Need a UPS - advice


Nov 22, 2005
I have a 2 servers in my basement that I'd like to have on a UPS. I'm not sure the power draw - one has 8 hard drivers and is running an old Core2Quad processor. The other is a Supermicro server - somewhat power hungry Xeon processor, 64 gigs ram, and has 2 HD's in it (plan on expanding this to 6 in the future).
We've been getting a decent amount of storms lately causing the power to flicker. I'm more interested in the UPS keeping the systems running during a power flicker vs running for extended amounts of time.
I have a rack - so a rack mount is an option (but not requirement). These are in the basement, out of the way so looks are not important either.
I was checking Ebay for some used rack mounts - would need batteries in most cases. Microcenter had a few that seemed like they'd work fine in the $100-$200 range.
Before I buy, was looking for some feedback. I have an APC on my main rig that works great. I'm half tempted to get one (or maybe two?) of these for my servers.
Step one would be to be sure what your power draw is at maximum load for both units. That way you'll know if you have enough capacity for them.

Also: are we talking about one unit for both or two units? Because one unit for both can get interesting when setting up monitoring software.
I'd probably got with two units. Whenever I finally get my Supermicro server's drives up and running, I might retire the Core2Quad. The Supermicro has 2 Xeon processors and 64gigs of ram - it is a lot more of a system than I really need.
Actually, some of those big honker rackmounts are good deals. As long as the unit is in working order, the batteries are relatively cheap.

There's a couple of TrippLites going for dirt cheap. A few hundred in replacement battery packs and you have a multi-system capable UPS normally worth about $1700.
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