My pics of a burning car


Necrophilia Makes Me [H]ard
Jun 22, 2003
I went to lunch at the Uni-Mart next to work. As I was leaving I looked to my right and Blazer or something SUV-ish was on fire slowly coasting down towards me. I watched it go the other direction into a hillside where it smashed and burnt fully. I have video also of it with my P72 Sony. Here's some pics of today zoomed in 3x.
I don't know why but somebody jumped out probably because they sensed it burning. When they jumped it was in neutral. So as I seen it rolling slowly downhill I put it(van) in reverse backing back into the gas station I just came from. This lady was like "get back!". I was getting ready to dodge it if it came my way. But it went the other way thankfully. That's all I needed was for it to follow me into the gas station! I ran back to work in the company van to get my camera and right back and started filming mini mpeg vx movies and snapping some pics. Fun day that's for sure.
Holy shiznit. That is intense. Gah, I guess my day WASN'T so bad afterall.

I like the 2nd pic, BTW, great photojournalist shot.
Holy shit. This is a shot to remember. By the way, that is a 2-door Jeep Grand Cherokee and the open door indicates that the person escaped. Still, though ... :eek: :eek:
things like this are why i bring a camera with me everywhere
would of been worth a try to submit these to your local news paper or at least call them up and tell them what you have. Depending on how slow of a news day it was might of been able to get them in the paper
Originally posted by Mordoor
would of been worth a try to submit these to your local news paper or at least call them up and tell them what you have. Depending on how slow of a news day it was might of been able to get them in the paper

Isnt exactly too late, but it would have been one of the first things i'd of done.
I should have called the news paper. But instead I called two tv local news stations because everyone at work seen the videos and said I should. One of the tv stations, and I won't say their name, said if I sent the video to them they had no way to get it from the computer to their broadcast. lol. I was like whatever dude. The next one which is alot bigger first I told him what I had then he put me on hold, came back, and said our lineup for this evening is full, but thanks for calling.

It seems a burning car just isn't all that exciting to them. And I wouldn't have been suprised if my local Harrisburg newspaper would rather show a burning car from Iraq anyways.

My problem was I didn't realize I had decent pictures at work viewing them on a 15in monitor. I was caught up in the wow factor of the video. Although the video could have been better if I caught the suv rolling down the hill. But now that I seen them both fully the pics are much better.

Yes, carry that camera where ever you go because it's monemts like this that make it all worth while. It was a fun day.
Originally posted by wtf
things like this are why i bring a camera with me everywhere

me too.

I have this neat (but cheap in price) camera bag that I use when I only wanna carry my camera and nothing more so its about the same size as one of those waist "fag bags" :)D) that people have around their waists.
I had a DSC-P72 for about a week and I'm surprised with the quality of these pics, the ones I took with my P72 weren't even close to this so I returned it, I have a canon sd100 now. Burning car, great pics.
Thanks for the thumbs up guys. :)

I am suprised too I got these decent pics out of this camera. Low light(no flash) pictures give this camera trouble IMHO because of the shutter speed not being adjustable. It seems to do much better in the bright sun. This was at 1:30.