MSN email listed on the darkweb. Attempts to sync have been made.


[H]F Junkie
Jan 7, 2005
What is the best solution when your email is on a list and you know people are trying to hack it? Should I just kill it? Or what? I don't trust passwords anymore. There is the Microsoft Authenticator app but I don't know if that is worth it.

  1. Change the password immediately to something long and secure immediately.
  2. Change all your "security questions" and give bogus answers that you have somewhere offline. Like, favorite pet as a child? Geometry, Mothers maiden name? 1999 World Series etc.
  3. If you have a recovery account (another email) make sure that email address has a secure password and two factor as well.
  4. YES enable the two factor. MSN / Hotmail and Outlook online are all the same. Use the two factor auth with the Microsoft authenticatiot app. Works great. Even if someone DOES get your password, they would also have to get the SIM for your cell etc. WAY more trouble than your basic spammer / scammer is willing to do.