Must have single player games?


Aug 17, 2002
Going to Iraq soon and I was wondering whats worth playing offline? I have Fallout3 and have hardly touched it, just waiting till I get there to play it
Well first of all, best of luck and I hope you come back safely.

Here are my thoughts for single player games that you can get loads of gameplay out of:
-far cry 2
-civilization IV
-Stalker and Stalker Clear Sky
-The witcher enhanced edition

Those are mainly RPG games (like fallout 3) since I would think that if you've got lots of time to get through a bunch of single player games you'd want to play games that last a long time and have loads of stuff to get through.
Dead Space
Left 4 Dead
Call of Duty 4
Deus Ex (greatest FPS ever!)

Be safe, stay strong and thank you so much for your service!!!! :)
king bounty was a lot of fun if you like that sort of game

far cry 2 SUCKS - avoid it.

I enjoyed mass effect and nwn 2 et all but not sure if you would.

For shooters far cry (NOT 2); crysis/crysis warhead (both kind of short) - for a really long game b. gate 2 I guess - if you like that kind of game... (though graphics are very dated).
If you have a console, bring NHL or FIFA with you. Sport games can keep you interested for a long time and it will be very fun to play human vs human ;p

The Witcher will keep you busy for a while.

And don't forget books... Lord of the Rings, George RR Martin - A Game of Thrones...
Everyone pretty much gave good suggestions.

I'd say Gothic 2, Dark Messiah of Might and Magic and Spellforce 2.
If you like turn based strats, you can't go wrong with Civ4 and GalCiv II. Endless replayability.
Plenty of recommendations here, and I think a console would be pretty good to play with your colleagues. Have a safe trip and stay
Wanted to echo the folks who are wishing you well and thanking you for your service. Be safe and stay well.

Someone suggested Left 4 Dead.... not really a great single player game from what I have heard (don't have it yet).

I would suggest you get the Orange Box - Hl2, HL2 Ep 1 and 2 and Portal all for $30 - best deal out there!
Total War series, Rome or Medieval 2 Total War. Galactic Civilizations 2 is another one that can keep you busy for a very long time.

Have you already played Baldur's Gate 1 & 2?
I've played CoD4 and Stalker, I have oblivion but lost interest i'll bring the disc though
Whatever you do please do not waste any money or blank CD's on Far Cry 2. God that game is aweful!!

Fallout 3 = Awesome
BioShock = Awesome story, shit ending but worth playing. Lots of fun.
Dead Space = Ok
Oblivion = Good

And thank you for your service.
Also Knights of the Old Republic aka KOTOR I and KOTOR II. One of the best rpgs I've ever played.
How is The Witcher not already in this discussion?

It entered the discussion with the second response :p

Well first of all, best of luck and I hope you come back safely.

Here are my thoughts for single player games that you can get loads of gameplay out of:
-far cry 2
-civilization IV
-Stalker and Stalker Clear Sky
-The witcher enhanced edition

Those are mainly RPG games (like fallout 3) since I would think that if you've got lots of time to get through a bunch of single player games you'd want to play games that last a long time and have loads of stuff to get through.
To the OP...

Fallout 3, but you said you already have it.

- Galactic Civilization II
- Far Cry 1
- Half Life 2
- Silent Hunter 4 (steep learning curve and patience it a must)
- Knights of the Old Republic - KOTOR I
- KOTOR II is okay/good, but LucasArts cut the production time to push the game out in time for Christmas. This game was supposed to have 3 acts, but was shortend to two acts. Glad I waited for it to drop to $20 before buying it.
I'm a huge fan of the "Hitman" series. Great games and great replayability.
Adding to what has been said the Max Payne games are fantastic. I still go back and replay them from time to time.
Do you mind playing older games? You'll probably want an offline game with replay value.

I'd give my vote to Hitman Silent Assassin or Hitman Blood Money. Both fantastic games that are hard to get bored of, since there's so many different ways to finish the missions.
Wow, war has come a long way since I fought in Desert Storm Part 1. All we had were sticks and camel spiders to play with. :) Oh and we had to walk to work uphill in the snow......

Anyway, just wanted to wish you luck. Not sure if you have ever deployed, but remember it will end. Honestly...Just stay busy and the time will pass. Books, games, working out, college courses all help. Ok enough mothering.

Here some of my favorites covering a few genres. Most were already mentioned, though.

Anything Half-Life
Total War
Witcher enhanced
Stalker and Clear Sky
Crysis (if you have the muscle to run it) Are you taking a laptop? May want to clarify that point.
An oldie but always a goodie: Resident Evil 2 for PC
Starcraft, Diablo 2.

Stay safe....and if you see a camel spider take a picture of it and post it!