My small rant on asinine L4D2 players


Supreme [H]ardness
May 2, 2006
So I decided to try out a game of scavenge tonight. I joined the humans right after they had started collecting. I have not played this mode out before so I was a little confused. We ended up losing and I was kicked, WTF. It is my firm belief that actions like this is what kills games. What do you think?
So I decided to try out a game of scavenge tonight. I joined the humans right after they had started collecting. I have not played this mode out before so I was a little confused. We ended up losing and I was kicked, WTF. It is my firm belief that actions like this is what kills games. What do you think?

Your a newbie, non-newbies dont like playing with newbies.
This is what the crowd became in L4D 1. I was more of a casual player and so I'd just go into after a while and would just purposely ruin games when some pseudo-leader tried trashing talking because I didn't follow his idiocy. Yeah it's childish but it sure was fun and eventually became more fun than the actual game. The game draws so many asshats.
So I decided to try out a game of scavenge tonight. I joined the humans right after they had started collecting. I have not played this mode out before so I was a little confused. We ended up losing and I was kicked, WTF. It is my firm belief that actions like this is what kills games. What do you think?

Eh, what can you do. A couple days ago I got kicked twice from a 24/7 Domination Nuketown Black Ops server. I guess they didn't like the fact that I was completely face pwning the other team with my Lightweight, Sleight of Hand, Marathon, Ballistic Knife build. After the second time I went on to one of the other three dozen 24/7 Domination Nuketown servers. I later tried to connect to that server again only to find that I was banned. Whatever pussies. :rolleyes: Knife builds...good times.
I stopped playing this game because of the idiots that always give me orders.
Its starts with L4D1, amazing game for the first few months. Then we grew into the "U MAD?" crowd. At this point, playing a public game is rather pointless. Either you are one a team that rage quits or if you have 4 friends, the other team rages.

Enter L4D2, with hopes that the problems would be fixed I bought it. Unfortunately I was sadly mistaken. Absolutely no rank system that accounts for asshats and thats how the game died for me.
This is why you play on clan or private servers, join them a few times, get to know a couple of the people on the server and your good to go, i seldom if ever join random servers anymore for the reasons stated.
Eh, what can you do. A couple days ago I got kicked twice from a 24/7 Domination Nuketown Black Ops server. I guess they didn't like the fact that I was completely face pwning the other team with my Lightweight, Sleight of Hand, Marathon, Ballistic Knife build. After the second time I went on to one of the other three dozen 24/7 Domination Nuketown servers. I later tried to connect to that server again only to find that I was banned. Whatever pussies. :rolleyes: Knife builds...good times.


I hope every server admin bans every single one of you idiots who run around knife lunging like methheads.
You'll find that in almost any online game (espacially FPS games). Like Kuyaglen said, some people don't like playing with n00bs. They are of the belief that if you aren't as good at the game as they are, you don't deserve to be on the same server. Shitty outlook, but a popular one none the less. Everyone is a FNG at some point. McGuvernment's suggestion is solid. Most clan servers wont do this because they generally have some kind of etiquette system in place, meaning the admins can't just ban you because you're new. GenMay pubs on the other hand, it's usually anything goes... and the asshats on a power trip tend to be the ones running them.


I hope every server admin bans every single one of you idiots who run around knife lunging like methheads.

There's an easier way to deal with that than banning people... shoot them in the head before they knife you. Problem solved.
You'll find that in almost any online game (espacially FPS games). Like Kuyaglen said, some people don't like playing with n00bs. They are of the belief that if you aren't as good at the game as they are, you don't deserve to be on the same server. Shitty outlook, but a popular one none the less. Everyone is a FNG at some point. McGuvernment's suggestion is solid. Most clan servers wont do this because they generally have some kind of etiquette system in place, meaning the admins can't just ban you because you're new. GenMay pubs on the other hand, it's usually anything goes... and the asshats on a power trip tend to be the ones running them.

There's an easier way to deal with that than banning people... shoot them in the head before they knife you. Problem solved.


banning is just fine
So I decided to try out a game of scavenge tonight. I joined the humans right after they had started collecting. I have not played this mode out before so I was a little confused. We ended up losing and I was kicked, WTF. It is my firm belief that actions like this is what kills games. What do you think?

So you joined an unfamiliar game type, with no idea on how to play it, crippled your team, and then you are surprised when they kick you, and want to rant about it?


The only time I see vote kicks in L4D is when the person is incompetent. Bad players that at least know what to do can be compensated for, but clueless idiots who have no concept on how to play? Thats going to ruin your fun.
If you are new to a mode in a game like L4D that really depends on teamwork, you have to say so. Tell the group before hand that you've never played it, aren't the greatest, but aren't an idiot either, and that you will follow their directions.

Most vets will cherish the chance to be the master/teacher and will help you along. If you listen and aren't a moron, they won't kick you. I suck at L4D, but I tell people that while I suck, I'll listen if told what to do. Never been kicked.

Also, every now and again you'll get kicked for no reason. My buddies and I will kick a random if we have another friend that wants to get into the game. Sucks for the random, I know, but bros before random dudes.
Yeah, you shouldn't have to play with people who can beat you.

Yes because you absolutely know I get killed by every single person using a knife.

It's not possible I just don't like that aspect of the gameplay.

I spose because care package glitchers ruled MW2 it was ok too right?

The simple fact a player + knife can move faster than 10 machine gun rounds to get the kill is all because I suck and not the flawed gameplay mechanic.

Thanks for the your insight it has been really helpful.
So you joined an unfamiliar game type, with no idea on how to play it, crippled your team, and then you are surprised when they kick you, and want to rant about it?


The only time I see vote kicks in L4D is when the person is incompetent. Bad players that at least know what to do can be compensated for, but clueless idiots who have no concept on how to play? Thats going to ruin your fun.

^ this , games like l4d are not really suited for random pubbing, i have actually clicked the matchmaking option less than 10 times during my last ~500 hours of gameplay ( 300 on l4d2 200 on l41 ) my lobby is usually consisted of steam friends, if there's a guy who doesn't follow my orders ( I'm usually the most skilled guy in the pack, shooting boomers through walls, pinpointing everything that makes a sound even with my eyes closed and the usual skeeting that makes most n00bs accusing me of aimbot :p ) or just does stupid things he's insta-kicked, it's not about winning, i can have a good time even when my team loses, but i don't want to lose because i was babysitting some noob, facing the usual dillema " should I revive him for the 10th time or just move on with the other 3 ? "
I agree OP. I logged on last weekend after about a 4 month break. I was infected, got the charger and missed and was then kicked within 1 minute of joining the match. So many nerdy elitest out there. Why anonomitity breeds such stupidity is beyond me. I wish certain games required a credit card to prove you are 18+ and you could check a box to only play with other card holders. I realize kids would still get ahold of their parents cards, and not nearly half of the population of online gamers that are over 18 are mature, but still it might weed some of it out.
sorry but no sympathy here, that's what they make campaign for. Learn how to play well, then jump into some of the more basic multiplayer matches. You can't exactly cry for getting kicked due to incompetency.
I made the mistake of buying L4D2 when I barely played the first one. I remember going into a game of 2 when I hadn't played in awhile but was holding my own very well and backing my team up. Then Player A ran off away from the pack and got more kills than Player B. Player B didn't like this so he shot player A and C. I shot Player B and then we all got finished off by zombies. I haven't played since.
sorry but no sympathy here, that's what they make campaign for. Learn how to play well, then jump into some of the more basic multiplayer matches. You can't exactly cry for getting kicked due to incompetency.

You also can't learn team work with a computer. Eventually you have to face people online. It just seems the Left 4 Dead community has some real sour apples.
L4D 1+2 imo are much more fun when playing with noobies, and drunkards not taking the game seriously, vs playing with die hards on Expert. When you watch a zombie movie, what's the best part? Seeing the survivors fuck up and die! Errors, mistakes, getting caught, leaving people behind, laughing and enjoying the game make it fun for me.
my first time playing L4D2 i and 2 others kept getting tk'd by one jackass. i didnt realize we could vote kick till later on. yes minimum playing age should be 18. im tired of jackass useless kids these days.
Play campaign first, like I did until I completed them all in expert, then move on to versus.
my first time playing L4D2 i and 2 others kept getting tk'd by one jackass. i didnt realize we could vote kick till later on. yes minimum playing age should be 18. im tired of jackass useless kids these days.

i have found a lot of immature adults who play, it isn't just 18 and under, i do find younger kids tend to listen more than obnoxious drunk / stoned / insert drug here adults.
same thing happened to me. i bought L4D2 awhile back and was just trying to learn the ropes in a server when i guess i didn't follow orders and was kicked (lol). i was in there less than 3 minutes; so frustrating. see, this is the reason why coop multiplayer is so overrated to a guy like me. you will invariably encounter some brat wannabe General that stomps his foot if the game isn't going according to "his" plan. I'll take a good single-player game or just regular deathmatch over this coop stuff any day of the week.
This reminds me of when I showed my little brother L4D1. I think he was maybe 16 at the time, but within a day he became a L4D Nazi, giving orders and telling people what weapons to pick up at the beginning. I was like 'Dude, you've barely played for a day, and nobody likes being ordered around.' That's the type of person that really annoys me.

IMHO, coop multi-player sucks ass period unless it's with friends.
this is why I do not play online games. its not meant for people who game casually IMO. I don't care if I loose per say, but spawn>die is not a fun way to play games....I know it's because I suck, so its not their fault I'm no good so lesson learned...if it doesn't have a playable solo game...I don't touch it.
I love the L4D series but if you don't have a group steady players you feel comfortable playing with then its just awful online. Every moron is a captain yelling out commands and there is ALWAYS and I do mean A L W A Y S a fucktard that runs around the map alone and dies constantly until he quits out of the game..

I rarely play it anymore. However if I could find a decent group of players that I got along with then I would probably play it every night.
I should of mentioned that my teammates were named Alvin, Simon, and Theodore.
The simple fact a player + knife can move faster than 10 machine gun rounds to get the kill is all because I suck and not the flawed gameplay mechanic.

I never said you suck. You have two options when playing a multiplayer FPS: Complain about the tactics people use, or adapt and learn to deal with them. I choose the latter, but you'll have to make your own decision I guess.

Edit: I suppose you have a third option as well: Find a different FPS to play.
The simple fact a player + knife can move faster than 10 machine gun rounds to get the kill is all because I suck and not the flawed gameplay mechanic.

Again, shoot them in the head, and the problem is solved. A well placed bullet to the face negates the need for firing off 10 machine gun rounds, and is quicker than someone charging you with a knife. I get the frustration of getting melee killed. It's embarrassing... but the simple fact is, if you can see the knifer coming, you should be able to head shot him without much trouble. If you don't see him coming, then he could have just as easily killed you with a gun, so it's kind of a moot point in that instance.

Once they figure out that lunging at you with a knife isn't working, they'll stop doing it, or just rage quit. Either way, no banning necessary. Or you could just play a game with different mechanics :) Black Ops isn't exactly the greatest game to be honest.

I made the mistake of buying L4D2 when I barely played the first one. I remember going into a game of 2 when I hadn't played in awhile but was holding my own very well and backing my team up. Then Player A ran off away from the pack and got more kills than Player B. Player B didn't like this so he shot player A and C. I shot Player B and then we all got finished off by zombies. I haven't played since.

Nerd Rage is a cold hearted bitch sometimes.
Scavenge is definitely fun and I like playing but I get owned hard and usually end up getting surprise raped by Infected or I get instant shotgunned by survivors as if I had a siren and flashing lights attached to me.

I also miss every shot with the Charger, I have no idea how people successfully aim that crap. I just haven't played enough. :(
...I get instant shotgunned by survivors as if I had a siren and flashing lights attached to me.
You pretty much do... All the specials make a hell of a lot of noise (except the hunter when he's not crouching); an experienced player with a set of headphones can quite literally take you out with their eyes closed (or the more likely scenario, through a wall).

You need to spawn at the very last moment before you attack - you don't want to spend more than half a second standing around before you jump in. If you spawn early and park yourself 20m ahead, you're not going to get anywhere near them.

And except for the "shock troops" - the boomer and charger - you absolutely must wait for a distraction before you attack. Launch yourself at four survivors with nothing keeping them occupied and the other three are just going to turn around and shoot you the instant you land. Hit them when they're separated, or they're picking up an incapped guy, or fighting off an unusually large horde, or ideally, when you've got three other specials going in with you.

I also miss every shot with the Charger, I have no idea how people successfully aim that crap.
Yeah, it's tough. Out in the open, you've got to charge from almost point-blank range, and you need to lead a bit to account for travel time and latency, and even then there's a good chance that they'll dodge at the last moment (intentionally or otherwise).

You've got to take aiming out of the equation. Hit them in a doorway or a corridor or down a staircase, where they've got nowhere to move out of your path. Also, anyone who's healing, swamped by commons or picking up a teammate is going to be standing dead still for a couple of seconds, so tends to be an easy target.
L4D community is fucking horrendous.

Me and my friends gave up trying to play a while ago because it was quite literally impossible to actually play. People would simply quit 1 round in. Like the ratio of games forfeit to finished was probably easily like 10/1

Our team won the first map by 5 points? Other team is gone.
They won by 5 points? Gone anyway since apparently people are only interested in playing if they are absolutely stomping the other people.

I ran a dedicated chicago too, 512 fps, nice server. I had a plugin that let you actually talk to snared survivors so you could talk shit and it was hilarious how angry people would get. I never used any gameplay altering plugins so it was even better when people would try and justify shit on nonexistant plugins that totally did something to them.