Need a demonoid invite.

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Unethical Trader
Oct 28, 2008
I have an account, but my friend's account somehow got deleted. I'm out of invites because I gave the all to [H] members. Anybody wanna PM me an invite code? Thanks a bunch guys!
Please send me an invite. I had one a long time ago and I was busy at work and got away from downloading.

I would like an invite so I can enjoy, I would greatly appreciate it if someone IM'd me an invite code.
Your doin it wrong. You guys should be pming other people for invites that post saying they have some. This way, people don't waste theirs by each person getting sent 5 of them.
if anyone else has one i wouldnt mind taking one. used to be a hardcore oink user but ever since that got taken away(on my bday too :( ) ive been trying to find something that will be almost as good.
Your doin it wrong. You guys should be pming other people for invites that post saying they have some. This way, people don't waste theirs by each person getting sent 5 of them.

Ill say this again...
Your doin it wrong. You guys should be pming other people for invites that post saying they have some. This way, people don't waste theirs by each person getting sent 5 of them.
uh ok. can someone pm me saying they have one. then ill pm them back saying I ACCEPT then u can pm me the code then we can froleck in DID I DO IT RIGHT MISTER????
I don't know, but you sure made an ass of yourself. 3.4 years and you still act like you are new.
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