Need to buy a socket 754 motherboard


Limp Gawd
Jul 19, 2004
My MSI K8N Neo Platinum has overstayed its welcome, and RMA's and refurb's aren't doing me any good. I need to buy a NEW socket 754 with a decent chipset. I wouldn't like to pay more than $70.
The one in my sig. Or a Chaintec VNF3-250 Zenith. I'd probably go for the Epox 8KDA3+
I'm not sure I want to buy a motherboard with integrated video if I don't have to, doesn't seem like the best allocation of my money :rolleyes:

Also, I guess this is stupid but I'd like a motherboard with a firewire port, my iPod cable is Firewire.
soundblaster audigy cards have a firewire port built in, thats always an option. and audigy 1 and 2's are dirt cheap.
If you want to move to PCIe graphics also, look at that T-force even though it has an IGP chipset, you can always add in a PCIe card.

If you're staying with AGP, get the DFI LP NF3 250 whatever it's called. You can get one used for probably around $50 or so in the FS/FT threads.