My Gamecube and games were stolen :,-(

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Mar 12, 2003
Yep my Gamecube and games were all stolen a week ago. I already filed a report with the police over the weekend. The person who took the stuff (who we actually know who did it) took my Gamecube, games (about 15+), Wavebirds, all my DVD's (I had about 20 of them), my favorite black Technics hat, and my laptop that was my moms and was passed down to me. Total in dmg that the insurance company is probably going to pay back, about $2090. The teft got in with a key so all the locks are changed. We are going to take care of the SOB this weekend, thats for sure because I know the police aren't going to. I have to use the money to pay back some things but I was thinking maybe I should purchase a X-Box 360 with it......naw I should wait. Yep well just wanted to cry about that. :( :( :(
Xenomaniac said:
We are going to take care of the SOB this weekend, thats for sure because I know the police aren't going to.

It really sucks when these things happen, I myself was held up at work at gunpoint. I don't know what I can tell you but please, don't do something you are going to regret. Theft is theft and you were smart enough to have insurance. Commiting an assult and going to jail over a coulpe of thousand dollars is not worth it.
If I knew the prick who did it, I would have taught him some's ridiculous to live in a society where we have to hear about such things as this, and shootings, drug dealers, etc. For cryin out loud, where are the parents of last generation? They'd beat thier children whenever they did something wrong.
EgyptBoy20 said:
If I knew the prick who did it, I would have taught him some's ridiculous to live in a society where we have to hear about such things as this, and shootings, drug dealers, etc. For cryin out loud, where are the parents of last generation? They'd beat thier children whenever they did something wrong.

I think all that stuff is actually in a decline.... its just that media coverage of it is going up.
That's too bad. At least you know how did it. Is the dude just an asshole who steals crap all the time or is he pissed at you for something?
if you where masks they cant it was you who assaulted them eh?

put sugar in there gastank....always a simple fix to an asshole
I think this thread is better suited for General Mayhem... if Rich were around he would probably close it and point you there.
Erasmus354 said:
I think this thread is better suited for General Mayhem... if Rich were around he would probably close it and point you there.
shut it.....why do people always try to ruin threads because its not apropriate....if its here its here and if it needs to be taken care of its not up to you stop trying to ruin peoples threads
paranoia4422 said:
shut it.....why do people always try to ruin threads because its not apropriate....if its here its here and if it needs to be taken care of its not up to you stop trying to ruin peoples threads

Whoa there tiger, your acting like it was your stuff that was stolen. I was just pointing out that there is a lovely forum designed just for this type of thing. I mean the OP didn't even ask what our opinion on a new console was...he was just whining. Not to be insensitive or anything, I feel sorry for him, but that doesn't make this the correct forum.
If you go vigilanti....make sure and take pics. :D

Urination on the thiefs face is a good one. Just make sure not to get any bathing suit parts in the pic. *puke*

Don't do something stupid; if you've gone on file as having a vendetta against him (Which you basically did, in filing a report against him for theft), you're going to be the first person they think of as a suspect.


Why the Hell are people name-dropping GenMay in every single thread? It's getting ridiculous.
He use to be a roommate that lived there and he was chased out or "evicted" because he didn't pay the bills. I'm really not going to do anything to him cause I'm kinda on Discipinary Probabtion with the school for a year and 3 months (almost 2) months till I"m let off with the state but thats another stroy. My roommates are going to do the work. I Actually I kinda do have a game question with this incedent that happened to me. With that large sum of money I"m going to get, I"m going to have to spend it on miner things but I was kinda thinking about either a new console or save it for a new video card. If so, which?
Cry me a river, build a bridge, and get over it.

He was a roommate you evicted, yet you didn't change the locks until after this incident? How smart is that? Threats of physical violence to others here on the forums? We don't take kindly to that.

You say you just wanted to cry... well, I'll give you two weeks off to cry to your heart's content.
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