Need a TV.


Oct 28, 2004
I am looking for a *conventional* Flat-Screen TV. 27" (No LCD/DLP/Plasma Though cost $$) I keep looking at the magnavox at Best Buy. The same one is over at Circuit City and gets nothing but good reviews. Avg: 4.2/5


However, if there is something better, same size, for around 200-270 I'd love to see it. This won't be an HTPC system for real, but a nice start to one.

I ask for a small tv, with a low budget, because college is expensive.
I'm almost in the same boat as you (meaning college is expensive, and I need a TV). However why buy a non HD TV? I mean if your going to get a TV you might as well spend a bit more money and time into one and get an HD one (It helps with resale value). Of course it's your money and your life, and I'm not going to tell you what to do, but IMHO I feel that saving up for a not too expensive HD TV is the way to go. If you do decide to get an HD TV it will be easier to connect a HTPC to it, and probably look a hell of a lot better too. Also I know this will either make or break the deal, but at the first of the year (06) there are going to be a good amount of cheap HD TVs that are available( with the technology presented at this years trade shows), and a lot cheaper than even what is currently available. We are talking 37-inch LCDs with 1080p resolution for under $2000 that will appear at that time frame. That’s what I'm waiting for anyway (1080p, OMG, TV never looked that good).
Valid Points. But like I said this isnt for a HTPC. Just a TV I can watch and enjoy. Besides we are pestering our parents to buy a very very nice 60" DLP TV :D
nice, the bigger the HD TV the better IMHO. Trying to do the same with my folks, but I'm not sure when it's going to work.
HDTV is nice, but there isn't enough programming to push my purchase yet. I have one and still don't worry about it. Until movies are HD, I am not sweating it. Most of the TV that is done in HD isn't really worth it. big deal that west wing is in HD. so now the oval office carpet is brighter. whoopee. Plus an HDTV smaller than 43" is stupid to me. ok so you can produce a clear image, but it is too small to see from any great distance.

Now, if an HTPC is involved, my perspective changes a little, but not much. If you are going to be gaming or surfing the web, HDTV is a must.