Need A Guide To Water Cooling This

Jan 13, 2004
Ive just become interested in water cooling and the case mods and rockin watercooled systems Ive seen in these forums have only increased these interests. Ive only one problem. I cant find a good guide to purchase and setup a really good system. I was hoping that you guys could help me out with this. I'll post my stuff and take any advice that any of you could give me.


-Thermaltake Highest Xaser III V1000A Super Tower

-Lite On Black 48x24x48x16 Combo Drive

-Seagate 160GB 7200RPM IDE Hard Drive16.00


-POWERCOLOR RADEON 9700PRO Video Card, 128MB DDR, 256-bit

-Asus 875P Chipset Motherboard for Intel Socket 478 CPU

-THERMALTAKE W0019+PFC Silent Purepower 480W

-Kingston HyperX Series Dual Kits 184 Pin 1GB(512MBx2) DDR PC-3500
You basically have 2 options:
1) Select and assemble each componant for your system or
2) Buy a kit
While the kits have everything you will need to get a system going, selecting your own componants will usually be cheaper and allow you to choose the best parts suited to your system. There are guides-o-plenty on the net, but one place that I like is Also take a peek in the stickys at the top of this forum if you havent already.
Some good kits to consider:
Koolance Exos - Simple to set up and a good performer
DangerDen - good kits for hard core performance
Swiftech - " "
Dtec - " "
If you go the componant route, heres some personal recommendations:
---CPU Block---
Dtec WhiteWater CPU Block
DangerDen RBX, Maze4 or Maze 3 CPU blocks
Swiftech MCW5000 CPU Block
Eheim 1250 or 1048
Maxijet 1200
Hydor L20 or L30

For the rest, Tygon tubing is pretty much the best, but clearflex is good too. For real performance go with 1/2" ID tubing. For your radiator, there are literally thousands of options. You can use an oil cooler and find a huge variety of sizes and depths, but an automotive heater core will bleed heat better. Of course, heater cores will limit your size/shape options. Do a Google search to find which heater cores would fit best or post another question specifically asking about them. I personally use an oil cooler as I needed something to fit an unusual space. Finally, a reservior. While you can run a closed loop, a reservior will give you the bennefit of increasing system capacity, slowing water velocity enough to release air bubbles and make filling/bleeding much, much easier. There are a couple of reservior DIY tutorials, one that comes to mind is on You can also get a huge variety of them from any of the waterblock manufacturers I listed above. I hope this is of some help to you.