My first shot at a panoramic image (56k = no)


[H]F Junkie
Oct 19, 2004
So yeah, I'm still learning this whole photography thing. I got a Canon PowerShot SD600 over the weekend, and am learning everything from ground zero (the software and actual shooting parts). This thing came with software to make a panaoramic image. I though I'd try it on my cul-de-sac:

What's up with the "bubble" effect? Is that just what happens when you "stitch" (that's the term they used) multiple images together like this? Or am I doing something wrong?
Hehe, yes the neighborhood looks nice, but the neighbors sure aren't :rolleyes:. That guy in the middle only has four cars visible, the fence is covering up two more. He buys and sells used cars from his house, he actually built a 3-car parking lot to store them on. It's extremely unsightly when he can't sell anything. And don't even get me started on the lawyer at the end of the road. She runs for a different position eveyr election, and makes you feel like a douche if you don't put her sign out front. Then there's the lady with two kids that send shivers up my spine even thinking about.

So the bubble effect is normal? Thanks, I was worried it was my n00bishness.
yujie said:
nice houses and view. where do you live??
Friendswood, outside of Houston. The scenery is nice, but the people are all snobish soccer moms. That and the highschoolers, the high school football team is the "Friendswood Mustangs," and any high schooler who does not drive a Ford Mustang is a social outcast. What results is the roads clogged with gas-guzzling sports cars with drivers who average 20-30 miles above the speed limit.

But other than that, it's nice.
Hehe, there's three cop cars in front of that guy's house now. The kid must have played hooky at school again. :rolleyes:
Yup, I live an hour south of Houston. I know what kind of snobbish people are in Friendswood....the name in itself is an oxymoron.:)
BWAHAHA. In the end, there were 6 cop cruisers, and a few kids got hauled off the the police station. My dad says it was reefer. Wonderful :rolleyes:
Friendswood eh? I knew the picture kinda looked familiar. At least I should say the planning and architectureal design of the homes. I lived in Kingwood for about 5 years, 7 years ago. Looking at your pic made me think I was there again. I guess you can always pic your house but not your neighbors. And I agree with you on the Lawyer, she sounds like a real bitch, not someone I would vote for even if I did put up a sign in the yard. Shouldn't there be a clause or two in the community Zoneing code that keeps the guy from running a buisness out of his home? You may want to look into it, because the guy probably is breaking the contract he has with the community. You may be able to run a buisness, like selling Mary Kay, but not buying a selling used cars. The Pan-o-ramma looks great by the way. I dont' see the bubbleing you are refering too.