need help with 12.2. drivers


Oct 31, 2002
ok here is a video of my problem.

basically the overdrive tab just dissappers. and position windows taskbar stops working after playing any game in full screen mode and have to restart to get to work again.

reinstalling windows dont help. ive tried about going back to 12.1 then installing on top of as well that dont work either. what is odd is before i installed drivers in the first place the 12.2 pre cert. ones worked perfect but i keep getting driver stopped responding in tera online. all other things worked fine. If i do a clean install of them now i get the same issue. Im guessing a reg. error but i have no clue where to look.

pc is a 6950 unlocked in eyefinity running 5760x1080 amd x6 1055t 3.5ghz and asus crosshair IV 890fx

thanks for help.
Sorry...good luck.

Did you try a third party driver uninstaller, I think some may wipe relevant registry entries as well...this has helped me with similar issues in the past. I had just installed the new drivers on top of old, no problems.

Try Driver Cleaner, or Driver Sweeper. Once I had to use both but it worked..not that it was the same issue that you are having...
I've tried those drivers with same results with my 5870. I went back to the 14 Feb 12.2/3 drivers and things work better. The center monitor position is buggy in all drivers. Presets seem fubar as well. I leave my center monitor on full time, then enable EF when I want it. Then disable EF when I'm finished. Seems to work better that way. Reinstalling windows does nothing. It's the driver.
ill give that a shot but it was clean install with just the motherboard drivers from asus site and then the newest 12.2 and i get these errors
after reinstall of windows again and 5 time the driver sweeper it seems to be fixed