need some help rotating my monitor


Dec 6, 2001
Heres the deal, i have a 3007WFP and a 2005FPW. I rotated the 2005 90 degrees to take up less space on my desk(saw it somewhere and thought it was cool too :D ). Now I cant seem to figure out how to get the image to rotate. I have two seperate video cards but the nvidia control panel seems to only control the main monitor. Anybody know how to do this?
hm... well i have a 7600 gt and i installed the nvidia drivers and it put an icon down on the tray. Basically i can just right click that and go to rotate screen, and it has a whole array of rotation options. So i would think if you don't have that little icon, it should be under nvidia options somewhere in control panel.

Well i just went and looked, and if you go into control panel, then go into display, then to go settings, then click on the advanced button and then click on the nvidia tab, you should be able to find it there..

While i was looking i also found the temp settings of my GPU, cool...
ahh, seems that both monitors have to be on the same card or the drivers wont "see" both of them