Need advice on a transaction


Supreme [H]ardness
Oct 9, 2004
I recently purchased a laptop from a forum member. The laptop itself is a X61s. I paid slightly over $100 shipped for it (for reference: better deals than this can usually be found on eBay), it is in good shape and I'm overall pleased with it. The issues are:
1. It came with a 80GB 5400RPM HDD. The HDD is developing bad sectors but seems to be usable for the time being.
2. LCD assembly was obviously taken apart as there is cosmetic damage around the LCD bezel.
3. LCD has four dead pixels. It was clearly stated to have none.

I can forgive the first two as the HDD would be basically worthless even if it was in perfect condition, and I will be replacing it with a SSD. I was hoping to maybe sell it for a couple dollars but now I'll just keep it as a backup since it seems to be going bad. As for the second problematic area: the cosmetic damage around the LCD bezel isn't very noticeable and the condition of the rest of the laptop is quite good.

However, adding on the fact that the LCD has four dead pixels kind of pushes me over the edge. Before I ask for compensation, I am curious what you guys think a fair figure would be? Again, I am fine with the failing HDD and damaged bezel so I'm mainly just looking for compensation for the four dead pixels.

compensation would be you're not happy with it and you send it back for a refund.

anything other than that, you have to talk with the person you bought from. have you researched a replacement LCD? without research on a replacement LCD, people would just be throwing out numbers.
compensation would be you're not happy with it and you send it back for a refund.

anything other than that, you have to talk with the person you bought from. have you researched a replacement LCD? without research on a replacement LCD, people would just be throwing out numbers.

I am happy with it other than the dead pixels, which I feel are too minor to send back the laptop considering that shipping alone would be at least $18.

The LCD itself costs ~$50 on eBay and the sellers tend to not state whether the part has any stuck/dead pixels. Factor in time and the fact that I have never replaced a laptop's LCD before and it isn't even worth bothering doing the replacement.
I guess the important thing is was any of these issues described in the seller's thread?
I guess the important thing is was any of these issues described in the seller's thread?

No. He stated that the laptop is in very good condition, that the LCD has no dead pixels and that he never used the HDD (he purchased the laptop off of eBay a couple years ago so I'm guessing the owner before him used the HDD as it has been used according to the SMART values).

I didn't ask him if the HDD was in fine shape as such HDDs are so cheap that it hardly matters and I have a SSD coming in a couple days to replace it. And, going by the pictures he provided, I should've asked him if the assembly was taken apart since the lid's screw covers were missing. I don't mind though as it works and looks good enough. I'm not a difficult person to please, despite my attention to detail. In fact, I am quite forgiving about most defects that "suddenly" appear after I purchase a used item.

The issues with the dead pixels are:
1. Every time I'm on a white background (as in, typing up a document which is usually what I use my laptop for) I am going to notice them.

2. He stated there weren't any yet I easily found four.

3. Dead pixels significantly hurt the resale value. This is a cheap and old laptop though, so by the time I'm done with it it will likely not even be worth selling... Much like my X31.

I understand that the amount of compensation can only be truly calculated by me, but I am hoping that perhaps someone else was in a similar situation and could provide some insight. I guess I'll have to do some pondering and see if the seller and I can come to a mutual agreement.
Really the only thing you can ask for is the cost of a replacement LCD, or a return. Return shipping should not be $18 unless you are shipping it 2-day. Via priority, an x61 and its charger will fit in a medium flat rate box or a regional rate b box (possibly even a regional rate a box).
There is an LCD on ebay right now for $41. However, then there is the time to replace it. You'd be able to sell the old one though.

On a different note- have you tried one of those stuck pixel programs? If the seller said it had no dead pixels, maybe they are just stuck.
If the seller specifically stated no dead pixels I think you are entitled to refund or cost of replacement. I wouldn't be an ass and ask to be paid for the time it takes to replace it though.
Really the only thing you can ask for is the cost of a replacement LCD, or a return. Return shipping should not be $18 unless you are shipping it 2-day. Via priority, an x61 and its charger will fit in a medium flat rate box or a regional rate b box (possibly even a regional rate a box).

It was shipped in a large flat rate box and that seemed like a good fit since it left some room on all sides for packaging materials. I suppose medium flat rate would work, so $11.30 + insurance.

There is an LCD on ebay right now for $41. However, then there is the time to replace it. You'd be able to sell the old one though.

On a different note- have you tried one of those stuck pixel programs? If the seller said it had no dead pixels, maybe they are just stuck.

If the seller specifically stated no dead pixels I think you are entitled to refund or cost of replacement. I wouldn't be an ass and ask to be paid for the time it takes to replace it though.

I am nearly positive they are dead pixels since they look black. I've had stuck pixels before and it is easy to tell the difference.

After PayPal fees, the guy got ~$82 after shipping expenses so asking for $41-50 compensation for four dead pixels leaves him with next to nothing. I was thinking more along the lines of $20-24 compensation as I can live with the dead pixels, it is just that they will occasionally annoy me and hurt resale value. I would prefer to keep the laptop as, for the most part, I like it a lot. Of course, I would say that about any laptop considering I am moving up from an ancient X31. :) Goodbye 4 minute boot times!

Judging by the comments, I suppose everyone will either state to ask for a full refund and ship it back or ask for $41 for a replacement LCD (again, no guarantee that those replacement LCDs will be dead/stuck pixel free).
If it doesn't bother you too much, then you could ask for the $20-24. He did say no dead pixels and that isn't what you got. Live and learn I guess.
For a 100 dollar machine, I wouldnt give the 4 dead pixels a second thought.
For a 100 dollar machine, I wouldnt give the 4 dead pixels a second thought.

The cost of the item is irrelevant if the defects weren't described in the first place. If I sell a busted item for $1 but don't tell the buyer that it was run over by a bus, they still have every right to complain because they are expecting a fully working item.
Depending on what the seller wants to do, I might go for a partial refund.

As Gillbot said, it doesn't matter what the amount sold at was, what matters is that it didn't arrive as described, and that is grounds for filing a paypal dispute/claim if the seller isn't willing to work with you.
Have you tried massaging it? It looks like there is still light coming from / through it so technically it's not a "dead" pixel. A "stuck" pixel, maybe, but "dead" pixel? No.

As you said, given the price, not much room to argue really. If it were on a new laptop then I would definitely complain but on a years old $100 laptop, I wouldn't expect "like new" perfection.
Have you tried massaging it? It looks like there is still light coming from / through it so technically it's not a "dead" pixel. A "stuck" pixel, maybe, but "dead" pixel? No.

As you said, given the price, not much room to argue really. If it were on a new laptop then I would definitely complain but on a years old $100 laptop, I wouldn't expect "like new" perfection.

I didn't know that in-between life and death pixels existed. :)

I've given that pixel a basic massage (wrap finger in a tissue and massage pixel) and that didn't do anything. If it isn't a dead pixel then I guess none of the others are either and I'll just chalk it up to a lesson learned: always ask the seller if the LCD has any blemishes before buying.
For a 100 dollar machine, I wouldnt give the 4 dead pixels a second thought.

That's you. The buyer is not you.

If seller does not accurately describe item, esp defects/damage, then seller is liable. For what, is up to seller and buyer to work out. If seller gives a shit at all about his trade rep, he'll make buyer happy, w/o any attitude of "you only paid $xx for it, what you are bitching about a small thing like that for?!"

If seller described, in full, the defects, and buyer then buys item, then buyer needs to STFU about those defects.

If seller does not describe defects, and therefore does not give buyer a chance to make an informed choice as to whether said defects are acceptable to him or not, then seller needs to make buyer happy. Either partial refund, or full refund as well as shipping costs so that buyer gets a true "full refund".
This is the way I see it, taking into account the information that these aren't exactly dead pixels:

The seller claimed that the display had no dead pixels. He did find a minor blemish on the screen (looks like minor damage to the anti-glare coating and unnoticeable when the screen is on) before the sale was made and sent me a picture of it as well. That was the only reported damage that I knew of prior to paying.

I did not ask if the display had any stuck pixels or other blemishes.

So, if these aren't dead pixels then I'm not going to hold him to it. It is a shame since they look like dead pixels when I'm viewing the screen at a normal distance, but whatever.
This is the way I see it, taking into account the information that these aren't exactly dead pixels:

The seller claimed that the display had no dead pixels. He did find a minor blemish on the screen (looks like minor damage to the anti-glare coating and unnoticeable when the screen is on) before the sale was made and sent me a picture of it as well. That was the only reported damage that I knew of prior to paying.

I did not ask if the display had any stuck pixels or other blemishes.

So, if these aren't dead pixels then I'm not going to hold him to it. It is a shame since they look like dead pixels when I'm viewing the screen at a normal distance, but whatever.

Dead, stuck, smoked some pot and are now just being lazy... It doesn't matter. If the seller said the screen was without defect other than the blemish then it's his job to fix the situation. If you don't feel right about asking for half the sell price ask for what you think is fair, if he says no asks for a refund. HE should be paying return shipping, NOT you. He caused the return not you. Had he sold the laptop he described he wouldn't be paying...

Don't just roll over and let someone take advantage of you..
Dead, stuck, smoked some pot and are now just being lazy... It doesn't matter. If the seller said the screen was without defect other than the blemish then it's his job to fix the situation. If you don't feel right about asking for half the sell price ask for what you think is fair, if he says no asks for a refund. HE should be paying return shipping, NOT you. He caused the return not you. Had he sold the laptop he described he wouldn't be paying...

Don't just roll over and let someone take advantage of you..

The only absolute statement he made was that the screen was free of dead pixels. If he stated that the screen had no defects then I wouldn't have an issue asking for either a partial or full refund.

Edit: The seller and I have chatted and have come to an agreement. Thanks to everyone who posted!
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