Need OC help/advice on x3350 with 8gb G.Skill Ripjaws


Limp Gawd
Nov 3, 2005
Hello folks, I stupidly posted this on another folder...but posting here in the correct folder now.

I've run into some kind of a pickle.

I haven't OC'd in so long that I just didn't pay attention to how delicate the OC was on my system when I plugged in new ram (8GB G.Skill Ripjaws 1333 9-9-9-24).

I have the following right now, which is what is working:

x3350 (x8 multi) = 2.67ghz
evga 790i Ultra SLi
evga 560ti
Cpu Core - 1.30625v
Cpu FSB - 1.35v
memory - 1.550v
nForceSPP - 1.40v
nForceMCP - 1.550v
FSB - 1333mhz (linked)
MEM - 1333mhz (linked)
Mem voltage - 2.0v (I feel this is too high? the box said 1.5v for this ram)

As you can see, I'm kind of all over the place, but this is what is currently allowing me to start windows 7. Otherwise, my windows 7 crashes the moment I open photoshop and start doing some batch work. I had the FSB/MEM linked at 1600 for sh&ts and giggles and when Photoshop launched and I started to do batch work, the PC would reboot.

I know I have to fiddle with these settings better and run tests, but I was wondering if someone here could give me a good starting point, so I don't start from this horrendously slow speed.

Any advice folks? Prior to this ram, I had a 3.4 ghz OC, but this new RAM isn't playing nice with my old settings and now I'm having to start all over again.

If I unlink my FSB and MEM, my system becomes pretty unstable and crashes. Any advice here would be greatly appreciated.