My tool to disabe keyboard LEDs


Sep 13, 2008
I just made this for a guy on another gorum who was tired of the numlock led on his kb
I thought i would share it here if anyone else has the same hate for the numlock led.

This utility run ins systray (Look for the little SB icon until i get a more appropriate one)
Basically as default run it disable numlock led
if you right click the systray icon you can select if you want to also disable capslock or scroll lock or any combination you may fancy

Consider it a beta as it still needs a bit of polishing on the meny (toggle status)

Also the #ss long .exe name is a joke on the guy i made it fore. Rename it to something you preffer.

usual no dirt coding aka:
- no registry changes will be made
- no files will be made on the PC
- no need for internet connection
simply delete it if you don't like it and all traces are gone
Yeah... I'm probably not going to just download and run something some random person posted in a forum...
Yeah... I'm probably not going to just download and run something some random person posted in a forum...

Sven is a righteous dude and has made multiple useful tools in the past. Fear not the Sven.