Name Server Question


Limp Gawd
Jul 16, 2003
I didn't know where to really put this.

Anyways, I just registered a .COM. I have my own web-server, and a static-IP.

I'm looking to get a DNS with a Name Server so I can put that into the name server part and stuff. So it can read from my web-server.

How would I do this?
a) Run your own nameservers
b) Use a free nameserver service (i.e.,, etc)
how would i run my own name servers? Or how would I use a free name server thing?

How do I point it to my IP or whatever?
First off, if you want to run your own DNS, you need two machines. (yes you can use only one, but the recommended method is to use two for a reason). Here is a hint for you, if you ware going to run your own DNS servers, you need to go out and buy a book on DNS. Trust me, you want the book, you want it where you can grab it and look up what you need. Nothing worse than having a DNS server broke, and trying to look things up on the internet, but not able to get anywhere because you don't have a working DNS server.

These machines need to be running some form of DNS software, (Bind, Windows DNS server, some shareware software) Windows XP does not come with DNS software. Windows Server does. Linux you can install Bind.

Once you have a DNS server installed then you have to configure it, and register your DNS servers with most likely your registrar. Configuration will depend on the DNS server software you are using. With Bind and Linux you can install Webmin and control it from a web browser. With Windows DNS you will use the MMC to work with DNS.

Or you can outsource your DNS to either your registrar, or to some place like,, or, etc. Most of those places have some easy to use Web page to login and change settings. They may however charge you a small fee to use thier service.

You might want to concider outsourcing your DNS hosting.