My eyes hurt! What Card?


Apr 25, 2003
Monitor resolution?

The only DX11 cards under $200 are the 5770 and the 5750. There's really not much of a decision to make, given your criteria. The 5850 will run you about $270, unless you want to wait out the early adopter tax. I don't know how these cards perform in terms of CAD or Photoshop, but for gaming, you would be better served with several non-DX11 options. At the sub-$200 price point, the 4870 1GB or a 4890 would provide better overall performance.
I say go with the 5770.

If you do bite the bullet, you can get a 5870 for the $400 that performs round double that of the 5770, so you won't have to worry about doubling up the 5770 later on. And if the 5870 isn't enough performance for you, you can crossfire it with another 5870 later on, or even a 5870X2.
If you're set on spending $200 or less, I'd wait a bit.
I take it that eVGA board either supports SLI or nothing, right?
honestly I'd wait, nVidia is supposed to be moving towards a new launch relatively soon, and even if that ends up taking 6 months to materialize, the HD 5800's will get cheaper (or at least there will be a generic sale at Christmas to drop the price a few bucks), so you could get a 5850 and have your DX11 and more performance

if waiting isn't an option, 4870 or 5770 are nice ATi options, 4890 is a bit overpriced imho (at roughly $200, why not just go for the 5850? 4870 is about $130 and VERY close in performance for that kind of savings), or GTX 275 from nVidia
that MB is SLI or X-Fire, so he's good either camp.

+1 for 5850 if you can get an extra $40 from somewhere.