Need help selecting a second monitor. FPS Gaming/speed.


Feb 3, 2013
Hey guys, EDIT: ACCIDENTAL DOUBLE POST no idea how to delete from phone..

Let me start by saying that I'm sorry for the umpteenth monitor selection thread, but this place has always helped me and I'm not sure where to start.

So, with the help of this forum I had selected one of the new Samsung 4K TV's as my primary gaming monitor, I love it for most everything but I have seen a resurgence in my shooter play..I have a Zotac 980 TI Amp extreme, and received a second one for SLI sometime over the holidays.

I have done more research on SLI set ups and so forth and am starting to think the performance gain isn't worth the cost associated with it and am noticing more games not supporting it etc..

All that aside, I'm thinking I may just get a 144Hz monitor GSync or otherwise for my shooter play and use the 4k for everything else. Would love to make it under 600 if possible, 3D not a concern either way for me. 27 inch or over as well.

So long story short: Gsync worth it for that type of play? And what are some the fastest 144Hz with lowest input lag out there? Thanks in advance.
SINKs are pointless.

A good CRT would give best quality if u have the room. These are afordable and can be found locally. Check CraigsList.
If you lack space, the FG2421 is a good 1920x1080, VA, 120Hz, strobed LCD. You can get one for about 500 on the eBay.
Wait for CES to happen. Starts Jan 4. They will be announcing new models. The current offerings are ok but the only good 27" g syncs are morethan you want to spend. Prices should drop and new monitors with hopefully better specs should be coming soon. I am waiting for a better Freesync offering as I have a 290.

Look to Acer, Asus and the higher end BenQ.