Need some build help


Jul 7, 2004
Ok, so im in the market for a new pc, But im wanting a dual processor at least, but possibly dual proc. with the whole dual video card setup, but thing is, im not that full of $$. And i really have no idea what is new, whats good whats not and i figured the knowledgeable people here would, so If anyone could help, could you possibly link me to some things that could help me build a cheap dual processor setup?
Cheap and dual processor don't typically go hand in hand if you want high end. You're looking to go dual vid cards, to me that says high end. Unless you're doing alot of video editing, programming, database work, heavy multitasking, or something equally capable of or written to handle SMP, you are much better off looking at a fast single processor than you are duals.

Possibly a dual core system instead of a dual processor system may be an option. Keep in mind most games don't take advantage of SMP yet, though a few do.
I agree. It sounds like you would be better off with a dual core chip.

I personally think AMD's dual core parts are faster, and when you take this into consideration, I find them to have a better price/performance ratio. However, if you want dual and you have a tight budget, I suppose you could pick up a cheap pentium D.
ok, well im kind of dumb when it comes to all the dual stuff, what is the difference between dual core, and dual processor, and btw im going to be doing some heavy gaming along with some intenseive graphic work if that helps.
LoneWolf2 said:
ok, well im kind of dumb when it comes to all the dual stuff, what is the difference between dual core, and dual processor, and btw im going to be doing some heavy gaming along with some intenseive graphic work if that helps.

Dual processor = a board with two cpu sockets, and a cpu (eg Opteron 2xx, Xeon) in each socket. Such boards (server boards) are generally expensive, and usually require registered memory, which is more expensive.
Dual core = two cores on one CPU die - Athlon X2, S939 Opteron 165/170/175, Pentium D. Will work in the same kind of board your normal desktop chip runs in. Dont need registered memory.
Yup, I'd have to agree. Go with an Athlon64 X2 (3.8) and you can build a decent system for around $500, depending on how "cheap" you want to go. (I'm referring to cheaper parts versus the higher quality, but more expensive parts.)

With that, I don't know if you'll even need SLI. You may want to wait on that anyway. If Nvidia is supporting Dell's QUAD-GPU system, then changes are likely in-store in the SLI world later this year. (My guess is some sort of 2 GPU solution on just one card.)
Well depends on how much $$$ you have. I mean wanting SLI and a dual-core/dual proc system doesn't exactly come cheap otherwise everyone would have one! :)
So what's your budget? If you are really tight for money you could go a Pentium D (although it isn't that great for games) and either 2 6600gts SLI'ed or just get a single faster video card depending on which games you play.
amd 3800 x2
sli capable mobo
7800 gt vid card

##**2 gigs of ram**## (optional you may be able to use existing ram you have in system now so price quotes don't reflect this option which would be an additional $140)

this will be a great game system and you can upgrade to a second 7800gt later if you want.

cost for this would be around $700

for $500 you could get a 6800gs instead which is still respectable for gaming or a 6800 gt pci-e would probably save you $50 over that if you find one cheap enough used.
I wouldn't bother payign $500 for a 6800gs when you can get a 7800gt off newegg for about $300