Need Help Web Filtering


Limp Gawd
Feb 12, 2002
I am trying to block my employees from surfing the internet at work and I need your help.

I have a small restaurent, running a POS software on Windows XP machine. Problme is that my employees are suring the net when we are not busy, and last week my computer got infected over 400 spywares and I spent 8 hours fixing it.

I went out and purchased the Dlink router with webfilter feature. Problem is whenever I use this, it blocks the creditcard/VNC/dyndns all at the same time. (Credti card uses the IP connection to authorize).

I forwared all the ports to the main pos machine but still no luck.

Any suggestions?
Smoothwall Express w/ Advanced Web Proxy & URL Filter
Total software cost: $0

All you need is some old hardware to run it on.

Maybe check out netnanny or something of that sort.
I don't know what model Dlink you have, but mine has the option of allowing exceptions to the filter. This way you could find out what IP or web addresses you needed, and just allow those connections.
as stated ..find an old computer (p2 w/128megs sdram at least ) and load up Smoothwall Express 2.0 with the ADVproxy 2.04 (current as of right now) with the UrlFilter add-on mods and then grab the latest blacklist from and you'll be able to block a plethora of categories from porn to spyware ... or you could run the Dansguardian mod on it if you want content filtering

IPCop and Endian are good distros that will do the same thing as well ... Endian probably being the easiest to set up (noob friendliest)

I've used Smoothwall for a couple years now and am now running Endian at home to test the spamfiltering aspect of it ..

regardless of what you decide to run with sure to keep your xp box protected and up to date (that applies to your virus and spyware protection programs as well)

AntiVir - good free antivirus program
SpyBot Search & Destroy - update and immunize and run periodic scans
SpywareBlaster - update and enable all protection
Ad-Aware - update and run periodic scans
Super AntiSpyware - update and run periodic scans

..also alternatively you might want to use Firefox if your not already and install the Adblock Plus add-on as well as others

...and too , perhaps switch your dns servers to OpenDNS' servers ..some complain of OpenDNS being slower , but I don't notice a difference speed wise at all . With OpenDNS you'll have another layer of protection from phishing sites and the like.. and for mods

You could run ccleaner from time to time as well if you want

force IE to high security and then put no websites in the trusted sites area and I think this will block access to all websites.