need some help on Far Cry...


The man behind the curtain...
Jan 13, 2001
okay, I'm at my ends wit here.

I'm at the Boat level. the very last level where you have to blow up the gas tanks on the freighter.

so then the damn helicopter comes and I cant figure out how to beat that SOB for nothing.

I can hit the damn helicopter 10 different times with the rocket launcher and it still doesnt do jack and I always end up getting shot by the guy in the heli with the machine gun. I can fire at it with all the other guns and it still doesnt affect it. it seems I cant put a scratch on it no matter how many times I hit the damn thing.

so can someone give me any tips or tricks on how the heck to get past that level before I pull all my hair out?
oh the one with that one dude, here's a good tip. Drive a vehicle to the shore where the boat is , and then do the crap on the boat, right after you plant the explosive, jump off and swim to the shore, and get in the vehicle and start shooting him , be sure the vehicle is between some trees before you do it to give some cover, and afte ra bunch of shots( rockets or machine or both) he'll go away, and that's the best way in my opinion to beat it
usually you can just aim for the gunner, take him out and the heli will leave
Glyphic said:
usually you can just aim for the gunner, take him out and the heli will leave

well thats just it.

I can freakin get three or four rockets inside the damn heli and it still wont do jack.

and by the time I've swam to shore, the heli has already gunned me down.

Jesus, I can understand a game being challenging but this is just ridiculous....

you figure if one of those rockets can take out an Army Jeep then four or five of them should take out a damn helicopter.
What difficulty are you playing on? On medium, I remember the helicopter leaving after 4 or 5 rockets. Use the OICW grenade launcher too if you have it.
I had to launch a ton of grenades at that thing. It took me 3 or 4 tries but I got it. I used one of the masts on the boat as cover which helped a lot.
I beat it on realistic by swimming to shore and hiding in the bushes. The bushes I used were at roughly 8 o'clock from the boat, so you can just plant and jump into the water from there.
ozziegn said:
okay, I'm at my ends wit here.

I'm at the Boat level. the very last level where you have to blow up the gas tanks on the freighter.

I hate to break your heart, but that's not even close to the last level.
I just used a tree for cover. I would poke around and hit it with a rocket, then get back behind the tree. I think I got past that part without getting hit. (Normal Difficulty)
Run to the top of the boat (after bomb goes off) and use the mast for cover. Hit it with all your rockets and it will go away.
laban said:
I just used a tree for cover. I would poke around and hit it with a rocket, then get back behind the tree. I think I got past that part without getting hit. (Normal Difficulty)

haha, this is exactly what I did. Worked pretty well.
I got killed a few times on this bit and also tried to swim for shore and hide behind vegetation, but it didn't work out as well as I'd planned.

In the end, I just had to perservere - I beat the copter by hiding in the cabin on the boat and getting a few successful rocket hits in. I don't know if there's a specific area you need to hit - I suspect that there isn't and just landing rockets anywhere on the helicopter is the way to go.
well, here it is again...

a new day and I still havent been able to beat that damn helicopter. :mad:

I've tried swimming to shore. nothing... I get shot down.

I've tried hiding in the ship's cabin. nothing... I can shoot the damn heli 5 or 6 times with rockets and it still doesnt give up.

I've tried to hide under the ship after I've hit it with some rockets and nothing. the heli stays there and shoots me down.

I dunno what to do... :(
I did the same thing as others reported. I swam to shore and kept a tree between me and the helicopter. You must be playing a harder difficulty level if you can't make it to shore in time. Other factors, maybe your frame rates are too low and the game is running faster than your video card is able to display. Try lowering the eye candy and rez during that part. Also keep in mind that that running the game temporarily at 640x480 will make a bigger target to shoot at. It might look ugly, but it's worth a try.
I can guarantee this will work and it takes the least effort. Two "paths" to get to the frieghter. Via boat or via hummer on the mountain path. Take the hummer, do not take the boat.

I can't remember the compass settings and I am not at home to look. But let's just call the island that the copter comes from roughly "North". The Frieghter is aligned north to south, with the back pointing south to the cove. Roughly to south is that beached derelict ship. Roughly to the south east is the corner of the cove that you can come around on a stolen boat if you took that path. Roughly to the south west of the frieghter is a beach below the trail if you happened to come that way on a hummer.

Grab a hummer from the beach base around the cove. Drive it on the path back to the frieghter, and park behind the large boulder. Get out, sniper all the enemies on the boat. Drive the hummer down the steep hill north of the boulder to get onto the beach (the one that is south west of the frieghter, remember). Swim to the frieghter, clear the enemies, stock up on ammo. Forget the rocket launcher. Plant the bombs and jump off the back. Swim to the beach, hop in the hummer. Zoom with the machine gun, and lay into the copter as it approaches. As it gets close, switch to rockets and hit it a few times.

The copter never has a chance.

I played it twice... at normal and high difficulties. Never had a problem - got hit maybe once... generally the hummer takes all the damage.

Hope that helps.
I set the bomb and immediately jumped overboard and swam toward that beached ship behind the big ship. I then kept the tree between me and the chopper and took it out that way. I tried to bring a boat alongside the ship with the hopes that I could jump to it after I set off the bomb it it was blown up when I went to it. I like DiscardME's idea to use the Hummer. I'll have to try that when I get to that part again. :cool: