Multiple LUTs requires professional graphics card?


Nov 11, 2011
I'm a photographer who works across multiple screens, I use a Spyder 3 colorimeter to make sure my displays are accurate. I have read that a consumer video card has only one LUT therefore the video output can only be corrected for one screen at a time. I currently have a Radeon 5670. If I wanted to truly color correct all my displays, I would need to step up to a professional graphics card such as a FireGL or Quadro.

Is this true?

(BTW I'm new, don't shoot :p)
Yes, I believe you are correct. Or you get a professional monitor that has it's own color correction abilities and use it, instead of the video card.

I'm not sure if it's the video card only has one LUT to modify, or if Windows only provides access to modify the LUT for one screen. But either way the end result is the same.

Unfortunately it's a rather pricey proposition.
Considering the cost, I would use one monitor for the editing and proofing. My setup in Photoshop kept the image on one monitor, and all the tools and info on the other.

If you do decide to buy something to fix the problem, I would suggest buying higher end monitors that can handle it themselves. That way you would end up with better RGB coverage for your money as well. You could probably have one monitor like that, calibrate the cheaper monitor through Windows first and then calibrate the nicer one in relation to those changes, but I'm not sure.
i agree with the one monitor, i run 3 monitors and to try to maintain true color acros the board is a nightmare,.,,, they are all different even thoough they are the same
What the hell?
haha, I was just wondering what spoony was up to. He shows up every now and then spams crap everywhere. Every now and then he will be on point, but that isn't very often.
Thanks for the info guys. I will probably call AMD and Nvidia and see if I can get a straight answer from them. Like you said, professional graphics cards can get very very pricey and if I can get away with a higher consumer card I will.
I have a spyder2 and spyder2pro software. I can load a profile to each monitor individually. I can load one and while looking at monitor 1 load up monitor 2's profile. Monitor 1 does not change. If I load the profile for monitor 2 on monitor 1, it's very evident the wrong profile is loaded. This is in Vista running an old 8800gt with a 23" lcd and 32" lcdtv.

I have used Datacolor's profile loader to load 2 seperate profiles in the past, but I now use ArgyllCMS's dispwin tool to load them. Much simpler than with the loader from spyder2pro software.

Chances are you can load two with your card. Since you already have a spyder3, just profile your monitors and use dispwin to load them.