My new 7900GTO wont OC for crap.


Supreme [H]ardness
Sep 8, 2003
My core can go high without any issue, but the ram is terrible. If I go a hair over 720 (1440MHz) games crash, or lockup. Can I flash the BIOS on this card to some "relaxed" timings? Will the GTX BIOS help me here, or leave it alone? Thank you
If you read around it seems the GTO's have been a hit or miss on the ram. Some have said that flashing to a GTX bios have helped them while with others it has made it worse. Google it and good luck.
cores clock to 750+, but mem wont clock for crap. Most are getting 700-720Mhz max. Your right on track though. Maybe since they are rebadged 7900GTX's they have new memory and a BIOS lock to protect it from being overclocked to a point where it could mess it up. Just a thought.

This is a bad answer but I just have to say it for all the GTO fans out there who expect to just upp the mem clock and BOOM save $200 and have a GTX.

You dont have a GTX! You have a GTO. Nvidia downclocks the memory, not so they can sell it cheap to you for fun, but because those batches of GTX's have high probability of having underperforming spec'd RAM. So if you buy a GTO, understand that it's down clocked for a reason. Sure, nvidia may have let some "good" memory GTO's out the door, but dont expect many GTOs to be able to clock higher on ram.
Yes, you guys are all correct. But it doesnt hurt to try to get GT speeds ;)
so assuming you get a 7900gto that's memory won't overclock really at all. What will have better performance 7900gto or a 7950gt(at stock or w/ an average overclock attainable)
Still the GTO would be better than the 7950GT. Especially since the cooling is better, the GTO core is already at 650 MHz and may go higher, and the 7950GTs don't have that great of a cooler, so they tend not to even get past 600 MHz. I don't know how that would change with advanced cooling though.
lol I have a 512mb evga 7900gt that does 700/1600 no problem at all. that and I only paid 230 for it and it came with a Zalman cooler. ty Blue Falcon
It is true that the 7900GT voltmodded will OC to the same speeds as GTXs. However the 7900GTX/GTO already have higher volts so having the assurance, stability and negating the hassle of voltmodding has alot of benefits. The 7900GT is also missing the extra 256 megs of ram.
Currently at 710/815. Anything higher on either end and get error message on Riva.
Quick? When I try to overclock my ram using rivatuner it wont stay overclocked. So far I have hit 830 but it wont stay overclocked once I reboot my machine.
Jap1987 said:
Quick? When I try to overclock my ram using rivatuner it wont stay overclocked. So far I have hit 830 but it wont stay overclocked once I reboot my machine.

There is a feature to enable the overclock upon windows boot, check it and it should work. Under your overclocking sliders there is a checkbox for the feature.
Yeah I always make sure that feature is checked but when I restart the memory still returns to default settings.
Jap1987 said:
Yeah I always make sure that feature is checked but when I restart the memory still returns to default settings.

You must have stopped the Nvidia display drivers that run in the background. Without these it doesn't remember the settings that you save so sets clockspeed to default on reboot.. Have you used msconfig to stop these? If so just untick again or re-install drivers.
After seeing all of these results, I admit, I am green with envy. The 7900 GT I got from MSI is a great paper weight.

If I leave the card at defaults (500 core 765 memory) I get HORRIBLE graphic glitches. I had to downclock the card to 450 core 675 memory to make it stable! That's reference specs :mad:

So, if anyone would recommend a good air cooler, I am all ears. LOTS of people on NewEgg are reporting that same thing only most of them are RMA'ing their cards. This one was about the same price as the others and since I know I can cool it better, I figured I'd just keep it.
LordLeeCH said:
If I leave the card at defaults (500 core 765 memory) I get HORRIBLE graphic glitches.
So, if anyone would recommend a good air cooler, I am all ears.

It sounds like you either need to reseat the heatsink and maybe put some thermo paste on there, or you could have one of the earlier 7900GT's with the inherant problems. :( No amount of cooling is going to help your cause if so. I recommend you bite the bullet and RMA it. You will be really happy you did in the long term. It's worth the hassle. Put a cheap card in while you're awaiting the new card. Even an old PCI card will do the trick.
That's the crazy part, according to MSI's page, they re-released the card. I have one of the "new" serial numbers. :/
Just got my 7900gto 735/784 autodetect however not too stable so hae it set to 700/700 and seems just fine.
I always use the autodetect to get a starting point. It USUALLY detects too high for me, so I back the core down 10 and the ram down 10. Try a few games. If it locks up, I reduce core, if it glitches, I reduce ram. Seems to work pretty good.

Btw, I am returning my MSI to NewEgg for a refund and buying the EVGA 7900GTO. It has that gigantic cooler on it to begin with, and it's cheaper than the MSI. Meaning I can afford the extra $7.00 to overnight the card. :D

Here's links to the 2 cards, in the reviews people have returned the MSI 3 and 4 times.

MSI 7900GT

Thanks again for the recommendation on sending this P.O.S. back. I think you're right, I will be happier in the long run!
i just ordered two evga 7900 GTOs late last night....should arrive tomorrow morning;) see how far i can push those two beasts
According to what I have heard, EVGA is giving $250.00 credit toward the 8800GTX for the 7900GTO cards in their step up program. I wish someone could confirm this as all I have is hearsay.
EVGA gives you full credit for whatever you paid for your card towards the purchase of a newer card for 90 days from purchase date. So, if you paid $250 for the GTO, you would have a $250 trade for any other purchase.
Kudos! Thanks for the info. I plan on going to 8800 sometime in January. So that will rock for certain.