Neo Geo Stick 2 for the Wii


Supreme [H]ardness
Jul 13, 2002

SNK has released a Neo Geo controller for the Wii, and I think it looks pretty good. It's supposedly works for both Wii games and Virtual Console games. There are no details as to how it connects to the Wii that I can see, but I would guess it's either wireless or plugs into the Wii-mote. For $60 I would hope that it's stand-alone though.

For those interested you can get one here -
Man, that brings back memories of playing on my buddy's Neo Geo when we were teens (rich bastard :) ). I need to check into this.
I'm tempted to get one, especially if it's wireless. I just wish there were more details. By the time anyone imports one and posts their thoughts it will probably be sold out already. If it works with Brawl and Mario Kart along with VC games I'm sold.
It'd be nice if they released some more recent NEOGEO games on VC.