherboard are an orangey light, on steady, and a green flashing light at the plug.
At the modem I can see a greenish flashing happening around the plug area

Both green lights are flashing at about the same rate.faster than Black Sabbath but no where near speed metal double kicks.
I am increasingly getting the feeling that the network password was stored on the motherboard, in some TPM like thing,
windows 11 upgrade checker said it didn't have an actual approved TPM but a primitive predecessor was not ruled out.
So when I swapped the board I lost the password, and Monday it is.

Dunno, but there seems to be a growing arrow pointing that way.
Did you install the latest LAN driver from the Asus website? Version

No, I have no internet connection.

I am using my phone to post and search for data, but have no way to transfer files from phone to computer, sheer ignorance on my part I am sure.

It would have been cleaner to do a full Windows install since the new motherboard has a different chipset than the old motherboard

Absolutely, passwords give me EXTREME difficulty, and I have this OS setup entirely satisfactorily and it has a BUNCH of password stuff so resetting everything back up would really make me Very Sad .

I am sure there is a program that could strip every password from my system and plug it in where needed but I am disinclined to wander that rout.
Funny, 20 years ago this struggle was was the normal. If you didn't have modem drivers on disk before you wiped your OS, you was up the creek.

Now products don't ship with discs half the time.

Network hw can be a challenge, chicken and egg kinda thing.
Ethernet Controller

Device type
Other devices


PCI bus 4
Device 0
Function 0

The drivers for this device are not installed. (Code 28)

There are no comparable drivers for this device.

In Driver details it says

No driver files are required or have been loaded for this device

I would swear that this exact same thing was present in the previous , functional, system, it looks familiar and I WOULD have looked at it since exclamation marks bug me.
I see NO angle of attack, what is it that I need a driver for, how can I aim a search for the specific file I need.
Where do I look ?
I see NO angle of attack, what is it that I need a driver for, how can I aim a search for the specific file I need.
Where do I look ?
on the boards support page.
or maybe use your wifi, since that seems to not have an error...
I have no wifi on the computer, it is certainly not connected, I did not bother to plug in the antenna at all.

I can use the phone to try to find out from Asus but what am I looking for ?

An unknown device has an unknown problem, the day when I could talk to a person who understood what was going on and could, and would, guide me to a resolution are gone.

Except for here

I am sure there are logs that would give clues because something is going on in the computer but it is way below the surface that I am skimming across in my little lashed together raft.

When in device manager I was presented with the option to remove the item, all I saw was a fin surfacing in the water beside me. I carefully withdrew my oar and held still until it went away (select cancel)
Is there even such a thing as a complete driver bundle for every single thing on a motherboard that uses one ? That should be the bios but it did not COME with a bios that covers the board, and requires more to be fully functional ?
The depth of my lack of understanding can easily hide leviathan, and several kraken with no crowding.
22 years here and you really dont know how to deal with drivers?
go to the support page and download the nic drivers, use your phone are maybe try connecting the antenna and use the wifi, if your modem has wifi. then download all the other drivers, no there isnt a pack.
that worked , Thank You !
I TOTALLY needed that handholding to get past whatever was holding me back, typing on my new 8 thread beast.
i googled asus support download drivers, the intel drivers were newer than the windows ones,
so i downloaded it to my phone, plugged the charging usb cable into the computer, grabbed the zip and put it on the desktop.
unzipped all until there were no zips left and then clicked everything that looked instally.
lots of dos windows later the driver in device manager was now intel and some new wifi devices appeared.
two exclamation marks disappeared. leaving 2,
and internet works.
You've got it going now, but if you run into this again where you've got wifi drivers working, but no wifi and missing the wired driver, you can probably share your phone's internet with hotspot mode and then grab the drivers on the computer 'directly'
Wow, what a nightmare. This is why I keep a usb-ethernet adapter handy for situations like this. Usually it will recognize immediately and then I can get online and get the real drivers.
grabbed the zip and put it on the desktop.
unzipped all until there were no zips left and then clicked everything that looked instally.
I'm super glad you got it sorted out, but this isn't exactly the best method. You should really take a moment and try to understand what happened, and what drivers are, where they come from, and how to install them. Clicking everything that looks instally is usually not a good thing to do, from a security standpoint.
Clicking everything that looks instally is usually not a good thing to do,
I was happy with the containing DRV_LAN zip and
AsusSetup.exe was the clear choice since it should use the files in the folder to do the job.
but I looked at the PDF, and it talked about system integrators and other high power users, implying that there were options available beyond the scope of a basic grunt user like me.
so I looked at the other contents.

the idea being that setup exe was acting as coordinator of the other utilities in the folder, who were doing the actual lifting, so seeing what THEY did could be useful.
not so much, powerful spells but written in a tongue entirely foreign to my experience and so of no use to me.
I was happy with the containing DRV_LAN zip and
AsusSetup.exe was the clear choice since it should use the files in the folder to do the job.
but I looked at the PDF, and it talked about system integrators and other high power users, implying that there were options available beyond the scope of a basic grunt user like me.
so I looked at the other contents.

the idea being that setup exe was acting as coordinator of the other utilities in the folder, who were doing the actual lifting, so seeing what THEY did could be useful.
not so much, powerful spells but written in a tongue entirely foreign to my experience and so of no use to me.
Generally ime, the inf files are what matter. I don't even use the installers 99% of the time since they want to install 'stuff' and mess with the registry. Pointing the 'update driver' to the right inf will usually get things moving and if it's the wrong inf, it won't install so it's pretty foolproof. The only things I've found that won't work this way are broadcom drivers and some usb docks.