Need some opinions on the S Frame


Oct 25, 2006

Well let me start by saying that i do love my tj09 but have been wanting to upgrade to a new case for a while.

Now i know a lot of people find the s frame ugly but i find it amazing looking.
I know the $800 price tag is beyond crazy but lets leave that out of this.

I love everything about this case but i have some concerns with the open air design.

I would be putting this case on a stand to keep it off the floor but how risky is this?
I know dust is conductive, my pc is in the basement, and i have two cats that spend most their time down there.

Will the dust and open air design pose a serous shortage risk to my pc hardware?

My second concern is airflow.
I figured the case being open air + 3 intake fans at the bottom will bring serous improvements. but after reading some comments online, it seems most people are saying that this would probably be worse, air flow wise.

any other comments, positive or negative are welcome.

im about 90% sure i will be buying this case, just want some thoughts i guess.

i also wish you could buy it with the unfinished paint.
I think it will be a dust magnet, especially if you have cats running around. You could also mod it with some custom designed filters (hide them in between the open areas). Last resort, build a cleanroom and use it as is. :D
yeah, little lazy to build a room xD
when i had my tj09 on the desk it barely collected any dust.
now that its on the ground it does collect a fair amount.

i dont mind having to clean it more often, but my main concern with dust is whether or not it poses a serous risk to the hardware.
I've seen PCs run with thick layers of dust. Manufactures know their products will be covered in dust also.

But, since it's open air, you can keep it clean by spraying air from time to time with a Metro Vacuum.

ok, as i said i dont really mind having to dust it out more often.
a case that sexy is worth it :D

but what about airflow.
should i seem improvements in temps?

i normally run tri sli but had to pull the middle card because of how hot they have been getting this summer.
should i see lower temps compared to my tj09?
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I do not see something like this as being made with temps or easy-of-use in mind. It is a statement piece. And while there is nothing innately wrong with that, I would not purchase this case assuming any other benefit will be had over the competition.
I do not see something like this as being made with temps or easy-of-use in mind. It is a statement piece. And while there is nothing innately wrong with that, I would not purchase this case assuming any other benefit will be had over the competition.

yeah, the main reason im buying it is simply to show off. i wont lie.

but i figured having 3 fans, with open air, right below the gpus would provide better temps.
just wondering if im wrong about that.

and i do need some opinions on aesthetics.
my keyboard, mouse, and headset are all black with red leds.
i have a asus rampage 4, which is red and black.
g skill ripjaw ram which is red.

my gpus are evga, so they are silver.
wish i went with asus now xD

but heres my question.
im planning on going red single sleeved cables with three led fans on the bottom of the case.
what im trying to decide between is if i should go with white or red leds?
im thinking white to really show off the guts of the pc.

but my other question is, for my noctua nh-d15. i want to replace the two fans on it with solid red fans. no leds, just solid red color.
does anyone know of any?
lovely case, would have one in a shot if it cost <£250.
Your cards will be cool. Because of the open air you may not have full positive pressure but it's enough.
I like the case also, but the price is eye watering.

I'll probably buy one myself though. I really like stuff like this.
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