Need some help troubleshooting cause of freezing/stuttering in some games


Mar 28, 2004
I upgraded to the system displayed in my sig below a few weeks ago and I'm having trouble in certain games. I went on an FPS binge to test out the new system (BF3, Crysis 2, STALKER, Skyrim, and APB: Reloaded) and logged ~80 hours in BF3 without a single hiccup for weeks.

I started playing Saints Row 3 when I noticed that the game would freeze for a few seconds or sometimes just lock up forcing me to use task manager. I just dismissed it cause I figured it was to be expected after the abysmal port that was SR2. Then I started playing games like Heroes of Newerth, SW:TOR Beta, DC Universe Online, WoW and I'd experience the same frequent 1-2s freezes with the occasional hardlock.

I have the latest drivers and my temps never go above 53C. I have no idea why I can play the newest and most demanding games without a hitch but games that don't even stress my system are giving me all sorts of problems.