my pc is being stupid. please help.

Dec 19, 2005
this past weekend, i reseated the ram in my pc in an attempt to alleviate another problem that was causing most of my games to crash within 5 mins of starting them up. after reseating the ram, my pc now shuts off without warning anywhere between 15 seconds and 5 mins of turning it on. no error codes, no bsods, it just shuts down completely. my power supply, as my sig states, is an antec truepower 650w. members of the [H]orde, is there some way to fix this without rma-ing my power supply?
How long have you had this machine?

You might boot into your bios and watch your temp screen and see if something is getting unusually hot.
Is your CPU heatsink on good?
do you have another power supply to test with?
Additionally try unplugging your external hard drive - some people have been reporting weird things with usb that i have seen in a few other posts
TruePowers are utter shite. Regardless of what else (if anything) has decided to give up the ghost you should replace that thing immediately. I'd recommend picking up one of the Corsair 520HX or 620HX supplies.
How long have you had this machine?

You might boot into your bios and watch your temp screen and see if something is getting unusually hot.
Is your CPU heatsink on good?
do you have another power supply to test with?
Additionally try unplugging your external hard drive - some people have been reporting weird things with usb that i have seen in a few other posts

to answer your questions:
i built it this past christmas, im not sure how much tighter i can mount the hs, though it may be attached badly because the 775 hs mounting system is the most poorly thought out piece of crap ive ever seen (at least it is for the stock intel hs; idk if aftermarket ones are any different). ive got a 350 in my old pc, but i serioiusly doubt it would supply enough juice to run everything. and the external has been unplugged for a few days now.

TruePowers are utter shite. Regardless of what else (if anything) has decided to give up the ghost you should replace that thing immediately. I'd recommend picking up one of the Corsair 520HX or 620HX supplies.

yea the only reason i got it is cuz i got an insane deal on it from newegg with the case. something like $80 in total savings and rebates iirc. still, tho, id like to think a company as refutable as antec could make a power supply that lasts more than 2 months (2 months with no overvolting or overclocking of any kind, mind you) before dying.
I had TruePowers die powering an Athlon 64 3500+ single core, 2 HDDs, 2 opticals, and a Radeon X800XT with everything at stock. They're just horrible supplies.
I had TruePowers die powering an Athlon 64 3500+ single core, 2 HDDs, 2 opticals, and a Radeon X800XT with everything at stock. They're just horrible supplies.

strange, cuz my other antec power supply (no idea if it was a truepower or not) lasted 4 years without even a hint of a hiccup.

lamont was right. its looking like a heat issue. i loaded up the bios heat monitor and it rose to almost 60c just sitting at the bios screen. i ordered a new hsf (intel hsfs are made of annoyance and failure) which should be in this weekend. ill update again after its installed.

(intel hsfs are made of annoyance and failure) which should be in this weekend. ill update again after its installed.

I have never had bad luck with the intel boxed coolers - but atleast you are making progress. you might check to make sure all 4 of your "posts" are completely locked in on your current cooler while you are waiting for your new one to show up just to see if it is on right.
Strange, I've had good luck with the stock C2D hsf's, even overclocked e4300, e6300's into 3.3ghz range. Of course one needs to pay attention to overall airflow in the case. Do you have a fan blowing inward that should be out, or vice versa?
[LYL]Homer;1032028350 said:
Strange, I've had good luck with the stock C2D hsf's, even overclocked e4300, e6300's into 3.3ghz range. Of course one needs to pay attention to overall airflow in the case. Do you have a fan blowing inward that should be out, or vice versa?

neither have i before dealing with the idiotically flimsy mounting system on these 775 coolers. and the fans in the nine hundred i have came preinstalled, so i would like to think they were installed right at the factory. just in case they werent, tho, is there a better way to check something like that than just putting my hand up in front of the fan, cuz when i do that, it feels like theyre all blowing out except for the top one.

I have never had bad luck with the intel boxed coolers - but atleast you are making progress. you might check to make sure all 4 of your "posts" are completely locked in on your current cooler while you are waiting for your new one to show up just to see if it is on right.

i wish i could do that, but i broke the flimsy mounting peg thing trying to remount it after posting yesterday. thats another reason im ordering a new one. the coolermaster thats in the mail has a metal screw that mounts it to the mobo.