Need some advice on cheap mobo


Jun 7, 2004
I have decided recently that I am going to slap together another pc to use mostly
as an irc server, file server, and maybe a game server.

A friend of mine works at a local puter store and got me an ok deal (I think hehe...) on a
Celeron D 330 for $70 CDN. I also have 512 pc3200 lying around here.

Here is the point where I would like to say that I have never put together an Intel system before and the last Intel system I owned was my p133 about a billion years ago

So essentially I am looking for the cheapest best stable board for use in a server type setting.
I might to some raid but I have a 250gig HDD that I think will probably do the job nicely.

One suggestion I received was the ASUS P4P800-MX and P4P800-SE. I have no idea if the processor will even fit these boards or not.

Anyway, thanks for the imput. :p
If you are not looking for a high performance MB, I would suggest an ECS 848P-A. It is an 865 chipset that only supports single channel memory. You can pick one up on fleabay for about 25-30$ US.

Novensu said:
If you are not looking for a high performance MB, I would suggest an ECS 848P-A. It is an 865 chipset that only supports single channel memory. You can pick one up on fleabay for about 25-30$ US.


Actually New Egg has an ECS Mobo can't remeber the model number because i am at work and blocked from the site, but its around 50 bucks has 2 Serial ports along with dual channel and it was also 865 chipset. It was about 50 bucks. I built 3 cheap computers with it for some friends and never had a problem..... So for about 15 more bucks you get a couple extra options.
ok guys thanks for the suggestions. I have looked at the ECS boards and they are dirt cheap.
I have heard some bad things about them but for a budget second system it should suffice right????

so far I have the following picked out the ECS PM800-M2 anyone have any experiences with this one???